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german SG championships

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well guys bigbrowndog, Mike .45, and others head out to Germany tomorrow at 4:30am, we catch the Chunnel train and go to France, and then finish the drive to Germany.

We are part of a coalition force of aprox. 16 Brits and 2 US shooters, so far we've gone to the range to do a weapons check and practice a few makeshift stages. We've done a lot of "sampling" of the native beverages, and feel confident that we can "sample" everyone under the table. As for shooting, God only knows, but we didn't come here to get our butts handed to us.

Sadly, our illustrious home brewer, and leader of overseas trips could not make the trip this year, we will raise a glass (probably more than one) in his honor.

I will try and keep you appraised on the situation, when its over we will return to the UK for a bit of coalition bashing as US and Brit forces will compete against each other in the British Shotgun championships, these take place next weekend after much more sampling of native beverages, and we introduce the brits to spud guns and dry ice bombs.


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Good luck!!! Trying to out drink any German or Brit!!

Many have tried many have failed.

I drank with them. And I don’t remember! What happened! We had a great time,,

AAAA the 80”s

Shoot well!

Jim M ammo

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Good luck!!! Trying to out drink any German or Brit!!

Many have tried many have failed.

I drank with them. And I don’t remember! What happened! We had a great time,,

AAAA the 80”s

Jim M ammo

I can't speak as to the Germans but we Americans can at least keep up with the English.

Go get em, Trapr.

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In your native beverage sampling make sure you try some kristal weizen. I have never seen it is the states and it one of my favorite styles of German beer. Also watch out of the speeding cameras on the Autobahn. I got popped for 126 in a 100 in April when I was over there. I'm still trying to figure out what the fine will be. I have typically seen them around construction. I was happy it was only 126. I was in an unrestricted section and was doing about 220 when the speed limit dropped. I should have kept going ludicrous speed and maybe they wouldn't have been able to pick anything up when I went plaid.

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Hey we just got back to good old Blighty, had some dinner and drinks and thought we would update you kids. The first day of a 14 hour drive was hell by UK standards but I was reassured by my Texas compardres that this was just a 'short drive'.... but hell they were not the ones driving !!

We shot on day two - a good day for the US and Brits and we finished the day in silent satisfaction with performances - then we started drinking.... we cant remember how we finished the evening but Trapr swears he was at the table last - if Kelly was here he would have been there a quarter second longer...... I found out that whiskey makes my a$$ hurt no matter where in the world I am.....but it was my 40th birthday so that's my excuse !

Dan Earnest and I shot the IPSC 3 Gun comp on the sunday with bad hangovers and borrowed guns - we had a lot of fun. It was not outlaw multi-gun fun, but still fun...... Dan shot Standard with a stock A2 and I shot Open with a nice swiss owned AR - sadly in Germany you can only use 10 round AR mags but we showed those Euros a thing or two, including what it means to 'get western 'on the trigger !! Our first stage was a 250m stage shooting full size IPSC steel falling Classic targets from 2 positions - the iron sighted shooters had some trouble and were coming in at about 3 minutes.... I tried to explain to the watching Brits, who assumed that everyone with iron sights would struggle hitting them, that Dan being a multi gun iron sight shooter would make short work of the plates as he shoots 10 inch disks at that range most days, would kick ass...... he did it in about 55 when the next closest was about 230 !! Go Multi Gunners !

...... Trapr just got the whiskey out so more to follow tomorrow .....I feel another heavy night coming on ......wish the amigos were here.....pics to follow

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You guys are sooo lucky...I tried to get there...too many 'things' got in the way :( Maybe next year if life works out! You guys keep up the good shooting and great drinking...

Cheryl :)

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okay fellers, the US did purty good Dan Earnest was 9th I believe,...... In standard, I had a good match but did poorly on 2 stages and they were high point stages so I screwed myself, by giving up points that I didn't need to. I think I was 13th, in standard manual (pump), the standard manual division is the largest division so I guess 13th wasn't too bad, but I was hoping for a better finish.

Having to shoot a borrowed gun takes a bit of getting used to and not knowing where your slugs hit isn't good either, US shooters are going to get a very rude awakening if the Pan American match in 2010 uses actual IPSC stages instead of USPSA type shotgun stages. The things that IPSC uses for stages, is nothing like what we US shooters are used seeing. I would HIGHLY recommend that if you are planing on making the Pan American to look into what IPSC uses for stages and practicing.

examples would be like clays with slugs at 15 to 20 yards, steel shoot targets with no shoots half obscuring the target at 10 to 15 yards. reduced size targets with buck and slug at 10 to 15 yards, also smaller amounts of targets in an array, 3 to 4 versus 6 to 9, but more arrays in a stage. unloaded starts, empty chamber starts, weird hand positions, loading from sources other than on your person.......etc. fun fun fun!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, Mike.45 won the German SG match in Standard..............again!!!! Kelly if you had been here I'm sure you would have won by a quarter of a point........ He also was third in the 3 gun match, in Open using borrowed gear, considering he was in Open because his rifle was an Open rifle ............all his other gear was Standard gear.....................well done!!

As promised pictures will follow, probably tomorrow as we have just returned from the local pub and using this computer is really hard, and really sucks when you've had 5 or 6 whiskeys, Beers, jaegers, cider, vodka, and wine.

life on the island is good, will write more manana..........


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as promised a few pics taken from my camera, there are more from others we just do not have them here right now,the brit bloke is a new shooter named Jim, he can put away vast quantities of alcohol, and not a bad shooter as well. the pics of me were taken by mike.45 and I must say they turned out quite good for just give a quick lesson on the controls.




Edited by bigbrowndog
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Hiya Trapr,

I dont know the final total results and percentages yet but if you came in about 13th aint to bad.

There was not only a big but also strong field.

I think (hope) i wil be around that 13th place too in SG.

When i looked at the verifierlist we performed about the same, major screw up on big point stages

Double bad for me that the stages i screwed up counted in the 2-gun tournament also so my 4th place in 2-gun production was a bit surprise.

The trip to UK was not possible for me but i am determined to get some good results at the Bavarian Championships at P-Burg in a few weeks.

Every fun and good luck at the British Open this weekend,most of the guys i talked to day are leaving tomorrow, safe them some beers.



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It is the XS sight rear with Hi Viz front, the gun is not mine, but the barrel is, its a borrowed SuperNova with my regular Nova barrel on it. I do get to shoot my Nova for the British SG champs though. Adrie, I think you were 12th between myself and Neil Smith, so we we're in good company!!!


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  • 11 months later...

Hi Trapr

Hows things ? hope you Dan & Kellys all ok, came across this old post and it don`t seem like 12 months ago already

good trip, great match and great company, some of us are talking about invading the usa next year !.

anyway i dug these out for you to reflect upon.

cheers and hope to meet you again Mart. (with white cap)




seems i`ve undersided the photos.

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hey, Martin. I hope you can make it over next year, maybe you can bring the other Martin and friends over with you.

It sux but I will not be at ESC, this year. I will try and make a PSG match over there next year, either UK or Germany.


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