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Crossfit training

Chris Conley

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The idea is to have a place to post you accomplishments in training and to talk about Crossfit in general. So far since starting Crossfit it have been a life changing experience for me.

Todays workout really put the smack on me. I have another guy at work that just started and we were able to help spot each other during the bench set. I really push it hard today. I'm already feeling it. I'll be sore as hell in the morning. I'll try and make myself a good shake in the morning for breakfast. I'm always up for a good shake recipe if anyone has one.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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chris, tell me more about this crossfit program.

i maybe on this thread every night. i just purchased a trainer for 24 sessions twice a week for twelve weeks.

here is my favorite protein shake concoction. you can add 1/2 a banana if you like.

6 ice cubes

1/4 cup non-fat plain or vanilla yogurt

1/2 cup 1/2% milk

5 to 6 large strawberries

1 Tlbs of natural peanut butter

2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

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I've puked from working out many times....It's a natural reaction to pushing yourself as hard as you can. You'd be surprised how good you feel about yourself afterwards.

The working-out part........Or the puking part.. :sick:

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Jake put me on the site http://crossfit.com/ , Jake has way more experience at it than I do. I'm a newbee been at it since around Christmas. It has been a real ass kicker for me. I had to take a couple of days off cause my body was just flat out hurting. Jake told me that your body will let you know when to take a break. I like the workouts. Most usually only take 30 or so minutes unless it's the filthy fifty. I hate that one. It was intimidating for me at first (very sore all the time) but you'll work thru it. The leg workouts is what really get's to me. I have motor/sensory demylinating neuropathy in my legs and arms from the gulf war and those workouts are really hard for me. I work thru it, suck up the pain and go on. I have done things in life that were alot worse. Give it a shot and try it out. It will change you for sure. Thanks for the shake.


My plant manager likes to shoot. Just not how we like to. I showed him some videos that I have and he has great repsect for what we (all shooters) do at matches on the weekends. Most of the weight training is done at work. The plant has a great weight facility with treadmills, stair climbers, bikes and soon to get a C2 rowing machine and heavy bag. He told me yesterday that if I want anything at all to let him know and he'll make sure that we have it. He's kinda a fitness buff himself. For that I am fortunate. Now just to get my diet in order. I'm working on it.

Two pukes for me,

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Ok, here's the deal. Today I am beyond sore, I mean really bad. Chest feels like it can fall off at any monment. Question is if Saturday's WOD is upper body should I suffer thru it or take a break. My mind is saying suffer but I'm wondering if I will get anything out of it.

Also, can diet have anything to do with the soreness? I ate all the right foods yesterday but I don't think I ate enough. Only got to eat twice.

Chris C.

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Ok, here's the deal. Today I am beyond sore, I mean really bad. Chest feels like it can fall off at any monment. Question is if Saturday's WOD is upper body should I suffer thru it or take a break. My mind is saying suffer but I'm wondering if I will get anything out of it.

Also, can diet have anything to do with the soreness? I ate all the right foods yesterday but I don't think I ate enough. Only got to eat twice.

Chris C.

Planning to eat a little something every 3-4 hours requires a little effort, doesn't it? I too find it easy to slip, especially when I get really busy, but I feel much better when I focus on sufficient dietary and fluid intake, at the proper times....

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If you are still that sore tomorrow, go ahead and take a break. Listen to your body or you could end up in the hospital. (If your urine is a brownish color - get to the hospital asap).

Ideally you need to eat within 30 minutes of completing your workout as that is when your body is most susceptible to replacing lost glycogen and nutrients.

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I started Crossfit about 11 months ago and I absolutely love it!!! Two guys I work with are certified instructors and they have really hooked me on it. I still use traditional weights twice a week and Crossfit two to three times a week with standard cardio (ie-bike, eliptical and or run at leat five times a week).

The workout I tell everyone about is:

5-pull ups

10 push-ups

15 squats (no weights)

=1 SET-Do as many sets in 20 minutes as you can with no or little rest in between sets.

When I started 11 months ago I did 9 sets and puked for about 10 minutes afterwards.

I just did this same workout last Wednesday and completed 19 sets (yes, I did puke afterwards but not for 10 minutes).

This stuff works-It is amazing to see how many people in my agency have gotten away from weights and switched over to Crossfit.

One more thing, buy KETTLEBELLS!!! These will smoke you in 15-20 minutes and your workout is complete-Which leaves more time for shooting :D

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I've been lifting 2x a week and doing bikram yoga 3x a week for about 2-3 months. I've seen improvement but I've always had core weakness and SI instability from a fractured tail bone and torn iliopsoas. The yoga has really shown me where my weaknesses are and convinced me that a whole body approach is better then working isolated muscles. I could get there with the yoga but it would take a lot longer than I have patience for....So, I've drank the kool-aid and started CF (granted at a scaled down level).

Today's WOD scaled down was three rounds of 400 meters for time with a three minute rest in between. At the gym, I did the warm up, some extra ab and back extensions and then hopped on the treadmill since I didn't have a watch (oops!). 400 meters is almost a 1/4 mile. I ran the quarter and dropped the pace on the treadmill to walking for three minutes and then bumped it up again and repeated for the three rounds total. I didn't end up keeping accurate round times because I didn't stop the treadmill to reset the counters. I completed the three rounds at 13 minutes. Pull off six minutes of rest and that averages to 2.5 minutes a quarter mile.

Now I just gotta figure out the nutrition bits.

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Couple of quick thoughts... ;) I've surpassed my first weight loss goal... I'm at 184 this morning - first goal was 185. Since 8/29 of last year, I've lost 28#, and changed body comp by a ton (which means I've lost more than that, and gained lean mass...). Doing another body comp analysis tomorrow - started at 28%, two months ago was at 16.5% ;) Sweet... The progress is coming more slowly, of course, but still coming, and I'm definitely leaning out big time...

Chris - I totally agree with Jake. If you're still slaughtered, take a break, and listen to your body about it. You might do something really light just to get some blood through the muscles and loosen up, but that's about it. The WOD schedule, as prescribed, is intended for people appropriate conditioned. Even after 5 months of this, I'm not there completely, either, so... ;)

Anders - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhabdomyolysis - don't f*** with Uncle Rhabdo! :o

Carina - eventually, you'll want to be sprinting those quarters (or as close as you can to it...). The workout has great potential to flirt with Pukie the Clown ;)

Did you guys see the sub-11s being posted for that??? Yowza... My best 1/4 mile right now is right at 1:32, so it'll be hard for me to get under 12:00 total... Have a workout at the gym tonight - if we don't make it to this, I'll do it on Saturday and see...

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I've given my body a break for the last 5 days. Gonna hit it hard again starting tomorrow.

On a good note, someone is opening a CF facility 20 miles from my house....it sucks though because I want to open one up in the future.

Should be great that I'll actually have the proper equipment and location to train though. :)

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Carina - eventually, you'll want to be sprinting those quarters (or as close as you can to it...). The workout has great potential to flirt with Pukie the Clown ;)

Yeah I intentionally didn't sprint...I haven't run on a treadmill before today (believe it or not). I didn't want to end up like this chick and get flung off! :lol: A ten minute mile isn't horrible but you're right, I didn't push it any.

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