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Thursday Flame War - 07-3-2003

lynn jones

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Hey...good idea...kind of need some relief....<<<lighting fuse>>>

I hate people that buy fireworks (especially the illegal stuff) and insist on shooting them off 24/7 in any old direction they please starting around 25 June and ending around 10 July. I doesn't help that I live within an hour of two indian reservations where damn near anything can be purchased.

However, some of us kind of like sleeping now and then because we have JOBS and need to go to WORK to pay TAXES so you can get your WELFARE checks to buy fireworks with!

I will give you the 4th...blow your damn hand off with an M80 if you want...see if I care. But stop at 2 AM and shoot the works on the 4th. I will go water down my roof and my grounds and dope up my dog and you can go for it.

Oh...and if all the dry grass around town catches fire and burns your damn house down don't expect me to care about that either. But if your fireworks land on my roof and you burn my house down you will get to meet my lawyer. I know who you are and don't blame your children because I have video of you launching fireworks over my house and cursing at me when I ask you to point them the other direction. :ph34r:

And finally, when I endulge in my 4th of July celebration by lighting up a big fat stogie and enjoying some fine bourbon with friends don't come over and bitch at me about the smell of my cigar. America was quite literally built on tobacco and whiskey and I am paying homage to that fact. Just because you are a highschool dropout that can barely read and so know nothing about history... Your cigarettes smell far worse to me and will kill you far faster than my half dozen cigars a year will.

And for the hippie-econut-vegan-trailertrash-wackos up the hill...yes, I am a carnivore and yes I know that steak kills. So does bacon, brautwurst, pork chops, and pot roast and I eat those too. So go eat your insipid tasteless garden burgers and tofu dogs and stop bothering me before I get mad and see how hippie burger tastes. (with fava beans and a nice chianti perhaps?) :P:D:lol:

Oh my...now that DOES feel better. :wacko::)B)

Happy 4th of July everyone!

God Bless America...long may she be the land of the free and the home of the brave! :D

And let's take a moment tomorrow to raise a glass to the brave men and women fighting the forces of evil. Thank you and God Bless! :)

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I hate having all the symptoms of West Nile Fever (confusion, fever, headache, body aches, chills, etc.) and not know of any way I could have contracted some simple flu virus (no one I've been around has had any illness). I even had a bunch of mosquito molestations perpetrated on my tender skin recently!

So even though it's very, very unlikely, I can't think of any other cause!

Fortunately the symptoms lasted less than 24 hours and my temp is back to its normal 97.0 (or slightly below). Still a little weak, though.

I guess I'll never know for sure unless I go have a blood sample taken, but that will cost $$$ and doesn't make a lot of sense now that I'm feeling better.

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Guest qstick

I hate the medical crap that is being done to my body so that I can go to Guatemala to visit my peace corp girlfriend next week.

Today I got 4 shots for Hepatitis A, yellow fever, and some other junk that I don;t even know what it was. That goes along with my Hepatitis B that got done lst week. I'm taking Typhoid pills, Malaria pills and some pill that is supposed to stop cholera, since now they don;t give it in a shot anymore. I have prescriptions for travellers diahrea, pills for fever, general antibiotics. I now seem to have poison Ivy from where I was weedeating in my yard. Did I mention that I have a toothache and my bastard dentist was at the beach today and couldn't see me until Monday?

All this to travel to a lousy city without running water or electricity on a Guatemalan airline that just failed FAA safety standards. If I survive the flight there, I will get to have the wonderful pleasure of surving the 25 foot anaconda that they can;t seem to kill in the village....the one that ate a boar. Ohh yeah, the state department rep said that I don;t have to worry about the anaconda, the crocodile will get me first...GREAT!

I feel much better now.

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I second Erik's nomination. Great rant Kimel!!!

I hate that I've been too busy to participate in the wars lately. Maybe soon that will change!!!

I hate that my whole family is on pins and needles right now and the only info the doctors feel the need to pass along is ' We won't know until the latest test are done'. I've never wanted to rip the throat out of a medical professional before but the time may be at hand!!!

Hyperfix is just a way to say we f**ked up!!!

I hate that I have to work tomarrow because I had to spend half the day at the hospital.

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Gosh Almighty Dang (etc.), the shooting range is closed for three days straight--over the blinkin' holiday!!!!!!  <_<   Gaaaaahhhhhhh!  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: 

SIG Lady,

That's it! You have to move to a place where the range is always open. 24-7 access to the range is a great thing.


Happy to hear you feel better. I came down with something similar right after A4. Luckily, all better now.


That's so cool you're willing to through all that for your girlfriend. Just one piece of advice in Guatemala, though. Stay away from the pointy ends of the local fauna. :P


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