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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I began the day looking in the mirror with tears in my eyes wondering if I could overcome myself. I'm happy to say that I have. I had one mike today out of 6 stages. I enjoyed shooting our stages today and more importantly I FELT GOOD behind the gun. More lion than lamb going on today. My point count came up and I began really seeing again. Also we were blessed to be in the afternoon session. No rain for us :)

Renee gave me an update on the ladies super squad. Listening to her report I'm encouraged that I wasn't the only one having a little trouble with this match. The question will be who made the least amount of mistakes.

We finish the match tomorrow shooting stages 6-10. The real super star of our group is my son Jackson. He is beating both Dave and me. It's crazy how well he is doing. He has not trained...or prepared for this match...and yet he is rocking it! Amazing! AHH to be young again!

Tomorrow is a new match. The goal is to shoot well and finish strong. I believe I can do that.

Edited by Calamity Jane
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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

He has not trained...or prepared for this match...and yet he is rocking it! Amazing! AHH to be young again!

Is he young or just shooting to be having fun?

I just checked USPSA and ummm.....your top lady in limited unless I missed somebody :cheers:

Edited by steel1212
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I just checked USPSA and ummm.....your top lady in limited unless I missed somebody :cheers:

Not to burst any bubbles - but Jane has shot more stages than the other ladies (4 more). So, she will naturally have more stage points.... ;) You can't trust interim overall results for anything...

And.... Jane, you're beating Jackson ;)

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Sent to the minor leagues

I wanted to be the first to tell you all....Dave and I did not make major today. It was a devastating blow to my type A, perfectionist husband. His ammo truly is perfect....except today. He has loaded the last 6 years without a squib and has always made major. The temperature dropped in Oklahoma today and when we went through chrono it was 63 degrees. My ammo was 163.5 and at home it was 169. The good news is Jackson (my son) made major so his good match was saved. Truly it was Jackson who was the star of the show at this match.

I'll have more to say tomorrow about my match. I learned a lot and I'm looking ahead to the 2008 season. I've had 10 hours in the car to think about my training plan. More tomorrow....

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Sent to the minor leagues

I wanted to be the first to tell you all....Dave and I did not make major today. It was a devastating blow to my type A, perfectionist husband. His ammo truly is perfect....except today. He has loaded the last 6 years without a squib and has always made major. The temperature dropped in Oklahoma today and when we went through chrono it was 63 degrees. My ammo was 163.5 and at home it was 169. The good news is Jackson (my son) made major so his good match was saved. Truly it was Jackson who was the star of the show at this match.

I'll have more to say tomorrow about my match. I learned a lot and I'm looking ahead to the 2008 season. I've had 10 hours in the car to think about my training plan. More tomorrow....

Sorry to hear that, I know that has gotta just be devastating. Try to shake it off and shoot well, never a better time for all Alphas!

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2007 Nationals Match Performance

"Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success"

Edward Dowden

Everyone wants to be Cinderella. I know I do. It's the dream of every girl to go to the ball and be picked by the Prince as "the one". Yet the reality is there is only ONE Cinderella at each match. This was not my year to be her. Congrats to Lisa Munson who seems to be fitted for the glass slipper every year. Well done!

I stated in my diary that I had "a reason to win" Nationals. Even though I didn't win I wanted to tell you why I wanted to. I wanted to win to honor those people who have helped me develop to this point. My family, my mentor, the BE'ers etc… I wanted to win for others. It also would have been an inspiring ending to my range diary. Yet in shooting, as well as in life, this is not how the game is played. We all don't have inspirational stories with glorious endings. Reality sinks in and it is more about fighting battle after battle after battle and wondering if you will ever win the war. I was hoping to win so that I could go home and rest. But that is not the case. I've finished a battle and now I'm all ready preparing for the next battle.

I did not train to win Nationals. I trained to use an open gun to become a better limited shooter. Training to win involves training your mind to win. I've come a long way in my mental skills but I would like to reach a higher level. For myself, I'm looking to unlock the warrior inside of me. I'm a brilliant defensive player but I lack an offensive game. I do not have the mental ability to attack when I should attack. This is against my nature. My nature is to only attack if I've been attacked. So it will be interesting to find the mental key to unlock my warrior and ATTACK! I will be working very hard in 2008 to "release the beast"!

The stages at Nationals were somewhat of a disappointment to me. They just weren't hard enough in my opinion. I like CHALLENGE! I didn't have the mindset to attack those stages when I should have. I was too timid throughout the match. I did not execute with precision and passion. This was very disappointing. If you want to shoot with precision and passion then you must train to do so.

My plan is to summarize this diary in the next few weeks and then lock it up. I want to share my thoughts on shooting open to become a better limited shooter and also do a goal summary of what I have accomplished in the 2007 season.

I'll be back in 2008 and the title of my diary will be "Calamity Jane: Training to Win". Next year I will be shooting the open gun the entire year, I'll be attending major matches with the mindset to win, and I will be exploring the mental management techniques needed for me to perform my best in competition. I will find the warrior inside myself and release it. The next time my feet hit the Nationals playing field I will be prepared to win. ;)

I just viewed the results. I think by going minor I have safely NOT secured a slot to next years Nationals. This is a relief. Catfish asked me at Nationals if I was going back to the open gun. My reply was "As quickly as I can get to the gun safe when I get home." :D I'm an open shooter. The next Nationals I want to shoot is with an Open gun in my hand! ;)

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Making minor must have hit you hard. But you have the added experience to fuel your drive. And drive on you will.

You are a warrior princess. And you don't need glass slippers. You need a good heavy shoe to kick A$$ with.


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I never cease to be struck by how similar our mental game challenges are :lol: Tentativeness - that natural hesitation to be aggressive. For me, its proven to be a lack of experience and confidence (which, in some ways, are the same thing). I've had to learn how - and I'd say that at this point, I'm sort of at the break even point.

A couple of thoughts to close you out for the year....

Winning a major is a lofty goal - a worthy one, but one that does not just come because we want it. I think there's an important thing to learn about goals, here - sometimes you fail in your attempts at them, and that's perfectly OK. You learn at least as much from the failures as the successes. Your sig line is so relevant here. The important thing is that you went out there and you went at it the best you could - and you came away with some thoughts on how to make it better for next year. Don't lose that goal ;)

When you have a chance to decompress from the trip, take a few minutes to take stock on the whole year, and realize just how much you accomplished this year. From the outside looking in, and from the performance I've seen in the videos you've posted, you've grown by leaps and bounds this year. I'd call it a successful, winning year, full of achieved goals and major progress. The very end may not have been what you wanted - but I'll bet in retrospect (maybe at the end of next year), the perspective will be there to see that it happened exactly as it needed to for you.

Enjoy getting the Open blaster out again :) Next year is going to rock ;)

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Making minor must have hit you hard. But you have the added experience to fuel your drive. And drive on you will.

You are a warrior princess. And you don't need glass slippers. You need a good heavy shoe to kick A$$ with. MIKE..................


Thanks Mike...you're family...just like all the other people Dave and I shoot with regularly. Thanks so much for the encouraging words. They made me smile this morning. :)

I know what my theme song can be for next year!! Nancy Sinatra (mis-spelled I'm sure) "These boots are made for walk'in" :lol: I'm gonna have Jackson put that in my Ipod TODAY!

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Winning a major is a lofty goal - a worthy one, but one that does not just come because we want it.

Exactly! You must train to win. Which is what I'm going to do next year. :D I can hardly wait! I've already got a rough draft of how I'm going to train! The focus will be on having the mindset to win! I could go on and on what I mean about that but I'm going to save that for my 2008 diary.

I already know I've accomplished many of the goals I put down earlier in my diary. If I recall correctly winning Nationals was not on the list. ;) I'm looking forward to reviewing the year.


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Jane, have you read the book my Lanny Basham "With Winning In Mind"? It's available from Steve Anderson. I'm reading it now.

Yes Thomas I have. Actually I've been through WWIM 4 times. We have it on CD. Lanny is brilliant and I use his mental management techniques. One of my goals in 2008 will be to actually SPEAK with Lanny Bassham. Lanny and I were meant to meet. I'm just trying to figure out how to make that happen. ;) Also...I know where I'm "broken" in my mental management technique. I've got problems with the stage Lanny calls "arousal". Again I'm so tempted to elaborate on this BUT I'm going to save it for the 2008 diary!

ALSO anyone considering WWIM I can't stress enough how good the CD's are. I rarely have time to actually read a book...but I have lots of drive time to and from work. If you want to do Lanny...I always recommend the CD's.

Some other listening books I'm ordering from Amazon include:

The Art of War

The Inner Game of Tennis (I have the paperback, but no time to read it)

Thomas it was good to see you again in Ohio! I hope we get to shoot with one another next season. I want to show you what I can do with an open gun :D

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Ok Jane I have read your range diary and it is well written. I hope it helped. Now I am going to give you some brotherly advice. Quit thinking so much. You have the skills. You have the knowledge now get out there and get some fire in your belly and do it. It is time to take the next step.

Go to Kentucky, BUT GO TO WIN!!

The road to nationals next year starts right now. No excuses. No its too cold too shoot, Its too hot, Its raining, its snowing, I need ammo. Get out there and toughen up. I know this sounds mean and some people reading this will think I am nuts but I know you and what you can accomplish. So get with it.

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Ok Jane I have read your range diary and it is well written. I hope it helped. Now I am going to give you some brotherly advice. Quit thinking so much. You have the skills. You have the knowledge now get out there and get some fire in your belly and do it. It is time to take the next step.

Go to Kentucky, BUT GO TO WIN!!

The road to nationals next year starts right now. No excuses. No its too cold too shoot, Its too hot, Its raining, its snowing, I need ammo. Get out there and toughen up. I know this sounds mean and some people reading this will think I am nuts but I know you and what you can accomplish. So get with it.

Kentucky got cancelled but don't worry bro...I've got a plan for 2008 ;)

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OK..how big of a gun geek am I?? I just converted my holster back to the open gun set up and before I placed it into the holster I kissed it! :wub:

I'll be shooting a local match tomorrow. I haven't touched or dry fired the open gun in 6 weeks. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow? I can hardly wait. The joy all over my face will be evident!! I've got the gun that makes me feel good in my hand :cheers:

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Yes Thomas I have. Actually I've been through WWIM 4 times. We have it on CD. Lanny is brilliant and I use his mental management techniques. One of my goals in 2008 will be to actually SPEAK with Lanny Bassham. Lanny and I were meant to meet. I'm just trying to figure out how to make that happen. ;)

Call him. (800) 879-5079. He's also a member here but isn't around often. I had an individual session with him and recommend it especially if you're "meant to meet".

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Does training with an Open gun make you a better limited shooter?

It's a question that has been asked many times on the forum. One simply has to do a search to find the answer. Even though I knew the answer to the question I wanted to experience it for myself. So what answers have I found ?

Shooting the open gun made me a better shooter.

It's not fair for me to say it made me a better limited shooter because I didn't do the "experiment" correctly to get that result. It has been said that you need to shoot the Open gun a FULL YEAR and then switch back to limited for a FULL YEAR to get the benefit. I didn't do that related to circumstances. So my experiment was not one that produced excellence. My experience produced mediocrity. Interesting to note...if you look up the word mediocre in the Webster's dictionary you will see one definition states "halfway up a mountain". How appropriate for me!

I've read my entire diary this morning and have concluded as always the journey is the reward. I've loved what I have done these past months . I love the open gun and the experiences I've had with that gun. Although to every up there is a down. My downward spiral in this journey came when I had to switch back to limited. Sometimes in our journey's we have to take several steps backward to move forward. I needed to do what I did. Now that I've done it I'm free to move forward. For me that means I am free to pursue without any limitations open gun shooting.

Am I disappointed with my Nationals performance. Sure I am. Yet I understand what happened and why it happened so I have no choice but to forgive myself and move on. I understand which "Lanny circles" were out of balance and I can even explain why. The key is to learn from that and to adjust.

You know what the differnce between a "wanna be" and a "gonna be" is?? A "wanna be" will quit. I refuse to quit. I will continue to pursue shooting excellence with the mindset that I'm "gonna be". Limited Nationals was not the end of the road for me. It was a completiton of a shooting stage of development. It's time to move on.

I talked earlier about being a turtle in a rabbit paced world. The point of that post was to pursue shooting excellence with patience, perseverence and faith. Circumstances don't change that goal. This sport takes YEARS to master. The reason it is so difficult to beat top competitors is because they are YEARS ahead of you. I know it seems like I'm not "catching" those in front of me. Much like the turtle was never if front of the rabbit....but in the end....I WILL WIN the race! I've got patience, perserverence, and faith.

"To every horse there is a saddle that fits"

Mike Thompson's Grandma

I think I've found my saddle with the open gun. In 2008 I'll not train for medicocrity but I will train for excellence!

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