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AikiDale for President

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I hereby pledge you my support Dale.

I look forward to seeing the USPSA sticker on the presidential limo.

Perhaps you could have it painted on the tail of Air Force One.

If you are elected I would like to be appointed as director of the BATF.

I think I could shake things up there a bit ..... :devil:

"Dale for President"

Hare Power !

Edited by 38superman
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Being an A class USPSA shooter AND Protective Service Ops trained, I bet I could qualify for protective detail. I'm thinkin a new custom STI std issue pistol for all agents, and custom AR's for the gunners, and Benny Hill custom shotties for the rear guard boys. They have nice counter sniper stuff though. We'll keep that and the heavy boomers as is.

BTW, where's the dojo get built? Or are you just going to go to the one in Silversprings?

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Being an A class USPSA shooter AND Protective Service Ops trained, I bet I could qualify for protective detail. I'm thinkin a new custom STI std issue pistol for all agents, and custom AR's for the gunners, and Benny Hill custom shotties for the rear guard boys. They have nice counter sniper stuff though. We'll keep that and the heavy boomers as is.

BTW, where's the dojo get built? Or are you just going to go to the one in Silversprings?

You are in for the protective detail! I'll probably go to the Butternut Street dojo when Sensei is in town. For regular keiko I'll use the White House dojo Teddy Roosevelt had built for his judo training. The staff is going to be confused trying to decide whether to address me as Mr. President or as Sensei. :D

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I hereby pledge you my support Dale.

I look forward to seeing the USPSA sticker on the presidential limo.

Perhaps you could have it painted on the tail of Air Force One.

If you are elected I would like to be appointed as director of the BATF.

I think I could shake things up there a bit ..... :devil:

"Dale for President"

Hare Power !

Thanks for your support!

I'm okay with your appointment to the BATF post as long as you are willing to help me dismantle the bureau. It's purpose has been served and it's time to reduce the budget by eliminating unnecessary agencies.

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Wow, just look at how the bureaucracy is piling up already! By the time we all get a piece of the action, Dale will be lost in the administrative shuffle. :rolleyes:

(Oh, and while we're at it, as Campaign Manager, will I have a job when the campaign is over with...??) :unsure:

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What are the qualifications for Chief of Staff? ;)

I can't speak for the candidate, but I should think that anyone that has been a range master or match director at a level II or III match should be able to handle the job.


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"Wow, just look at how the bureaucracy is piling up already! By the time we all get a piece of the action, Dale will be lost in the administrative shuffle". :rolleyes:

That's politics Siggy. :closedeyes:

BTW....... I just thought of a nice perk.

As Commander in Chief of the armed forces, Dale should be able to get all the ammo he wants for practice.

That should put an end to component shortages. :cheers:

Edited by 38superman
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It seems to me since everyone here is assumed to be a straight shooter we won't have any trouble finding positions in the administration where one's talents are best utilized. How about we meet at Rio for the Area 2 match after the election and put together a cabinet over a few beers. If there are jobs more than one shooter would like we can probably run a poll here or have a shoot off which ever seems most appropriate at the time.

Oh and you can count on Lake City producing ammunition for the White House Team. The Civilian Marksmanship Program is in for a big boost!


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Wow, just look at how the bureaucracy is piling up already! By the time we all get a piece of the action, Dale will be lost in the administrative shuffle. :rolleyes:

(Oh, and while we're at it, as Campaign Manager, will I have a job when the campaign is over with...??) :unsure:

Well Duh! Of course you will. White House Press Secretary sound good or did you have something else in mind?

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Will we remain in the United Nations or be pulling out? I would also be willing to offer my support but not in return for a job. Instead I would like to supply a short list of people who would be sent to foreign posts in out of the way places for the duration of your term. Would that be possible?

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Press Secretary!!?? Heck, that's almost as good as being President itself...!! You got a deal! :bow:

"As Commander in Chief of the armed forces, Dale should be able to get all the ammo he wants for practice.

That should put an end to component shortages."

Excellent...!!! I'm glad someone's finally taking care of that little headache.

oh, and I nominate Skywalker as one of our foreign ambassadors.

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Will we remain in the United Nations or be pulling out? I would also be willing to offer my support but not in return for a job. Instead I would like to supply a short list of people who would be sent to foreign posts in out of the way places for the duration of your term. Would that be possible?

Our relations with the UN could certainly be better. I'm not for just pulling out. You see I am a Star Trek fan. I'd like to see a United Federation of Planets and I don't see how we can get there without a United States of Earth first.

Following the old dictum of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer I'd like to see if we can't make better use of it. Of course if it looks hopeless after I get to Washington we could sell the property to Disney for a Diplomacy World theme park.

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Will we remain in the United Nations or be pulling out? I would also be willing to offer my support but not in return for a job. Instead I would like to supply a short list of people who would be sent to foreign posts in out of the way places for the duration of your term. Would that be possible?

Our relations with the UN could certainly be better. I'm not for just pulling out. You see I am a Star Trek fan. I'd like to see a United Federation of Planets and I don't see how we can get there without a United States of Earth first.

Following the old dictum of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer I'd like to see if we can't make better use of it. Of course if it looks hopeless after I get to Washington we could sell the property to Disney for a Diplomacy World theme park.

You're a Star Trek fan too?!!!

Okay, that settles it. I'm voting for you twice.

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Ok, I'm in. Upon taking office can you have the IRS moved to Adak Alaska, and have the heat turned off?

I'll go you one better. I'm going to take the Representatives and Senators at their word. Every time they introduce a new piece of legislation which costs the taxpayers money they claim the people want this or that program. Well if the people want it they will write a check for it now won't they? Congress should have to beg for money like any other charity for any nonessential program.

The total tax burden of any citizen should be no more than 9% of gross earnings. God only asks for 10% and out of respect government should ask for a little less.

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....... I have no position on the spotted Baby Albino Whooping Newt or its habitat. Unlike a polititian I can afford to tell the truth. And to tell the truth I have no idea where it lives nor what it tastes like. Nor do I care.

You have my vote :cheers:

OBTW, I hear that the Baby Albino Whooping Newt taste like chicken :devil:


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