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This is not political

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So, I contend that discussing such topics as the 2nd amendment decision by the supreme court and any other gun related topics are not political. You have to have an opposing opinion in order for a subject to be "political". I'm very certain there are no anti-gun folks that shoot our sport. So how can we call such discussions political. If this was a golf forum and we were discussing gun topics I think then it would be political. What do you think?

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I think we should honor Brian's wishes to the best of our ability. It is one thing to post informational material, but I think the line gets crossed when we start to share what "I" think should happen.

You just said I. :D

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Many of us would love to rant about 2nd Amendment issues. I am quite sure I am not the only one who has had threads closed and eliminated whilst preaching to the choir. With respect;


adjective1. involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians; "calling a meeting is a political act in itself"- Daniel Goleman; "political pressure"; "a political machine"; "political office"; "political policy" [ant: nonpolitical] 2. of or relating to your views about social relationships involving authority or power; "political opinions" 3. of or relating to the profession of governing; "political career"

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

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I think we should honor Brian's wishes to the best of our ability. It is one thing to post informational material, but I think the line gets crossed when we start to share what "I" think should happen.

Agreed, and furthermore, not following the host's wishes makes for a bad guest. Bad guests get sent packing, or in the case of these forums, their thread gets locked. The rule is simple: don't be a bad guest.

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While I agree to an extent with the OP, our gracious host has done a lot to make this a lot of people's favorite place to visit on the net. All he asks in return is for us to follow a pretty simple and clearly defined set of guidelines related to both conduct and content on this privately owned site. As has been said many times before there are an almost endless number of places to visit on the net that spend large amounts of time talking about many different issues of a political nature.

One of the biggest reasons I've been frequenting this site almost everyday since early '05 is that it's an escape from those other sites. If I want to talk politics I'll got to those other places but I want to talk competitive shooting in a place that's not watered down so I come here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine.

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I think we should honor Brian's wishes to the best of our ability. It is one thing to post informational material, but I think the line gets crossed when we start to share what "I" think should happen.

Agreed, and furthermore, not following the host's wishes makes for a bad guest. Bad guests get sent packing, or in the case of these forums, their thread gets locked. The rule is simple: don't be a bad guest.

Well, I hope folks don't think I'm a bad guest. I'm simply posing a question. I really love our sport and feel that this forum and others is a good place for info on gun related topics (United front sort of thing).

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From the forum guidelines:


Policy or political debates of any kind are not welcome.

Specifically including (but not limited to):




Limited 10 vs Limited Class

This Division vs That Division

This Government vs That Government

Gun Control Issues

This is not a free speech issue. As a privately funded and collectively ran "information exchange," we have found that the emotional nature of political discussions weakens the informative impact of the Forum.


Some leeway has been extended to the current thread that started as an informational alert to the (then) upcoming SCOTUS case re. the 2nd Amendment. Will it remain open? That's not our (the moderator's) call. It will be decided by those who post there and how well they respect Brian's vision of this forum. It parallels nicely with the fact that I've only ever DQ'd one shooter -- me. All the rest, they did it to themselves and I was just there to yell "Stop" and process the paperwork.

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While I agree to an extent with the OP, our gracious host has done a lot to make this a lot of people's favorite place to visit on the net. All he asks in return is for us to follow a pretty simple and clearly defined set of guidelines related to both conduct and content on this privately owned site. As has been said many times before there are an almost endless number of places to visit on the net that spend large amounts of time talking about many different issues of a political nature.

One of the biggest reasons I've been frequenting this site almost everyday since early '05 is that it's an escape from those other sites. If I want to talk politics I'll got to those other places but I want to talk competitive shooting in a place that's not watered down so I come here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine.

OK. I'll go back to getting info on upcoming matches! :cheers:

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Well, I hope folks don't think I'm a bad guest. I'm simply posing a question. I really love our sport and feel that this forum and others is a good place for info on gun related topics (United front sort of thing).

Nahhh.... not yet :D It was difficult for me to separate the shooting portion from the legal swill when I first found this place, but somehow I've managed. You'll be fine. B)

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Personally I feel more like a customer than a guest. If I'm to be treated totally as a guest, with my opinions concerning the site counting for nothing, then I won't be a customer. Something to think about for those who think anyone with a problem concerning how this site is run should just STFU.

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Personally I feel more like a customer than a guest. If I'm to be treated totally as a guest, with my opinions concerning the site counting for nothing, then I won't be a customer. Something to think about for those who think anyone with a problem concerning how this site is run should just STFU.

You know the rules this forum is governed by. They're in plain view. By participating here, you agree to those terms. If those terms do not suit you, you are free to go somewhere else where the terms match what you want.

You will also find that Brian is very willing to discuss his policies, and that he has very good reasons for them - namely that this forum is primarily about shooting, and secondarily about helping other members of the shooting community in a positive fashion. It is not about the same blathering BS that crops up on other forums where such topics are allowed. The rules and policies for the forum are in place to prevent that from happening, and were put into place as they were needed to curb undesirable directions in the forum.

Companies are free to do business with customers they choose. Many companies choose to not do business with customers that treat them in an unfair fashion, degrade them, cost them extra money/time, or otherwise are a PITA. If you can't follow forum policies and our hosts desires, then perhaps you're not needed as a customer.

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Politics influence 95% of our daily decisions. Politics rule our lives and govern our behavior. Politics is an important subject that has great bearing on our lives and it should be discussed to a great extent and often. JUST NOT HERE!

There are plenty of online forums that do discuss politics and if anyone on here has problems finding one then P.M. me and I'll be glad to guide you to at least 50 of them.

I come here for the peace and escape from the normal drone of everyday life/work and to get into something I have a great deal of fun doing. I come here to learn, discuss, and inform about shooting in a positive atmosphere. Gun Control discussions bring about a negative aspect no matter if everyone posting agrees or not and I come here to get away from that. I am very politically active and involved in 2nd amendment issues to a great extent. I give a large amount of $ in support of our 2nd amendment rights. I do not wish to read about, see a thread about or poat about it here. That's why I love the "No political discussions" rule that Brian has imposed. Because I deal with it so much everywhere else I enjoy getting away from it here.

Thank you B.E., I greatly appreciate it.

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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Politics influence 95% of our daily decisions. Politics rule our lives and govern our behavior. Politics is an important subject that has great bearing on our lives and it should be discussed to a great extent and often. JUST NOT HERE!

[...much goodness deleted...]

Jesus, there's a big PLUS ONE.

It is an absolute delight how pleasant these forums are, all in all, and this site is pretty much a font of ALL THINGS PRACTICAL SHOOTING. What resource even comes close? Seriously?

Strangely enough, a love and interest of practical shooting does not necessarily translate into a mutual agreement society towards all things and issues political (or religious). And even if it did, there would be those who sit sullen, and stew, as others find more and more inflammatory examples as if to prove, while some believe, THEY believe more. Etc.

F*ck. Remember the story of 'Bluebeard?' Well his freakin' *chick* had more self-restraint than some.

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Personally I feel more like a customer than a guest. If I'm to be treated totally as a guest, with my opinions concerning the site counting for nothing, then I won't be a customer. Something to think about for those who think anyone with a problem concerning how this site is run should just STFU.

Personally, I can't possibly feel like a customer when everything that I have gotten from this site is FREE OF CHARGE. When I pay for something it gives me a right to have expectations. When something is offered free for the taking, I have no right to impose expectations on the provider (BE) of the GIFT.

I think that it is important to recognize that this site is a great place to meet friends and discuss and share thoughts and ideas about many things. However it is also very clear that B's intention for the forums was to have a place to discuss SHOOTING. I am grateful for that, and although I have ran afoul of the guidelines a time or too, I try very hard to respect them.

Edited by smokshwn
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