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Looking at ordering a copy just to be current. Are there any improvements in 3.0 for Multigun, 3gun and Rifle/Shotgun match handling? Any issues?

Thanks in advance for any info in these areas.

Why do you have to order a copy? Your USPSA club should get one automatically, and so should your section coordinator. :)

No, we didn't do anything for multigun, yet. The big push here was IPSC matches, followed by palm scoring. Rob and I have talked about it some.

3-gun tournaments work the same way, which was pretty well. You have the advantage now that if you want to print competitor labels for a 3-gun tournament, you can do it by using the new generic stage labels.

I imagine with a standalone shotgun or rifle match (if that's what you're asking about), you still need to register everyone in a pistol match, then register them in the long gun match, and then just score the long gun match while totally ignoring pistol.

Edited by wgnoyes
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More worried about my Canadian friends who will be helping in stats. When we started planning this, we thought we were using WinMSS for the first 2 days & EZWinScore for the last two. So I have a top notch stats person from Ontario to help with the IPSC match. The thought was that she would be the expert on WinMSS & I would lead when we switched to USPSA. Now she'll be using a program she's never seen before for the entire match, instead of the one she's familiar with.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2007 Targeting Education Match Statistician

It's not called EZWinScore for nothing, you know! :)

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EzWinScore data entry hint -

There is an option on the match setup page "use Enter Key to Confirm Data?". If this is NOT set, any time you enter two digits into a two digit field, the system will take you to the next field. If this IS set, you need to hit "enter" to enter data.

For example, consider the following set of keystrokes starting in the "A" hit box:


If the confirm entry flag is not set, you get "12A, 4C, 5D" If this flag is set, you end up with "12A, 4D,5M" because you have an implicit enter as soon as you enter the second digit in the "A" field. Some people like this, whereas other like myself find it easier to hit <enter> after each numeric data entry.

This issue is very easy to deal with as long as you are not caught off guard.

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EzWinScore data entry hint -

There is an option on the match setup page "use Enter Key to Confirm Data?". If this is NOT set, any time you enter two digits into a two digit field, the system will take you to the next field. If this IS set, you need to hit "enter" to enter data.

Rob et all...

Great work with the software.

Works nice, and has a pretty interface as well. :P

I was able to train my quasi-part-time-if-I-really-need-them stats person over the phone on how to use it. Great job, it works well and was quick and easy to install.

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EzWinScore data entry hint -

There is an option on the match setup page "use Enter Key to Confirm Data?". If this is NOT set, any time you enter two digits into a two digit field, the system will take you to the next field. If this IS set, you need to hit "enter" to enter data. ...

This issue is very easy to deal with as long as you are not caught off guard.

That's not new; it's been in there all along. Joy Hyden and I always have to butt heads on that at the Nationals because she runs with it checked and I run with it cleared. That checkbox is also available on the Score Entry window.

One other benefit of 3.0 that I forgot to mention is that it completely interfaces with uspsa.org's self-service squadding application. THAT IS A NICE FEATURE!, and I've been using the hell out of it on Area 6 throughout all the past several weeks worth of beta testing. I anticipate a big upturn on self-service squadding usage by match directors because of this one.

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You can also use the feature on the www.uspsa.org/squadding (even if you are not using self squadding) to check the match registration list for accuracy, getting a report of all cases in which the member name does not match the USPSA number.

You can thank Roger and USPSA HQ for the ease of install. That's one thing none of the development team other than Roger touched (something for which I am grateful).

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Why do you have to order a copy? Your USPSA club should get one automatically, and so should your section coordinator.
I run the MG program at our club on my own gear and want to have my own copy. The clubs copy of anything can never seem to be found anyway ;-)
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Looking at ordering a copy just to be current. Are there any improvements in 3.0 for Multigun, 3gun and Rifle/Shotgun match handling? Any issues?

Thanks in advance for any info in these areas.

Actually, to beat on standalone long gun matches again for a minute, I just tried it, and it works nicely now. What you do is define your match in match information, tell him there's a shotgun match (for this example) and name the match. Then in stage definition, just define your shotgun stages, and don't define any pistol stages. then register your competitors, specifying that they're entered in the shotgun match but not in aggregate. Now you can go into score entry and the only gun type that you can select is shotgun, the way we always imagined it should work. Put in your scores, then goto calculate results. Again, the only gun type you can select now is shotgun, and it seems to work very well.

I've included the example match file if anyone wants to look at the setup.


Edited by wgnoyes
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Okay, I'm answering just based on what I see in the program, and you really probably should wait for an authoritative answer from Rob, as the Palm stuff is entirely his. Anyway, under "match information" you can specify a location of the Palm transfer directory, and there's also a yes/no pulldown for "palm overrides ezwinscore". Now I'm just guessing here, but I should think that once you fill in those two items in your match definition, then the Match->Palm pulldown menu item becomes available (it's "grayed out" inactive otherwise), which is probably where you tie the device in with the system. But as I said, if you want a real non-guessing answer, wait for Rob. Thanks. :)

Edited by wgnoyes
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have EZ 3.0 (and now 3.01) My biggest bitch is that the .html help file has to be opened separately. It wasn't like this change for Vista was a surprise...it was announced with XP SP2 (maybe SP1) that the WinHelp support was going away.

Hopefully 3.2 will just abandon the WinHelp format entirely and go to the html help file. This will work on all supported OS so why not just fix it?

edited by kimel to fix version error

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3.01, actually. I'm sure that'll happen; they told me it was actually a simple change, but our immediate goal with the 3.01 level was to fix the two pervasive issues that affected PF appearance and results uploading.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Rob, What do we need in the the way of software and hardware for palm scoring?


EzWinScore 3.02** or later (3.02 should be released within the week, and adds 3-gun capability)

Palms - I recommend the III-Xe from ebay, about $30 each

USPSS 3.17 or later** from www.autoscoringsystems.com. This is a commercial product (no, USPSA does not get a cut). Email Peter Cunningham at "lingus@acenet.com.au" and tell him you want a "Club license" for details.

** I say "or later" only so this post does not become dated.


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EzWinScore 3.02 (mandatory update to 3.0 or 3.01 - it can be applied directly to either) is available at www.uspsa.org/ezwinscore. This includes the new HTML help.

In case you're wondering about the frequency of updates:

We have brought EzWinScore development in house, so we get much quicker turnaround time on changes and fixes to those annoying little bugs that we would previously just live with - just look at the "what's new" list with 3.02 and you'll see what I mean.

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one of my biggest beefs with Ez is populating a match. Why can't we have this set up so that when we start typing a name, the system auto fills? Why do we have to keep going out to a differnt screen and manually scrolling down till we get to the name we want, and then click it?

If the name turns out not to be in the DB, we could just add on the fly if this were the way it was set-up.


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  • 1 month later...
Why do we have to keep going out to a differnt screen and manually scrolling down till we get to the name we want, and then click it?

I just saw this note, sorry.

Frankly, I think it's easier that way to register people. Also, you've got the consideration that you're not only selecting the competitor, but also his division and (if it's there) his classification. This just seems the best way to both pick they competitor and his desired division, rather than having a lot of different things pop up.

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