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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


Mike Dame

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Me and my buddies were 5 of the first 10 people to sign up for this match. This is the first time we have shot the nationals. We sent our forms together with a letter asking to be put on the same squad. Well here we are the day before shooting starts and we are split on to two different squads, the match is a level 2 at best. The Ontario Provincials just blows this one away, in both challenge and in setup quality. Here's the best part, we shoot a day, work a day, shoot a day then work again. WTF, can't people patch their own fu@kin targets. There are 12 people on a squad, that is more then enuff to not need outside help for patching and resetting, but for some fu@cked reason the director thinks we need 12 more people their to paste for the shooters. So on a 4 target 16 round course there will be 24 people there. On 3 of the stages we are getting bullets right over our heads, when the RO's mentioned this the MD said that it was OK because they have been doing it for 25 years. This trip has cost upwards of $2000 per person and I am very disappointed. :angry:

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I was at the Ontario Provincials. Your right, that was a hell of a match. ;)

I couldn't find the time to fly to Alberta this year but having read your post, I'm glad I didn't.

As far as I know, Nationals returning to Ontario in '04 ;)

Try and remember, a bad day at the range beats a good day at work. ;)

Don't catch any of that "mad cow" stuff.

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Now that I finally got my gun off, I calmed down a bit. But I am still very disappointed at the whole settup. I figured that I would have to spend at least one day working the match, which still sucks, but 2 days just blows royal ass. Oh, and get this, they are making us use that shitty patching tape (looks like masking tape) @ $150 per shooter I think they could have bought some real patches. Also lunch wasn't provided but at the provincials we had a lunch provided for a $90 dollar match.

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I'm sorry to hear about your experinece at the National.

I was not able to make it due to family commitments. But it sure doesn't sound like I am missing much.

And yeah, Ross and Josko really put on a great match at the Provincial this year. :)


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Flex is just mad that the SV open was moved to Reno and he'll miss his honey's Vegas show!


I'm not sure if Reno is far enough away from that crow!

Mike...sounds like you are going to have to take over IPSC up there. They need help.

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So far the coolest thing about this match is just hanging around at the bar in the match hotel shooting the shjt with the other guys from Ontario. I just heard that there is going to be a huge BBQ on Saturday, and I am currently trying to set up a swing shift for my work group so that my buddies and I can take a drive out to the Rockies tomorrow and the rest of the group will have Sunday off.

Flex, as long as their isn't any more buckeye blast showers on match days, otherwise I'll stay up here

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Oh yeah I forgot the best part of today. The local news has me on video shooting to slide lock, shouting my usual "FU@K!!!" then doing a static reload to engage the last popper in the array then moving on. I was smoking up untill then and after words. They also interviewed May Russell and taped her doing a stage. She told me that she asked to have the footage sent to the Ottawa CTV station, so keep an eye out for her if you live in that area.

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