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Friday Flame War 05-30-03


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I hate suddenly developing a lot of pain in my teeth and gums, then having to wait almost all day (the next day) to get to see the dentist. :wacko:

I hate it when the dentist can't tell for sure what's wrong! :unsure:

I hate with then the dentist and the guy he called on the phone thinks it's actually my sinuses! :blink::huh:

I hate having to go to the regular doctor to have my sinuses checked even more! :angry::angry:

I hate doctors! :angry:

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I hate that the urbanization of America means the deterioration of our personal freedoms, because the lazy folks in the cities have lost the pioneer spirit which helped create this country. They want to be protected from everything evil, by the police. Don't they know that the police arrive after the fact and don't protect you from anything. What happened to standing on your own feet and facing adversity as it comes down the road. What happened to being accountable for your own actions? What happened to personal responsibility, and doing for yourself?

What happened is the slow erosion of personal and corporate ethics which is now pervasive throughout our country and our government. I'm tired of listening to political correctness. What happened to Say what you mean and mean what you say? What happened to handling your personal affairs without involving an attorney?

I hate it when the dumb butts in Hollyweird, can make any kind of film they want, and good or bad, it gets thumbs up and lots of media attention and millions of drones go to see it. Same feelings about unappreciative pro sports owners and over paid athletes who can't diagram a sentence or calculate the correct change from a $10 dollar bill at the burger place.

Why is it that some people run their mouth just to hear themselves make noise, while saying nothing?

Sorry, I got carried away, while reviewing part of my Short List of things I hate.

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Why is it that some people run their mouth just to hear themselves make noise, while saying nothing?

Going back to when I was a little child, I can recall my grandpa telling me:

"remember Luca, you have one mouth, and two ears!".

IMO, this is the correct ratio between speaking and listening. ;)

For all the rest:

just to paraphrase the advertising of some years ago for Brian Handguns

"Better have a brain, and not use it,

than need a brain, and not have it!" :D

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Tightloop couldn't have put it more eloquently. Watch out someone doesn't go and copy it off and publish it verbatim!

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[phoney rant mode on]

Ok all you belch-fire, blast-furnace, burnt-out-an'-bummed blaster believers, get ready for... uh... er... ahem... cough... er... Well, I don't really have much of a rant today (I did it all last week and week before)(please don't wish that upon me again!!)....... I actually have some good news and will trot on over to What I Like and post it there.

[phony rant mode off]

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I can relate: few years ago got horribly tired of constant horrible gum infections and spent $3,000 for full mouth oral surgery with bone material grafts 'n everything. Really knocked out the original problem and I've had fewer problems--and NO infections--since. Go to a decent Periodontal SURGEON... they can usually pin down the more elusive dental or below-gums maladies.

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It's looking more and more like a sinus infection now . . . the pain is behind my eye and in my head instead of my teeth!

I knuckled under and went to the doctor today. We'll see how the antibiotics help!

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In many, many people the roots of the upper teeth (especially molars) extend up INTO the sinus cavities... and are subject to the nerve ending disturbance that a sinus infection/inflammation can cause. makes your teeth hurt and can SEEM like "tooth trouble"........

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What I hate is one of the gun clubs that I belong to the president and the secretary/treasure (husband and wife) got their panties in a bunch with the local indoor range that we shoot at and they decided to shut down the club. They were sent several e-mails and got several phone calls telling them that there were people who would step up and take over the club but they say the decision is made and the club will be shut down and we can do whatever we want after they shut down the club. We will probably just elect new officers and go on but their attitude really pisses me off! :angry: I believe that there will be alot more work than there needs to be if they would just resign :angry::angry: Well I am glad to get that off my chest.

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I shoot indoors at a range called Coyote Creek just south of Mooresville. It is a converted bowling alley so it is a little short for some things but it does let us burn powder and lead, We are planning a organizational meeting to elect new officers. The thing that burns me up the most is that these people think because they were elected to an office it makes them king and queen. (Kind of like Bill and Hillary) Oh well they are gone now and we will continue without them. We missed you at South Central today. Sinuses still acting up? Hope they get better soon

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I recently went to the dentist with a nagging toothache fully expecting an extraction. He diagnosed the problem as STRESS in my daily life which was causing me to clench my teeth tightly during my sleep and put pressure on one particular tooth that was high in my bite. Using blue dye paper he detected and ground down the high points and gave me some anti-biotics for the existing inflammation. When I left the surgery I was more than a little sceptical about his prognosis but after I finished the anti-biotics the problem cleared up and has not recurred.

Stress can also manifest itself in tension headaches which have the symptoms you describe. Your Doctor or your Dentist is your best resource for a solution to your problem but I thought I'd share my experience with you. Best wishes for a rapid resolution.

And I agree with Sam: " Tightloop, that was a great rant!

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