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Any news on Tri-gun challenge?

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Travis buddy, we'll see you there.

SWEEET!! Looking forward to it. Getting to see a bunch of buddies, no rifle shots over 200 yards, only 100 pistol rounds and 10 slugs, just might make this a great match....if I can figure out how to load 8 SG rounds in less than 20 seconds!!! :D

See you in a couple of days!!



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Hello 2008 Tri-Gun Challenge Competitors,

Good news! I have finally emailed the eagerly anticipated 2008 Competitor's Letter along with the revised 2008 TGC Rules! I know, only about a week and a half late... what can I say...

Please read through everything carefully, fill out and submit the necessary forms (if warranted). I have uploaded a copy of the rules here and they are posted on the trigunchallenge.com website as well. I tried uploading the competitor's letter but the file was too large (by 22K <_< ) so check your email tonight and as always, if you have any questions call or email me.

Otherwise... I look forward to seeing each and every one of you next Thursday, August 14!


Lea Ramthun

Advertising, Design & Public Relations

Tri-Gun Challenge Coordinator

DPMS Firearms, LLC

Phone: 320-258-4448

Email: lear@dpmsinc.com


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First day of set up went well despite ominous clouds and some humidity. Stages are coming along nicely. Looks like I'll be working the "Zombie" stage. Be sure to say hello fellow BE'rs.

Zombies!? :surprise: What kind of special bullets did they use in the movies for those guys?

Chris C.

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RO's shot today. Rained off and on.

We all shot a little bit of everything. I shot 5 stages, and shot slow at that!!

All in all.....seems like some fine stages are set up, keep you running and loading!!

I shoot the zombie stage in the morning.....got my nuclear ammo ready for that.....and remember, there is only ONE way to kill a zombie, you gotta take out the brain box. And there are 32 of them literally scattered around the bay.

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Whew....finally finished shooting...so so performance. Already saw lots of familiar faces coming to the range tonight to game stages for this weekend. Weather looks promising. No whining to RO's on the Zombie stage please. Shoot safe ...have fun B)

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The match is over......just got home.....great match....again Randy and the crew from DPMS and all the volunteers' did it up great!!!

Open....Tony Holmes

Tac Op....Daniel Horner

Tac Iron.....Kurt Miller

Tac Op heavy....Tate Moots

He Man...Eddy Rhodes

The Zombie stage......wasn't all that bad, different targets than we are used to, a little more time to score, but hey, we can adapt. It was the same for everyone, and the man that shot it the fastest and cleanest won......as it should be.

And for that one squad that shot on stage 3 that Shanon and I RO'd......you really, truly were the best squad ever!!


Edited by TRUBL
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Thanks for the thought, but Daniel won TacOptics.

The match was great, the staff was great, and the company was outstanding also. Thanks to all the sponsors and all the folks at DPMS and Brownells.


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What a great Match!! One of the best I've shot this year. I loved the Zombie stage and can't wait to try this one at home.

The RO's were fantastic, fair and so much fun. Thanks to Mark S. for all his help on the tower stage, he knew just the right thing to say before I had to shoot it....lol. Tim thanks for the compliment about our squad, but you and the other RO's are truly the best ever.

Thanks agian to all the sponosrs, Randy, Bob, and Leah. You all did an awesome job. I will be back next year for sure.

Congradulations to Vicky and Cheryl excellent shooting ladies.

Oh Ya, one more thing, what a prize table! Looks like I will be writing thank you notes for at least 2 weeks :)

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What a great match. I think it was the best so far. The stages, RO's, weather, prize table, the people working at the range and DPMS, perfect.

My favorites stages were the Zombie stage, the Jungle Run, and the Carnival (Tim Ubl's) stage. The Tower was awesome as well. The rest of the stages were a great test of shooting skill but these stages offered that little someting extra.

A lot of high's and lows in this match. More screw ups than normal but shot some stages well.

The highest point in the match was walking up to the prize table one place behind my son Tyler. He faced some adversity in the match as well but didn't let it get him down, the young man can really shoot. I was two match points behind him this time, but I have the feeling I won't be able to stay that close to him anymore.

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Well this is one tired RO. It seems every year I get to work a memorable stage and Zombie was no exception. My eyes are still buggy from searching for .223 holes in Zombie heads. A big thanks to Uncle Randy and the whole DPMS crew for supporting their RO's so well. And of course to you the shooters I just want to say that you never cease to overwhelm me with the amount of appreciation and grattitude you express for the work we do. Its so nice to see the same familiar faces (and some new ones) every year. It really does feel like a close knit family event. If I'm not back as an RO, I will certainly be there as a regular shooter. It was a great way to cap off a memorable summer. See you at the range! :cheers:

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I forgot to add:

The sponsors for the match were awesome. Over $200,000.00 in prizes given away. If anyone is interested in purchasing any shooting related items, please take the time to check over the list of sponsors for this match. Give back to those who give so much for the sport.

And speaking of giving back to the sport. Randy Luth put out an offer to any shooter (at the match) that was not a current member of the NRA. He would pay for a years membership out of his own pocket to sign you up. The NRA means so much to the shooting/pro-gun citizens of the country and we really need to help the NRA speak for us in this volatile political climate.

Edited by Brian Payne
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I wasn't sure that everybody was going to like the suprise stage but instead I was told many, many times that that was one of the funnest stages they shot.

On a side note, I hear some out of town competitors even had sightings of St. Clouds very own Superman. :rolleyes:

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Incredilbe Match and what a great group of people, organizers, workers, shooters, sponsors, the lot. Had a great time and looking forward to next year already. Had too much fun at the range and eating out each night with folks from around the country, seeing old friends and making new, I love this sport. Thanks for all the hard work I hope you all know how much we appreciate it!

Tower and Swamp Romp were great, guess I need to break out the stair stepper


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Another great match. Although this was only my second time, I doubt I'll miss another. Randy, Lea and the crew at DPMS deserve a lot of credit for putting this thing together.

The stages were a lot of fun, the staff was helpful and friendly and the facility is beautiful. I can't think of a thing that could have been improved. Everyone did a great job. It was great to meet people from the past as well as making new acquaintances.

I can't get over how friendly everyone is at a shoot like this. Although I'm far down from the top on the results list, everyone, top shooters included, was helpful and willing to offer help and advice to anyone who asked. No snobby BS at all! Shooters are a group of people unlike any other I've ever met.

Hey, Tim, you said our squad was the best!

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WOW!!!! What a good time. From the opening ceremonies to the distribution from the $200,000 prize table(while we waited in the shade drinking free beer.) To me this is the true Nationals of 3 gun shooting.

Special thanks to Lea for all the organizing, as well as the RO's for their high degree of professionalism.

I definately purchase from the vendors that support this match.

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ya know what......I'll come clean, every squad was assume!! I had zero whinners, everyone shot, helped set up kept in great spirits. Was truely my pleasure to RO a big match after so many years absence from ROin'. Infact, I had so fun I may do this again!!


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My first national 3 gun match, and wow, I may have to search out others :D

I'll just echo what others have said. Great job by the ROs, great stages, wonderful job of putting it together by the DPMS crew, all the sponsors.

All the competitors from the top guys, to the local guys, to everyone else was friendly as could be, and I had a great time.

My favorites, the Zombie stage, and the tower. The run through the swamp was a close third though!

Very creative stage design, and the whole match ran smoothly for the most part. I loved it! Now just to shoot a little faster :)

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Great match and great folks all around. Great shooting with all the guys on squad 18. A fun bunch to shoot with. AP3, we thought we turned the room upside down to look for your stuff. My fault dude, sorry about that and I owe you a cold beer at the next one. Spent a total of 28 hours in a truck with Gary Welborn and Chris Patty. Never a dull moment. Thanks for the chance to shoot with you guys. Thanks AP3 for doing the leg work and getting us in! I like to thank Tim (I think) from DPMS for fixing my rifle after the gas block blew off on the first stage. You're a class act man!

+1000 for the sponsors. I've never seen anything like that for a prize table. On another note... I have never been around such friendly people as there is in St. Cloud. If I could I would sell my house and move in a minute. I love the place. I can't wait until next year.

Chris C.

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