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Micah's Range Diary


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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

Ahh the PA Sectional. It has been a while since I've allowed myself to feel defeated after a match, but at the time I took this defeat rather hard. The match pointed out several key areas of improvement...namely hammering down on close targets...and this was a match that demanded said skill. On the way home, I shared my exasperation with Chris and Bill...that's when Bill shared with me that after every match we are faced with three choices:

-Stay the same

-Get better


Staying the same is a losing maneuver, and goes against my competitive will. Quitting is the antithesis to my spirit and drive.

I created my Dryfire Dojo for a reason, and am dedicating the time between now and the SC Sectional to getting better :)

First on the docket is getting rid of one of the two unhealthy habits. I used to chew...especially when I shoot. Tobacco, I have heard from people in the know, is not exactly a healthy additive to one's lifestyle, so now it's gone.

Next up is my diet...the other unhealthy habit. Jogging 5 miles a day and eating crap is like having rice cakes covered in bacon and cheese. I am now tightening up my eating habits so that I can get rid of the extra poundage, as I am sure it does not benefit my speed.

Thirdly is a commitment to practicing SOTM and box-to-box drills more when I dryfire. After looking at tape from previous matches there is a wealth of time to be saved from being ready to shoot when I enter a position, and I need to make good on pocketing said time. Accuracy is my strong suit, and I need to capitalize on this skill by shooting A's while moving to my next shooting position as opposed to setting up and shooting arrays planted.

Lastly will require me to spend much more time at the range practicing with livefire. I know that I can hammer down on close targets, but have not practiced it enough with live ammo to truly trust the skill. I will reinforce my SI in this area so that this will not be the case going forward.

I do not feel bummed about the PA match anymore ;) Any experience that facilitates change for the better is an excellent experience indeed.

BTW-Here's a pic from the match...Jake, Matt, and I giving the "2 Alpha 1 Steel" salute :lol::)


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I was worried about you at the Miamisburg match. Glad to hear you got over it. I thought I was going to have to put a bid in on your equipment for a while. Funny you should mention those improvements you plan to make. I have those exact same ones on my list as well. I'll wish us both luck on those. I plan to come back next year and kick some _ss!

See you at the range.

BTW what is the "007" look you have on your face in the pic?

Edited by dcarter
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I was worried about you at the Miamisburg match. Glad to hear you got over it. I thought I was going to have to put a bid in on your equipment for a while. Funny you should mention those improvements you plan to make. I have those exact same ones on my list as well. I'll wish us both luck on those. I plan to come back next year and kick some _ss!

See you at the range.

BTW what is the "007" look you have on your face in the pic?

More like the Rock than 007

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  • 2 weeks later...


-jogged 1 hour

-extended dryfire session

-550 rounds livefire


-jogged 1 hour

-full dryfire session

Dieting (or as I like to call it..."Eating well") is going exceptionally well. Dropped 8 lbs so far. The BMI declairs that I should be around 148lbs...not really something that I buy in to, but 155 is certainly doable.

I had a great time at the range last night working on understanding that I can actually burn down open targets. I began with three targets at 5 feet, 2 shots on each...then backed up 5 feet at a time. After that, I worked on box to box at various distances, 2 reload 2, and SOTM. Wrapping up the day with WHO, I used my last 60 rounds to reaffirm that yes, I can shoot .15 splits with my stock Glock and get all A's ;)

This winter is all about filling in the rest of my skill sets, and creating more familiarity with knowing exactly how much (or little) I need to see at a given distance to collect my A's.

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Ray Z truely outdid himself this Sunday at the last MRPC match of the year! Although it was cold for the first 30 minutes, the weather quickly gave way to a beautiful, warm, and sunny day for shooting!

I needed this match. I needed the weather. I needed the comradery of my friends. Most of all, I needed to shoot the way that I shot today. No D's, mikes, or penalties...and I finally feel that I am beginning to learn what it is to see only what I need to see to collect my A's. I felt great all day with my shooting :) Whatever slump that I had been feeling is now gone after this match and spending a few hours last night putting my thoughts onto paper (thanks SA ;) ). Here are the videos (big thanks to Mark for filming me!):






I look forward to continuing my practice on seeing just enough to collect my A's over the "off season".

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LOL! I just got an email from our own Brian Hanna...he's in Vegas right now so it might be a little while until the results get posted. Is there anywhere in the world that man hasn't been to yet? ;)

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Thanks Thomas! To be honest, I hit that steel square in the calibration circle before the reload the first time, but went ahead and smacked it again. I never trust the challenging of steel not falling ;)

BTW-You and Jake both got me fired up to set weight goals. I'm down 10lbs now (the first 10 is the easiest) and plan on dropping down quite a bit more. There are tremendous benifits in this sport for those of the thinner/faster persuation.

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Sorry for critique, but from videos I saw(4 and 5): You are not ready to shoot when entering a position/box. Should save some time. Something to work at.

I think its the delay in the video as well. He is reloading as well from position to position :rolleyes:

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-hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

As I waste away here at work for my 14 hour shift, all I can really think about is shooting. I shot the Monday match pretty well...but I need to better program weird stages like "All ammo must be staged on barrels". I swear I reached down to my belt more than twice on that stage.

The dryfire itself has evolved into a cardiovascular workout. Using SA's livefire barricade drills, I find myself sprinting my ass off in "The Dojo" and working up an excellent second sweat. Box-to-box movement is improving, as well as keeping the gun up when entering a shooting position. I have a club match this Sunday, but won't be able to get back to the range for practice until next Saturday.

Sorry for critique, but from videos I saw(4 and 5): You are not ready to shoot when entering a position/box. Should save some time. Something to work at.
I think its the delay in the video as well. He is reloading as well from position to position :rolleyes:

Ramunas, on the 4th video, I felt that I had an "aha" moment when I didn't wait for perfect sight allignment on the poppers when entering each box, rather I saw the outline of my gun and felt "Good enough...shoot!" I know that there are many aspects of this sport that need work, and I fully intend on polishing them all during the winter months. Don't forget that in USPSA, Production shooters can only have 10 rounds in each magazine, so I literally was reloading between each box.

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I noticed that the classifier was missing from your videos, any reason? I'm glad I didn't take that bet. See you next Sunday. I don't think I did as well as you but I didn't do bad and I had a great time. It is always harder for me to RO and to shoot the match.

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-hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

Last night I dusted off my long forgotten range journal. Reading through it I was immensely interested in what I was thinking, the goals that I was setting, and the techniques that I was working on 18 months ago. I will write in this journal daily and record dryfire notes, livefire notes and pars, chrono data, and a daily food intake. There is something to be learned every time I pick up my pistol...unfortunately often times the thought/feeling is lost before I have a chance to add it to my online range diary. Having the portable paper will alleviate this conundrum.

I noticed that the classifier was missing from your videos, any reason? I'm glad I didn't take that bet. See you next Sunday. I don't think I did as well as you but I didn't do bad and I had a great time. It is always harder for me to RO and to shoot the match.

I accidentally set my camera to take pics instead of video before the classifier Dan :blink: ...but I had a solid run. Something like 6.15 with 3 C's. I will certainly be at Oxford for the last outdoor match of the season.

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-one hour of cardio

-half dryfire session


I used the most of daylight savings and jogged/dryfired before todays match. I'll break down the video clips:

S1: I don't like how slow my first shots were, but am pleased with my stage breakdown. I accepted 2 C's to skip a shooting position (hence the shooting 4 and reload in the middle) but it ended up being the best option. My most solid stage.


S2: Running and gunning! I liked being able to call my shots while running to the end of the stage!


S3: Should have been my finest hour, but bad positioning changed the flavor. In my first and last positions, I should have been able to shoot my targets without so much repositioning. Some of the targets were wrapped in no-shoots...but it's still something to focus on...


The crown jewel is snapping my poor fortune with SHO/WHO stages. The classifier was Quickly II, and I am proud to say that I shot that muthuh penalty free.

Being the last outdoor match of the season, it has given me much to think about. I have purchased enough powder, bullets, primers and brass to load up an additional 10,000 rounds to supplement my 5 50 cal ammo cans full of practice and match ammo. I am fully aware that my main disconnect is translating dryfire to livefire, and I have every intention to alleviate that disconnection. I learn something new with every live shot that I take, and with every moment that I dryfire.

I say this with no pride or boastfulness...rather an assertion of my own self perception and a binding promise to the public: I will be a substantial force in the major match arena in 2008.

While you are sleeping...I am gaining .10ths on your ass ;)

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Just something I noticed - It looks like you start your reloads well with the gun up in line of sights, but as you finish reload you are dropping the gun and bringing it back up, you might be losing .10ths in that area.

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Everyone is a critic after you shoot!

I wouldn't have gotten anywhere in this sport without listening to what others had to say about my shooting ;)You, by the way, are the most improved shooter of the season Dan. I really want to see you rocket to A in the spring.

You kicked Quickly II A$$ nice job!!

Thanks Robbie, you killed it as well. First time in a long time that I've seen someone's reshoot be 1000 times better than the original run.

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