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No Electricity

lynn jones

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Bummer. No AC must suck. I bet people are driving around in their cars to cool off!

It is a good thing that the BBQ pits are all wood fired! Memphis without BBQ would be a national tragedy!


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imagine this: your country has decided (via a referendum, some 8 years ago) that it didn't want to deal with nuclear powerplants for the fear of it (but we do have some about 300 Km from the border in another country).

Now, with the hot temperatures we have right now in Italy, electricity demand and consumption has grown bigger and bigger, due to the large amount of air cooling needed by industries and private citizens.

This electrical power demand has become so big that, even if we buy it from other countries (the same that have nuclear powerplants near our border, at twice the price we could get it), we still are short of it, thus (our government at work here, trumpets and drums playing):

we might have pre-planned electrical power shutdown at national level for different areas in different moments (they call it "chessboard pattern") for this week and the next one.

Of course the pre-planning informations are only available to powerplants, not to citizens, thus it will be a surprise to discover when you'll be disconnected!!!

We really have such smarta@*#*s at work governing.

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This electrical power demand has become so big that, even if we buy it from other countries (the same that have nuclear powerplants near our border, at twice the price we could get it), we still are short of it, thus (our government at work here, trumpets and drums playing):

we might have pre-planned electrical power shutdown at national level for different areas in different moments (they call it "chessboard pattern") for this week and the next one.

Of course the pre-planning informations are only available to powerplants, not to citizens, thus it will be a surprise to discover when you'll be disconnected!!!

We really have such smarta@*#*s at work governing.

Hey Skywalker,

Welcome to our world. We're doing the same thing here now in the US. Unfreakinbelievable shit. Power outages and phone outages are now an everyday reality - at least here in the west. I *never* thought in my wildest dreams that the U.S. would *regress* with the quality of its utilities, but that's exactly what's happening. And as long as the eco-whacko dumbshits continue their reign mandated stupidity, we'll all have to use donkey-driven dynamos for power here in about two decades.

My next house - just like my last - will be centrally wired to accept a 10-15 kW generator - which is a million times more ecologically unsound than nuclear power - but at least my damned lights will work.

I weep for the future.

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i guess i don't have it as bad as ericw and skywalker. when the power is working, we have some of the cheapest electricity in the states. TVA (Tennessee Valley Athourity). and thank god it's only 79 F degrees today, very unusual.


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I drove threw Memphis Four years ago at this time of year and I wish it was 79. If I remember right at four A.M. it was in the eighties. I was moving from Utah to Florida, and was having serious second thoughts about the south that morning when I got up to get on the road, I gave up on getting to Graceland as it was to hot and humid for this western boy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bulm5

I know waht you mean Lynn, we lost power last night at the height of the thunderstorm. Started hailing like crazy had to run donw to the basement for cover or for any eventuality then the power went out, almost fell off the basement steps. Power restored after about 7 hours, good thing it was cool last night.

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I can't imagine Memphis in July with no electricity!!! How were they keeping the beer cool in Overton Square? :lol:

A generator is a good basic investment. (Unless you have switch gear, don't plug it into your house wiring or you'll feed power back up the line and fry the repairmen.) Fuel consumption is about 1 gallon per hour for a 5500 watt unit. We fill just the gas drum every fall and wait for the blizzard. It's mostly for powering the water well which is on a seperate breaker. Wood and propane heat the place.

John Dunn and I were talking on Saturday about the "survivalist image" that we try so hard not to project. We decided that a "survivalist" is just somebody that our grandfathers would have seen as having good sense.

Since this is the Hate forum, I'll rant a little too. We used to have a local power company office in this town. Now, when the lights go out I talk to somebody in Portland OR. They usually respond with, "we aren't showing any outages in your area". I usually reply, " Yes Maam, that would be the reason for my call". They ask, "How do you know you don't have any electrical power?" I say, "Oh, I didn't mean that we didn't have any power. I plugged my Fluke meter into the wall outlet and it says I have 54 volts, but I'm not exactly sure since its fluctuating an awful lot." That usually gets some action. Centralization of control has made our whole nation much more vulnerable to catastrophic faliure of all utilitiy services, including natural gas, electricity, and communications.

Sometimes conventional wisdom just means that all the stupid people are in agreement.

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Centralization of control has made our whole nation much more vulnerable to catastrophic faliure of all utilitiy services, including natural gas, electricity, and communications.

Sometimes conventional wisdom just means that all the stupid people are in agreement.

Amen, Brother Bonedaddy. "Deregulation" is a total joke.

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if money was not a concern, i'd have a generator installed that runs off of natural gas, which is plentiful around here. i mean, just not at my house. :D

in 1992 we had a ice storm that did about as much damage as this wind storm. however, we were able to stay warm with the gas fire place and take hot showers with gas water heater.

for what it's worth, let's put this past problem in perspective. memphis, shelby county, tennessee is not a small town. there is probably 1.5 million people in this county. more than 700,000 homes and businesses were out of power for a week.


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A very sudden and powerful windstorm came up in the Puget Sound one winter morning around 10 a.m. in 1991 or '92 and knocked out power from Seattle to Olympia to parts outlying. We went without power in Olympia for about three days... Seattle/Tacoma for a week or more (depending upon precise location), and for nearly a month or so in those outlying boondocks. Whew. A real exercise in how to stay warm in an all-electric apartment and elsewhere. Sometimes just went out to the car and warmed up by running the engine until it got warm. Literally everything that wasn't nailed down blew away--including many power lines. And what didn't get blown away got knocked down by trees that DID blow down. Ah, the Pacific Northwest... all those lovely big green trees. :P

We had a(nother) very sudden, unexpected windstorm two Februarys ago here in Eugene. So many trees came down in the 50-60 mph winds here that Public Works and other services took literally weeks and weeks to clear them up. Many were without power for days... I wasn't, but that was just luck. Huge trees were falling down before our very eyes everywhere. The wind was so strong it literally knocked me down trying to cross the street to get in my car. Some people in hilly areas had blocked roads and power outages for days and days. Ah, the Pacific Northwest... all those lovely big green trees. :(

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