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Ben Stoeger

Ben Stoeger

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Awesome weather the last few days. LOTS of practice is happening.

I did a brief comparison between COLD times and HOT times. (among a few other ideas) Read more about it HERE

I am getting close to a 15 Hit Factor El prez. HERE is a 3.78 second run.

Reader Bryan has posed the interesting question of elbow position. I am going to take a look at some footage and come up with something. What do you guys think? Elbows relaxed? Elbows up? Elbows down? Doesn't matter?

WOW :surprise: I had to watch that a few times, that is awesome. I am in your class in Milan coming up soon, I turn the other way, I tried it both ways but now i will have to try it your way again to see if I can speed my turn, I did a 8 second el prez, which is why I signed up for your class.

I think I will have to work the "turning draw" into the lesson plan then. I want you to get your money out of this. See you in April!

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I am starting something new called "the 100 project"

I am going to set up as many classifiers as I can, and shoot 100s on them. Video goes on the website. I just need some sort of mission to keep my practices focused on something.

I did 3 classifiers today, but they were some of the simple ones to set up. As I move through the book some of them will require an hour just to get to the noisy part.

More info on Benstoeger.com

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Tomorrow is my first match of the year. This is an important time for me, I need to verify my improvement and also figure out what I need to work on in the spring months. I am looking forward to getting back out on the range again.

In practice today, I had a lot of fun. I crossed a couple more classifiers off my list. I got super lucky on one of them. Part of it was 6 shots at 50 yards. I hit all As!.. Holy crap! I could try all day and not reproduce that run.

In any event, tomorrow should be fun, and informative.

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I never told you this, but as part of my duties as your officially designated stalker, I just decided to go find the spot on your local range's website where they post the scores.

Holy hell. You don't just beat the Open shooters here and there, you frequently stomp them into the freakin' ground.

If your winter-long practice obsession works out even halfway as well as it should, I think those guys are REALLY going to hate you now. :lol:

How that relates to myself: I won our local IDPA match today by a fair margin. But the only guy I was worried about shot CDP, and that was a significant disadvantage on 4 of the 6 stages. Seeing how consistently you're leaving A/M open guys in your dust... Lets just say it gives me a whole new mindset when it comes to a long-term goal.

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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I never told you this, but as part of my duties as your officially designated stalker, I just decided to go find the spot on your local range's website where they post the scores.

Holy hell. You don't just beat the Open shooters here and there, you frequently stomp them into the freakin' ground.

If your winter-long practice obsession works out even halfway as well as it should, I think those guys are REALLY going to hate you now. :lol:

Well, HERE is the result of my winter obsession. The footage looks solid. I don't have the results in my hand yet, but I expect them to look good. I think I had 9 Cs and 2 Bs today.

I was a little bit more cautious than I would like, but for the first go round this year I will take it.

Edited by Ben Stoeger
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Whilst shooting Production, someone fires 4 rounds before transitioning to a texas star... and they elect NOT to reload.

Good god man!

I know it was pretty close, but I would have built my whole plan around arriving at the star with a fresh mag. And I doubt it made you nervous in the slightest, especially given the short distance.

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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Whilst shooting Production, someone fires 4 rounds before transitioning to a texas star... and they elect NOT to reload.

Good god man!

I know it was pretty close, but I would have built my whole plan around arriving at the star with a fresh mag. And I doubt it made you nervous in the slightest, especially given the short distance.

I am going to do a "stage breakdown" on that stage... you will see that I did consider the risk, but I took it anyway. =)

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Brain Farts

I have been laying off a little bit from shooting this week. I have been doing my dryfire, but I decided to stop myself from doing too much live fire. I need to spend my time loading up a little bit more ammo. I have been loading 500 rds a day all week. =)

I feel good right now, the fires are definitely stoked to do some hardcore shooting. I think I will get back down to business on Friday and knock off a few more classifiers.

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I went out today and did a bit more work on classifiers. It seems to me that I am getting quite a bit better at strong and weak hand only shooting. Nobody practices this enough, but lots of classifiers contain strong and weak hand shooting.

The other thing I notice about classifiers is how accurate you need to be on them. Sure, the shooting is usually close, but you really need almost all As in order to have a 100 score. Take this run HERE as an example. This stage pushes you to be VERY fast and perfectly accurate. It isn’t easy aggressively drawing on a mini popper, but working on this stage helps.

Anyway, I crossed two more off the list today, and I have a few picked out for Sunday.

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The ability shooters at your level have (to process visual information enough to shoot A's at that speed) is fascinating to me. My friends for the most part like the footage I post of Sevigny, you, Blake Migues, Flexmoney, etc... As long as the field course is action-packed and interesting.

I'd MUCH rather watch you pound out these insane classifiers.

They better illustrate how far most of us have to go, and where we can get if we really push ourselves. I can fire 8 rounds on that array at that speed, and keep the middle six on paper. But CALLING them? Getting them in/near the A-zone with any amount of consistency? Forget about it.

Keep all this coming. The previous stage-breakdown post was great, too.

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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Hahaha… well I am glad someone likes my little project.

I knocked 5 more off over the weekend.

Here is my favorite of the five I shot this weekend (Take ‘em Down): VIDEO

This stage was fun mostly because it contained movement. I tried it a few ways and decided on drawing to my right side and then ending up shooting around the right side of the second barricade.

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I always liked that classifier. Shot my first 100% on it at a major match.

I would shoot the left side, and then right from the back barricade, then move to the front and shoot the poppers from the right side. Did you try it that way? I always felt I could have the gun up on the target even before I stepped into the box and hit 2 poppers before my left foot was even down.

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I always liked that classifier. Shot my first 100% on it at a major match.

I would shoot the left side, and then right from the back barricade, then move to the front and shoot the poppers from the right side. Did you try it that way? I always felt I could have the gun up on the target even before I stepped into the box and hit 2 poppers before my left foot was even down.

Yeah I tried it that way. I found it easier for me to get around the barricade if I already was moving crosswise. (coming from the left side over to the right side). I didn't find a real detectable time difference either way though.

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Hi Ben,

I really like your idea for The 100 Project. Would it be possible for you to list the time and points break down (how many As, Bs, Cs, Ds) on your web page next to the video link?

Keep up the good work!


I have started including that on the info once you open up the video. I prolly wont remember to do it all the time, but I will do my besties to get that on there.

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I have started including that on the info once you open up the video. I prolly wont remember to do it all the time, but I will do my besties to get that on there.

No worries. I appreciate the information!

Edited by HuskySig
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Ok... some initial observations of the 100 project are HERE

I have a video of a 20 yard accuracy drill I set up HERE. I actually find this easier than the close range high speed type shooting I was doing today on Front Sight 2 and Six. How strange is that?

Oh, and Husky Sig, you should be happy with what I have in the notes section on the videos. (the ones from today anyway)

Edited by Ben Stoeger
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Oh, and HuskySig, you should be happy with what I have in the notes section on the videos. (the ones from today anyway)

Excellent! Thank you very much.

I hate to disagree with some of your analysis, but I have to. You wrote:

The hardest classifiers for me thus far have been the high speed close up ones. ... I need more work on the super fast stuff.

Your time on Bang and Clang is one half second faster than the time associated with a 100% score. How much faster do you want to go? :surprise:


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Oh, and HuskySig, you should be happy with what I have in the notes section on the videos. (the ones from today anyway)

Excellent! Thank you very much.

I hate to disagree with some of your analysis, but I have to. You wrote:

The hardest classifiers for me thus far have been the high speed close up ones. ... I need more work on the super fast stuff.

Your time on Bang and Clang is one half second faster than the time associated with a 100% score. How much faster do you want to go? :surprise:


Sure, that was a good run. I can do it, but it is a much less consistent type thing on the very close stages.

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I got kicked in the nuts today by “lazy man standards”

Many many many attempts landed me no place near 100%. (I have no idea who set the bar on this one but that person is a super stud)

25 yard weak hand shooting is pretty crazy, but I do feel like I am making a real push here to get better.

In other news, I got sent my techwear shirt from Black Bullets, and it looks pretty nice. It has my name on it and everything. hahah

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