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Crossfit training

Chris Conley

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Again, I did a scaled down WOD.

Three rounds for time of:

55-65# Deadlift - used 50#

10 Handstand push-ups - did L variation

10 Pull-ups - assisted at half body weight

10-15# Thruster, 10 reps - used 50#

3 rounds 12:45

Adaption at the Rec Center Gym continues!

Being unfamiliar with the cross fit version of a dead lift, I dropped the weight to 50# to focus on form after watching a boat load of vids and doing dry runs at home with a broom. The way I was taught in a class, dead lifts were a ham exercise (locked knees with a lumbar curve) - not a back exercise. I did L variation HSPU's using the roman chair :cheers: That got me some stares :blink: but it was the only piece of equipment tall enough. However, I bozo'd the thrusters. Instead of leaving the bar mounted and doing squats and thrusts, I did a clean and jerk each time off the floor....Er, guess I should write down the WOD before heading to the gym! :wacko: I ended up using the 50# bar because right as I started the first round, the "new year" resolvers descended and hogged the equipment. <_< They kinda messed up my time too as I had to wait on them. Ah well, as soon as the Girl Scout cookies get delivered, they'll disappear. :lol:

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Well, basically, what you can do is get in a PU position, and put your feet up on something. Then walk your hands in towards your feet until your upper body is vertical. The object your feet are on can support variable amounts of your body weight, allowing you to scale the HSPU to your ability. If that's not enough, put your knees on the object....

Thanks Dave - I'll start working on it!

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I have another question...how come all the cross fit workouts are mostly named after women?? "I did Barbara today" "I did Cindy" Well good for you but what's wrong with doing "Bob" every once in awhile. :lol::lol: How come no one brags about doing Bob?? :o

Generally speaking, the ladies are rough, and the Heroes (for the most part) are rougher.

Sounds like Spartans ;):D

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Sounds like Spartans ;):D

:lol: That's a good point!

Tonight was a good one...

5 rounds

10 ring rows

20 1 arm overhead DB walking lunge (10 each arm) - 30#

10 elevated pushups (feet up on 20" box)

10 in-and-outs

10 overhead squats - 45#

Followed by

30 situps, 30 russian twists (6# medball), 30 second plank hold

20 situps, 20 russian twists, 20 second plank hold

10 situps, 10 russian twists, 10 second plank hold

Core is SORE... already.... :blink: Oh, boy, tomorrow is probably not going to be happy :lol: Call the Wah-mbulance, quick! :D

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WOD run 10k....Uh, needless to say I scaled this one down! Especially since I did my 90 minutes of sweaty bikram yoga! I ran 5k in 33:27. I am looking forward to a long discussion with my pillow tonite...but first I have to search the forum to find an answer to my primer misfeeding 550!

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I was kinda looking forward to the 10k to see where I am at.........but the highway was closed for drifting snow and a rolled semi trailer.

Good Job Nab, soon you will be past the scaled WOD's. :cheers:

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Did Tabata yesterday and it really kick my ass. Completed the whole thing and started feeling really bad. Went to the EMT room at work and my and my BP was 176/85. I felt like my head was the size of a basketball. Went to the locker room showered and changed. Checked BP again and it was down to 138/81. Kinda scarey. Is this normal? I really push it hard yesterday. Feel much better today.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Did tabata something else today as I had a match yesterday. I scaled down to half as I don't feel 100% - like I'm fighting off another cold or something. If I understand it right, your score is the total of your lowest reps for each segment - in which case, my score is 42 with pull ups being the weak point. Yoga tomorrow. If I still feel kinda' out of it, I may skip the WOD.

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For Tabata Something Else, your score is all reps combined. Usually with Tabata work outs your score is lowest reps though.

If you feel like you are getting sick or are overly sore...chances are that you're overreaching. Take a few days off and see how you feel.


I'm not sure if blood pressure changes like that are normal as I've never had mine tested before and after workouts....I wouldn't think it's a big deal because it's obviously from extreme exertion.

Of course a doctor would probably tell you to stop working out so hard....which is why modern medicine tends to tick me off.

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Feeling good. :) Did some strength training today. I have never had that happen to me before which I guess that why I was concerned. Feel good now just the normal soreness, a good soreness. I do take a day or two off when I need to. My body tells me when.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Your blood pressure can shoot up sharply under exertion --- one of the reasons why they'll check your pressure every 2 minutes or so when you're undergoing a cardiac stress test. Systolic of 200 is not unheard of, anything over that would be a real concern. BP should come down fairly rapidly once you stop. If you haven't exercised in a while, start slowly -- you didn't get out of shape overnight, so give your body a chance to adjust to the new regimen. If you're already sick, esp. if you have any sort of respiratory ailment that's acting up, this would be a good day to skip the working out......


seen a doctor lately --- or are you like most of us?

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Yes as a matter of fact a couple of weeks ago. Had a regular blood panel done and some other lab work. I go every 6 months for the rest of my life. Not by choice but the VA insists. I don't mind it, I have a hot Chinese nuerologist that looks after me. :wub:

I think it's just a passing thing. I know what it feels like now so if I ever get that way again I know when to back off. Getting my dip bars built today in the back yard. Posthole diggers are fun. Glad the ground is wet.

Total reps : 252

Chris C.

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Something to keep in mind about getting started - and especially about getting started and jumping into high intensity right off the bat... Your body is going through quite a number of changes as a result of the new exercise scheme. Its inevitable that you're going to experience a few (and more than likely, temporary) side effects. After two months of this stuff, I'd experienced some severe DOMS in ways I never had before (didn't take any car rides w/ Uncle Rhabdo, but I don't think I was far off after doing ring rows for the first time), I'd had a shoulder injury (overhead squatting a 45# bar with bad form), and then right at the start of my third month, I started suffering from exertional migraines. Those let up about two months later, after various visits to the neurologist (sounds like a good trip for you, though, Chris ;) ).

Unless you have some sort of issue and your doc has told you to keep it below a certain point, temporary BPs higher than what you experienced aren't really much to worry about, in my understanding. Just pay attention to what your body is telling you :) Also, search the health section of the http://crossfit.com message board - that was a big help for me in dealing w/ the migraines I was having, and there's a wealth of info there.

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Well I'm going to be taking a break from CF for a while to go "Starting Strength" for about 10 or 12 weeks. I need to add some mass and power to my legs and core and this is most likely the best way.

Cool, Jake. Me, too.

After not reading this thread for a week or two, I decided to log on to say I was going to do a cycle of Starting Strength (or a similar 5x5 regimen). Folks sure are raving about SS on the crossfit boards.

I actually want to put on a bit of mass before doing some ultras, rogaines, and mountain climbing this summer. I'll need a little extra bulk if my summer goes as planned. I've been doing a rather undisciplined Gym Jones/ Crossfit Black Box ME, plus extra endurance work. I'm still trying to crack the nut on how to integrate all three: metcon, pure strength and endurance.

The timing is right for me to try to gain raw strength. Right now my living situation/job keeps me from running anyway, so I might as well use this break to gain mass. (Note that if I was trying to be competitive in ultra endurance events, I wouldn't try to gain any weight. But I'm not anywhere near competitive.) I do have a 20-year base in endurance training, so I can take 2+ months off and get back to a decent level of fitness fairly quickly.

I'm 5'11, 180lbs, 35y/o. The book hasn't come in yet, but I gather that the gallon of milk isn't for me.

In case you haven't seen it, Mark Rippetoe (author of Starting Strength) has a Q&A forum at www.strengthmill.net

Edited by Leozinho
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A headache could be due to a great number of factors...Could be your weren't hydrated enough. It could be that your form isn't right and the misalignment is putting pressure at your neck. If you're lifting really heavy, it could be the strain and a spike in blood pressure. It could be a whole host of things. If it concerns you, go see the guy with the MD behind his name.

I've had headaches after a work out but it was usually when first starting on a regimen if my prior diet has been junky. As you begin to work out and diet, your fat stores start getting burned. Toxins accumulate in fat. As the fat burns, the toxins get released. For me this equals headaches.

BTW, I was right about not feeling up to par....A return of the sinus infection and back onto the antibiotics for a second round. It never quite went away the first time apparently. I took Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off. Did yoga yesterday hoping to sweat out the little bugger bacteria. I did a CF warm up and Monday's WOD today; 3x 70, 75, 80, 90, 95 squats. I probably could have gone heavier but I just didn't want to over tax myself. But I was so tempted to try squatting my body weight just for grins!

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Possibly off topic question:

Recovery heart rate: age 57, ht 67.5", wt 174, following 30-40 minutes at 130 bpm an more intensive effort of about 3 minutes duration raises pulse to 168, at 1 minute pulse is down to 108. How does this compare? Your experiences?

I would ask the installation medicos but it is likely me that I am exceeding their recommended Max HR for my age.

Edited by Michael Carlin
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has anybody experienced "weightlifters headache"? I started doing squats this week and both days after my first set i received and tremendous headache at the base of my skull.

Could be as simple as too high of bar placement, compressing the nerves and reducing blood through the trapezius.

When you squat push out your chest and draw your shoulder blades back as far as possible... imagine trying to trap a tennis ball between your scapulae (or whatever the plural of scapula is). Most people will have a nice groove between the delts and traps for the bar to rest in. You want to keep as much of the bar pressure off your spine and central portion of the traps as possible.

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First, make sure you're breathing. Straining while holding one's breath is a great way to drive blood pressure up....

Read about what I went through with it here: http://www.board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?t=23300 - basically, they went away on their own, but the neurologist was able to give me some stuff that help keep them down to a dull roar.

In the case of exertional migraine, form has nothing to do with it. For me, it was usually touched off by simple pushups in the warmup, and felt like someone was driving a knife into the base of my skull for a couple of minutes, and would then back off to being a strong, dull ache that didn't go away for the rest of the day. I would call this a "beyond splitting" type of pain. Somehow, I still worked through it <_< I don't know if that's stupid, or tough, or what... :lol: I got checked out to be sure it wasn't anything serious, and then just powered through it each time...

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Ok, here is a WOD i did today. ....its a good one.

5 rounds for time, of:

.2 mile RUN

5 pullups

10-95lb Power cleans

.4 mile run

5 pullups

10-95 lb power cleans

.6 mile run

5 pullups

10-95lb power cleans

.4 mile run

5 pullups

10-95 lb power cleans

.2 mile RUN

5 pullups

10-95lb Power cleans

So you end up running about 1.8 miles. If you cant do the pullups do jumping pullups but no assisted. Time was 25 minutes.

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