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Video Editing Software

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Any suggestions on what would be the best professional video editing software to get? I'm considering a non-shooting related venture producing videos. Ideally would like something to get seamless transitions and non Monty Python looking graphics, ability to create unique menu's, audio options etc..

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I think if you're going to stick w/ a Windows/PC machine, then I think the Adobe product is considered to be the top of the line.

I think.

That might be more top of the line as far as price goes, versus actual performance. I don't know for sure.

I've tinkered around w/ the Nero Express that came bundled w/ my DVD burner, but not much more beyond that.

There is a software package from Sony that looked pretty good for the price, but I never got any hands on experience w/ it. It was maybe 120 smackers at Best Buy.

Somebody will be along shortly to tell you to buy a Mac because that is the best machine/software combo out of the box for video editing. cough * cough * George * cough * George * cough. ;) (George does know this stuff though, so if you got $ for a Mac, then go that route. I don't think you'll regret it.)

I know didley about Macs.

I don't know exactly what you're trying to put together, but I really think that what you're trying to pull off shouldn't necessarily be all that expensive OR require some high end software.

What software have you been able to tinker w/ so far (that you think won't meet your needs)?

When I think high end, I automatically assume that the learning curve is going to be steeper versus a cheaper product. More frustrating, at least at first.

Edited by Chills1994
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I have heard the same about adobe "premier i think it is" and at the same time have used Pinnacle for some school projects very simple to use. At the same time i am doing some editing for another project for class which i am using my professors Ibookpro with Final Cut pro which is another awesome program. He is trying to convert me from windows to Mac Operating system. Which is working pretty wellll haha

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I don't know exactly what you're trying to put together, but I really think that what you're trying to pull off shouldn't necessarily be all that expensive OR require some high end software.

What software have you been able to tinker w/ so far (that you think won't meet your needs)?

ZERO experience with editing software. Trying to get up and going without mortaging the house (for now) while trying to put out a decent product. I've heard Adobe and Sony mentioned a couple of times. I guess it's a matter of just buying and trying to see what works best.

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Since I have a lot videos up on google, I have asked several questions about video related stuff in some google video forum. It might be worth it to find that forum, do some research, or just ask your questions right from the get go. It's been a while since I was on there.

Do you have a DVD burner w/ your computer already? You might want to try the software that came bundled w/ that first.

With the advice I got on this sub-forum, I bought an external DVD burner from HP that has the lightscribe labeling feature. Before I bought that, I looked into several other DVD burners, AND it appeared that they all came bundled w/ the Nero Express package. Which has had more features w/ it so far than I know what to do with.

It migh have been shred who said he did all his editing using Windows Movie Maker and burnt tons of some competition DVD using just that program. WMM should already be on your XP machine, for free.

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i haven't been following the expensive video software scene for a couple of years, but when I last left most people were using either adobe premiere, avid express, and vegas video which now appears to be owned by sony.

Also aid appears to have more than jsut xpress available ina software only form for PC these days.

If you want something simple and cheap to play with for editing, uleads video studio series is cheap and does a fair ammount.

As far as animation, and animated titles, you start getting into the realm of 3d software and compositing software. You start talking real money there. If on a budget, you might want to just farm out your need for anything beyond news broadcast style titles. mainly because you can EASILY drop many kilo-bucks on the software, spend a year learning it, and still suck becaus you have no artistic talent to make cool graphics.

elaborate on good graphics, becaue there are several ways of dealing with that beast depending on what you mean, even if you are jsut talking DVD menus.

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Avid probably has the lion's share of the professional market, and if you're really serious, this would be my recommendation. I use Adobe Premiere elements at home, as it meshes well with other Adobe products, and is cheap. It does all the normal editing functions with good effects, and creates DVD, AVI, or web output.

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i bought the Ulead version a couple yrs back to switch over the mini dv tapes i have...but it kept on freezing up...so i just bought a dvd recorder and hookup the camera directly to it and burn the tapes to dvd..now Ulead says they've got all that fixed..what about the XP version..??

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For Windoze, Premiere is the best price point, but Avid Media is the pro's choice on this platform.

On the Applecart, Final Cut Pro (Final Cut Studio nowadays) is the only platform to even think about.

The best of all worlds would be the new Intel Processor MacPro with quad core Xeons. Put 3 of the right type of SATA drive in it's bays, setup a RAID 0 array and you get over the magic number of 200+ mbs/second data rate and can capture uncompressed HD without dropped frames at 1080p data rates. That's huge for under 5k investment, software included (if'n ya' shop right that is).

It would take a custom built PC running a very customized bios to get to the same performance point, but at a higher price point. IMHO, only the FCP and AVID systems are the right choice for professional work over the long haul. Mainly for compatability with edit facilities and clients offline systems, but also for hardware support.

Premiere is nice if you are totally standalone, but it doesn't play so well on the schoolyard with the rest of the kids ;-)

Nothing else is even close to being up to professional production work.

BTW, the newest version of FCP (FC Studio) comes with so many special effects and audio handling options that the need for anything 3rd party has been completely eliminated. Apple's Motion software companion for FC Studio has finally got me considering dropping After Effects from my apps folder.

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