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Florida Section Championship

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It looks like the stages that got thrown out were the Wheel Of Doom :devil: , the unloaded start stage (with the double swinger), and the one were you started on the ramp with gun on table.

So .............. I guess we'll never find out how well (or not) we did on the Wheel Of Doom stage ! B)

Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Open class, 29.19, down 13 points.

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Open class, 15.89, down 5 points

Empty Gun Stage 6, Open class, 22.76, down 3 points.

Post'em if you got 'em...

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Our squad had fun; but we shot the morning. It's a shame the way it worked out; I know it wasn't the intention................The most expensive club match I've ever shot.

Yes, but the shooting challenge of those other stages was what I enjoyed. Even if they werent scored.

I feel bad for the match staff who had to set them up, and then tear them back down again.

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Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Open class, 29.19, down 13 points.

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Open class, 15.89, down 5 points

Empty Gun Stage 6, Open class, 22.76, down 3 points.

Post'em if you got 'em...

Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Limited, 33.17, down 7 points.

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Limited, 16.14, down 7 points

Empty Gun Stage 6, Limited, 31.46, down 6 points

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I did not shoot stage 4 because it was to dark, but I shot stage 3 at 6:47pm (time on score sheet) and it was to dark. I should not have shot it, but we were trying to finish the match.

stage 5: 17.15 seconds with 2 c's and 2 d's

stage 6: 19.96 seconds with 9c's and 2 d's.

Also, my score sheet for Stage 9 shows 13.78 seconds with 15 a's, 1 b, 5 c's, and 1 d. It was listed wrong on the official scores. I did not hang around to check scores for accuracy because it was after 7pm; I was hungary with a two hour drive. However, I do not recall ever seeing them posted for individual stages.

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Spent MOST of today tearing down all the stages, tents, tables and chairs. There was a grand total of 5 of us working. And one was a buddy of mine that normally would have shot the match but did not get the chance. The MD, Ray Lambert, feels absolutely terrible about having to toss 3 stages. Yes if had the chance to do it over again things would be different, but we can't go back. I know my squad, squad 1 worked our butts off only to finish at 2:00 instead of 12:30. We could bash and bitch until we are blue in the face but it would not help things or change what happened yesterday. I know out at Titusville we really need some new young guys to step up and help out. SOme fresh blood in the sport is what we need to get moving forward. I just changed jobs so hopefully in the next year or so I can dedicate more time to the sport.

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I did not shoot stage 4 because it was to dark, but I shot stage 3 at 6:47pm (time on score sheet) and it was to dark. I should not have shot it, but we were trying to finish the match.

Your squad was right next to us shooting (we were on stage 1) at the same timeframe. We also should not have shot in the dark but just wanted to finish the match. We had no idea so many stages were not going to make it.

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Not sure if I deserve the HOA win, because before I left the interim results said I was only 93% of Eric Stanley. :bow: Sorry DP. But I had a great time, and enjoyed talking to everyone today.

Chris, You wooped my butt skrate up. I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you and shake your hand. I knew I faded off on our last three (7-9), but you WON ALL THREE and put like 50 points on me there alone. Congratulations!!! :cheers:

I did not shoot stage 4 because it was to dark, but I shot stage 3 at 6:47pm (time on score sheet) and it was to dark. I should not have shot it, but we were trying to finish the match.

stage 5: 17.15 seconds with 2 c's and 2 d's

stage 6: 19.96 seconds with 9c's and 2 d's.

Also, my score sheet for Stage 9 shows 13.78 seconds with 15 a's, 1 b, 5 c's, and 1 d. It was listed wrong on the official scores. I did not hang around to check scores for accuracy because it was after 7pm; I was hungary with a two hour drive. However, I do not recall ever seeing them posted for individual stages.

Keith, Just fixing stage 9 puts you in a tight 3rd at roughly 597 match points. And you beat me there and on 6 as well. :cheers: Good to see you putting up scores like we know you can. Bummer you couldn't finish the match. You put up a solid #4 and you're right there.

I took it nice and conservative on #4, and dropped only one point through the swinging port in two passes, although I dropped a stinkin' delta on another, easy target. I couldn't seem to shake the "D's" all day, and clearly it cost me. I lost by 21 points. That's only seven of them little "paper mike" stinkers. Guess how many I shot....... yup 7 :sick: . I also had a mike into the morning sun on our first stage (on the NSB, but not close enough to overlay) and one that barely skimmed the wood on #9. No spray of splinters to tell me I'd scuffed it, just a SLIGHT grease mark on the board and nothing on the target. Again, my own doing. LESSON LEARNED <_<

To Ray, Pat and the Crew, I had a BLAST!!! I know what a hassle it is to put on a match and you guys put on the best match in the state EVERY MONTH. I know right now you must be burnt out and looking for a vacation, but I wanna say thanks for everything and I can't wait for the next one, local or sectional.

dvc y'all. Peace out.

Edited by dirtypool40
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Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Open class, 29.19, down 13 points.

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Open class, 15.89, down 5 points

Empty Gun Stage 6, Open class, 22.76, down 3 points.

Post'em if you got 'em...

Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Limited, 33.17, down 7 points.

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Limited, 16.14, down 7 points

Empty Gun Stage 6, Limited, 31.46, down 6 points

Aha...Just as I thought, my best stages didn't get counted.

My score (% of Chris) as scored was 60.31 (not unreasonable since I am classified B at 61.62)

My percentage of Chris's score on the unposted stages was 72.91 (more like I hoped to shoot)

Wheel of Doom Stage 4, Limited, 45.05 down 19 (one mike on the wheel)

Run up the ramp Stage 5, Limited, 25.39 down 5

Empty Gun Stage 6, Limited, 38.61 down 2

Despite the mix-up I had a good time. The stages were fun, our squad was great and I won a holster in the drawing.

Bill Henley

Edited by tptplayer
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Just got back from the match and had a great time in spite of the timing issue. Whoever designed that wheel is an EVIL man but, the courses were fun and pretty much straight forward. It had been three years since I shot down there and it was nice to go back. Scores could have been better but we were pushing and walked the stages maybe twice before shooting them. Shooting 9 stages in 4 hours was on the verge of work but our squad busted ass and got it done, squad 11, great group of guys. Anybody know if next years State match is going to be here or Frostproof again? If it’s at Titusville, I’m in.

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Kudos to Ray and all the gang. I loved the match in spite of the timing issues. I must admit i was disgruntled at the time but i soon calmed down after getting something to eat! I shot an open 76% while totally Zeroing stage 7.... thats what happens when you dont check your batteries before a long match i guess. One shot and presto..... no dot.... oh well.... had a blast though.



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It looks like the stages that got thrown out were the Wheel Of Doom :devil: , the unloaded start stage (with the double swinger), and the one were you started on the ramp with gun on table.

So .............. I guess we'll never find out how well (or not) we did on the Wheel Of Doom stage ! B)

Did very well on the 2 quick short movement stages and crashed the long WOD stage. Mike you would have had me by a "few" points due to that one stage. A class my butt.

Stages 4,5 & 6 were thrown out because, due to the Sun (The ultimate timer) going down faster than the shooters could shoot the match, scores for those three stages could not be calculated for all competitors. The rules state it so that's how they had to do it.

I'm also going to say that stage 7 almost got tossed because one competitor did not have a chance to shoot it and he was doing really well in the match and when the Match Director went to him and discussed it he said "Just give me a DNF on that stage so it doesn't screw up everyone else". Thank you greatly Marshall Todd for your sacrifice. You are truly one of the greatest people in this sport.

Stage 7 is the stage that I won HOA in Production on.

This goes without saying. Marshal is one of the true gentleman of our sport and we should all shake his hand.

Could have been a nice match.

Were you even there? It was a great match even with the timing issues.

I had to pull myself out of bed and was glad I did it. Was I frustrated with my quickness and the timing? Yes. But the stages were fun and the people were great, lets not forget perfect weather.

Ray, Paul and everyone else associated did a fantastic job.

New video camera = some video of the match.

Tammie welcome to the forum.

You and Cliff's practice is paying off. You both posted some good scores, and ran neck and neck with a bunch of solid competitors.

Thank you for the video.

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"Were you even there? It was a great match even with the timing issues."

Yes, I was there. Our squad shot in a bit over four hours what the AM squads shot in six hours plus. Rushing all the way.

Too many slots scheduled.

Could have been a nice match. Ended up as an interesting one.

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Yeah that was a solid run Tammy. :bow: Great job!

Matt it was great meeting you and putting a face & name with another Enos member. It is clear that you will be a serious competitor in Master Open next year. Kick some butt! ;)

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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it was nice getting to meet you and thanks for helping the squad out. By the way, that NS ended up costing me 1st place with the shortened number of stages. Oh well at least my squad got to shoot all the stages.

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Oh well at least my squad got to shoot all the stages.

Working like a NASCAR pit crew, I may add.

I enjoyed the match. The stages were good, my squad was a great bunch of friends with the bonus of having Chris Keen hang out with us (and making us laugh all the way telling Pharaoh Bender stories) and help us move along. Some gun problems attacked Jr and me, but that's the nature of the beast.

Thanks to Ray and his crew for making it happen. It was fun! 'Til next year

RBB Nemo

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