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Micah's Range Diary


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I'll be damned if I'm not sick again...and to make matters worse between teaching, tutoring at Dayton Public, and classes, I haven't made the time to practice. Today I was SUPER RUSTY and my performance reflected that. Here's the video from the match:


-At the last position in the first video a little demon in my ear said "Drive that popper down on the move!!" It would have been a good idea...if I wasn't shooting in a 10 round division. That created a standing reload.

-On the next stage the poppers were not falling reliably and I made the decision to drive several down and take the standing reload. I feel that this was a wise decision as there were dozens of reshoots on that stage for other shooters, and I didn't want to dick around with that.

-The classifier was El Strong/ Weak Prez (not shown). What a clusterf*#k. Seriously.

All that being said, I had a good time hanging out with my OH friends, as well as catching up with the Wildcat boys. I'll take the good, forget the bad, MAKE time to dryfire, and try to get well before next weekend.

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Fun match yesterday at Circleville. I'm missing the Oxford match today to get treated at the Urgent Care here in Beavercreek...seems like my cough (hack) is getting worse, even after about one month :(


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Several xrays later, it's official: Double pneumonia :sick::(

Time to break out the flannel sheets and Old Ezra/honey/lemon juice elixir.

I hear that special Kentucky cure works great to.....B.O.U.R.B.O.N.!!

Get better soon.

Edited by steel1212
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Sorry to hear that, PB. Get well soon.

Thanks brother!

*cough cough* I'm STILL on the mend. I overall feel better, but am still coughing my ass off.

I noticed something interesting today during dryfire...the first thing to go after not practicing for a while are my reloads. They seem sloppy and slow. Transitions take the second biggest hit.

I have big plans for 2009, and will post my goals for the next season soon. Lots and LOTS of practice plays a large role in these goals...livefire included. I spent alot of money and time loading up a ton of ammo in the last few months, and I plan on putting every round to use.

Match this Sunday at Miamisburg...and by popular demand there seems to be another Circleville match in the works for the beginning of December. As long as I am healthy, I am more than happy to shoot in the rain/snow/cold ;)

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Shot at Mburg today...and although it was not my best match...BY FAR...there were signs of improvement in my video.

The cold made reloads and splits (aka feeling the trigger difficult) but I was appreciative of the comradeship and bs slinging today.

Weak hand continues to pillage my shooting. If there is one goal of my "off season", it is to stop losing matches to this. Dryfire has truly met its limit, and I will have to spend many hours on the range to work this caveat out.


BIG ups to Chris who got the results from today's match out before I had the chance to finish my video of today and open my first beer! He is the standard that all statspersons should live my :)

I am four classes away from obtaining my Masters in Education, and I was hoping to have my Mondays open this winter for shooting the Mburg league matches. As fate would have it, I am forced to take a class this winter on Mondays from 4-9 :(

C'est la vie. I presume that I will soon reap the benefits from my new degree eventually...unfortunately this winter will not be such a time.

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High standards huh....fun stuff :rolleyes:

No doubt Corey. I've been handing over points on weak hand from the beginning of my competitive life in this sport. It's time that I reclaim these coughed up match points and obtain them as my own.

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High standards huh....fun stuff :rolleyes:

No doubt Corey. I've been handing over points on weak hand from the beginning of my competitive life in this sport. It's time that I reclaim these coughed up match points and obtain them as my own.

I hear that! I dropped 18 on that damn thing today and that is with no mikes! :surprise:

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BTW- I would like to invite any shooter who has some weak hand advice to pm me. I WILL try anything to get more proficient. I WILL use said methods in the next month, as well as throughout the off season, and post my results giving credit to the pm'rs methods.

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  • 1 month later...

For the first time since I had my class with Bseevers years ago, I am taking an extended break from shooting or dryfiring. It will only be 2 months or so, but I felt that I was at a point in my shooting where reflection and rest was needed. I guess I can focus more on my last two quarters of school...or something.

Happy New Year to all, and here's to better shooting in 2009.

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  • 3 months later...

Shot at Circleville today and felt pretty good about my performance. I am disappointed to find that my headcam has completely crapped out on me. I have emailed the company, and hope that they can remedy my situation amicably...until then I will have to rely on cameraman and friend Chris Keen to film the action. The hand held camera only films in QuickTime movie format, so I am unable to edit the raw footage.

Camera malfunctions aside, I also had a jam on one of the stages...with the same mag that I jammed with two weeks ago at the Miford match. That mag is in the shitlist closet, and until I can verify its loyalty at the range, will not be used again in a match.

Although I took a (long) while from dryfiring, since March 3rd, I have been at it every day. The only equipment changes that I have since last season are a new stipple job (thanks Tod) and the Glock receiver plug (thanks nwb01). Although I do not feel that the plug makes my reloads any smoother, I believe that it reduces the amount of wear and tear that the receiver takes from daily use.

With me completing my Master program and the prospects of a new contract with a new school district in the 09-10 school year, I am uncertain as to how many major matches I can attend. IN Sectional, OH Sectional and Area 5 are a given, but beyond that, nobody knows. I do not have any problems with this as I know that next season I will be able to shoot many more majors across the US and interact with BE members familiar and new. As for now, the club match arena provides me with the livefire situations that I need to validate my dryfire.

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Wouldn't you know, I was able to find a viable conversion program to turn the raw footage into a cohesive video. Below is said video (with a reduction in quality to spare the 26mb heft that the original would take)


I'll be the second to admit that I have a significantly more amount of heft to my build then last season. Since January I have been hitting the gym quite hard to lose the winter/school weight, and thus far I am 30lbs down and a hell of a lot stronger. Benching 235lbs on the regular, my upper body strength has dramatically improved the way that I handle the gun...but it has also come with some negative impact: when dryfiring, I find that I need to take a break every 30 minutes to allow my upper body a resting period. My arms and chest get achy and tired, which eventually manifests itself into irritability and impatience, which turns in to a lack of focus.

Every morning before work, I hit the gym at 445am and do an hour of lifting, followed by 50 minutes of cardio. I can feel and see the results...but obviously this is a work in progress: there are more gains (and losses) to make.

Tomorrow is the Oxford match. With school being on spring break (that's work, not the university) I have more free time to shoot more and enjoy the warm weather and sun.

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...but it has also come with some negative impact: when dryfiring, I find that I need to take a break every 30 minutes to allow my upper body a resting period. My arms and chest get achy and tired, which eventually manifests itself into irritability and impatience, which turns in to a lack of focus.

When I lift before dry fire, my arms get really tight and restless. A good 5 minutes stretching session about 15-20 minutes into my dryfire fixes this for me. As soon as I feel warmed up, I stretch my entire upper body, then I can dry-fire for an hour or two with no aches. May not work for you, but could be worth a try.

I'm loving the range diary man. I know I can't gain experience just by reading about yours, but it sure seems to help. Keep it up!

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I'll be the second to admit that I have a significantly more amount of heft to my build then last season.

Dang I just thought that was what everyone called the "Glock Bulge" :roflol:

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I had a chance to give my new Rudy Project Rydon glasses a workout this afternoon. They have the red photochromatic lenses, and to be honest, I was not sure how much I would like wearing colored glasses since I have shot with clear cheapy glasses since I began the sport.

90 minutes in the dryfire dojo, and I am impressed! The throwaway glasses that I was using always had plenty of imperfections in them, so I was used to seeing crazy floaties while I shot, but with a pair of excellent glasses, the smudges are gone. What really shocked me is that although I was in my (relatively) dark garage, I did not feel that what I was seeing was darker...the inverse is true actually. It seemed as if more things "popped" out at me with more clarity. I felt so inspired I even took a few pix:



Sunday's Oxford match was fun...but the excellent squad that I was on make things even better. I'll add the film from that match to the film that will be taken at the Mburg match this Sunday.

Speaking of film, I finally got ahold of someone from the makers of my headcam (GoPro) and they agree with me (no crap) that I need a new camera. I shipped that mutha out this evening, and will hopefully have a replacement by the end of the month.

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Fun day of shooting today at Miamisburg! HUGE props (literally) to Paul Santiago (pas44) for setting up an excellent match :)

I got to shoot both indoors and outdoors today with my new Rudy Rydons with photochromic lenses. I didn't even notice until someone said "Dude, your glasses just got darker!" Way cool. I was concerned at first about wearing tinted glasses indoors, but now I know it is a non-issue.

I've been hitting the dryfire on an everyday basis for the past 6-7 weeks now, and I feel the difference in the fluidity of my shooting and movement. I've tossed in some new funk...like retreating with the gun over the shoulder, and had the chance to use in in today's match. I like it.

Although I still need to tighten the reins on what I eat, I am losing weight every week, and throwing up more and more at the gym. I still look robust in the video, but again, I can feel the positive difference in my belt and foot speed.

Photobucket is hella slow right now...vid of today will be up shortly.

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