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Trigger Spring Question


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I was wondering, are both the Wolf and Glockmeister extra power trigger srings 6lbs?

I went back to the stock striker spring with my RS kit, and have the Wolf extra power trigger springs, but am wondering if a Glockmeister trigger spring would feel any different than the Wolf.


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I believe that both will give you the same result. No matter which one you choose, be damned sure to buy at least 3 extras. Flex will agree, they break more often than any other part on a Glock.

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I actually tape a replacement trigger spring inside the Pearce grip plug on any carry/match Glock. That way I know, no matter what happens, I'll always have a spare trigger spring, thus always be able to get my gun up and running again if the trigger spring lets go.

OTOH, I replace my trigger springs every 10K, and with that regular replacement schedule thus far I've never had a broken trigger spring. <knock wood>

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I'm prepared to replace them if they break, ( i buy the wolf 10 pack ) so that doesn't bother me as they are always in my gear bag and its a 2 minute swap. (unless its in the middle of a stage :angry:)

I was just mainly wondering if there was a preference for one or the other as far as trigger feel goes with the stock striker spring.

I suppose i'll order a few to try them out.

Thanks for the replys guys :)

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In back to back testing, with a trigger pull scale, the Wolff proved to be slightly stiffer than the GM (and therefore the former yields a slightly lower TP).

I had a Wolff trigger spring break around the 9000 round mark though, with the GM still alive and well at about 12000, and I fully agree with Flex and others on the reliability issue.

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Interesting, and I appreciate all the responses thus far. Some time at the end of this week I will have a little baggie of both springs in hand, so I can play with both. I'm actually starting to prefer the feel of the stock striker spring with these heavy trigger springs with my RS kits. I like the stronger reset, not to mention no light strikes period. Its also worth mentioning that I only shoot about 5K to 6K rounds a year. Ive got just over 5K on one Wolf trigger spring with no problems in my 34. In my 17 I just put the stock trigger spring back in with the 4lb. striker so the safety tab would engage, and ran that for about 1K. Now both my guns have the stock striker springs back in them, with the heavy trigger springs.

Edited by kamann
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About 0.5-0.75lb reduction of your trigger pull.

And that is worth risking it breaking during a match? I have never heard of a Glock stock spring breaking.

A glock stock trigger spring and plastic guide rod is about the Most common things I have ever broken.

I have had bad luck with GM springs in past breaking inside 10k.

Good luck with wolff springs so far.

That said, I replace every spring every quarter and have had no spring woes since...been a few years now.


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I've also got a trigger pull gauge coming in. My experiment right now is to get my triggers at 3lbs or slightly above, just to see if there is any difference shooting that way in a match. Based on last weekend for me, there was no difference under live fire. Didn't hurt my times or scores at all. I don't really know what my triggers are, but its heavier than it was with the reduced striker spring. I enjoy production class, and if the 3lb trigger rule goes through for next year I won't have to sweat it, although I voted against it.

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Well, I just wanted to give an update. Friday I received the Glockmeister springs. I compared them back to back with some new Wolf springs in my 17 with the stock striker spring, and the Glockmeisters definately give a lighter trigger pull, and that was consistant with 6 springs each of both kinds. The break felt about the same, or to close to notice. I highly prefer the feel of the Glockmeisters, and shot some speed steel with it today. For fun I tried a stock trigger spring, felt like a good pound heavier on the takeup, no thanks.

Glockmeister wins.

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Got my trigger pull gauge in. The Glock trigger is tricky, but I tested the Glockmeister trigger spring and a new stock striker spring about 10 times in my 17, LWD 3.5 lb connector, and Vanek housing with overtravel stop, with RS trigger bar and plunger. Most pulls were 3.2 lbs, but never went under 3 lbs., and never went over 3.3 lbs. I tested the same setup above with a new Wolfe trigger spring, and it came in around 3.6 lbs. for most pulls.

This trigger setup with the Glockmeister trigger spring feels great IMHO.

Edit- I run a ISMI 13 lb recoil spring with this setup and have no problems, but I do the vertical test all the time to make sure. I keep spare springs of all kinds in my gear bag.

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And that is worth risking it breaking during a match? I have never heard of a Glock stock spring breaking.

I have not just heard of it, but seen it numerous times.

But how is that possible? A Glock can't break like those cruddy 1911's.

Say it isn't so, Flex will be heart broken to hear that someone has seen a Glock malfunction or worse yet, break. :D

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I've had 4 wolff trigger springs, 2 glockmeisters, and one OEM glock trigger spring all break in my glocks.

Not to commit blasphemy but my home-defense gun is now a 38 super STI and the mousegun that sometimes goes in my pocket with my c-c permit is also hammer-fired.

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I don't doubt what others say about the triggers springs.

However, my experience has been contrary to what has been reported. Since the late eighties I have not had one part break on a Glock. A chip out of a guide rod now and then but those get replaced as a wear item long before they malf. Do I carry spare parts for my gun to a match? Absolutely(including trigger springs).

My experience is limited to a G17, G35, G27 and G21.

edit - spelling

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I've had 4 wolff trigger springs, 2 glockmeisters, and one OEM glock trigger spring all break in my glocks.

Stock gun ?

Flex will be heart broken to hear that someone has seen a Glock malfunction or worse yet, break

Nah...I can break most anything. (Never have broke a trigger spring though.)

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Never broke one in a stock gun, but then I haven't shot many rounds thru one.

All breaks were with re-drilled trigger bars, mostly with light striker springs which i'm thinking is part of the problem with light Glock trigger jobs: the trigger spring overcomes the resistance of the striker with a LOT more authority & might be snapping back with more power than it was ever designed for.

On the other hand, i never broke ANY springs in my G20 & that had probably 50k rounds on it and easily 500,000 dry-fire snaps on it. Only change was the shape of the trigger bar nose, not a mod that I recommend but did give me a 2 lb way back about 16 years ago.

Either way, the Glock t-spring has two 90-degree bends forged [cast?] into it and also is under constant stretch, vs constant compression on most every other gunspring. So, the Open sti is still the gun i keep handy at home now. Sorry...

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