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Day one of the Mile High Showdown/CO State match...

arrrgggghhhhhh....well first half in the morning..was solid..no mistakes..couple of extra shots, classifier was slow, but no disaster..

wow..what happened after lunch..that was ugly as ugly can be..I gave away at least 80-90 points and really let the ball drop..after the first stage of the afternoon, I just couldn't put it together...my trust left me and I tried to make things happen..which is not a good way to go. Hopefully I can put it back together for my last three stages..I have about 390 points to shoot for..

the match itself is going well, squads are running smooth, ahead of schedule, weather was great..

Here's to a good day tomorrow.

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another tough day at the range..

overall the Mile Hi match was up and down..with no reasonable amount of consistency..when I shot well..I did well, when the wheels came off..all four did and I was left dragging..

a first for me..I zeroed a stage..

I learned some about making things happen..I can't..

I can't make up for a bad stage..I can't shoot fast enough to make the clock go backwards. the faster I try the more I cannot read the sights..

not sure if making GM earlier this month..screwed with my head..probably a little.

I have replayed bits and pieces of this match..I realize where some of the mistakes were..and recognize what was bad fortune.

Those that won, deserve it with their hard work..

time to put this behind me..the paycheck at the end was the same.

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short break in shooting..cleaning up the safe, the bench and storage...man I collect a bunch of stuff....must of had something in mind..

short dryfire session..working on draw with single action only gun..been thinking of L10 or SS divisions for the winter..but Grandmaster Glenn has been pushing me to shoot open again.

any of it would be fun...need to see if I can track down an open gun... :D

oh well..need to spend the weekend doing financial budgets for work...woo hoo..that's fun stuff..

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ok...that week is over...

watching nationals over the web..really kind of gets the fire burning..looking forward to this weekend..

not much time for practice. few moments in dryfire..transititions..finding the small spots. reloads and draws.

going to take a mental break from production..and play a little in L10 to see if I can work a little on that classification. would like to make that an honest percentage. mags are set for Limited minor also.


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Great day for match on Sunday..

no rain, light wind, 70s for temp..

decided to shoot Limited (minor) with my CZ..

not a great match for me..but I had a lot of fun.. very relaxed mindset.

Came in second with 15 shooters in the division. Actually won one stage too. But most of the Limited shooters had just gotten back from nationals, so they may have been a little spent.

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How did you like Limited Minor? Do you feel it will improve your game?

Hey Shay..

its fun..

to do well shooting minor..I really need to stay in the game..not dropping points, moving through the stages well, etc.

Limited is pretty big division in our local area, with a few more GMs, Ms and As in it than production..It makes for a change..which will help me see some new things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to shoot yesterday..

really super day..weather was perfect..squadmates were a lot of fun.

as far as shooting..It was good..too many points dropped..had issues on the classifier stage..on the reload, couldn't get the gun to shift..and totally messed the reload..man I hate when that happen..

rest of the match was OK...felt pretty agressive with seeing the targets..need to tighten my focus on the middle of the target. (Find the middle of the target and shoot it)

mid range and long range steel needs work too..need to be on that frontsight with more focus. hurt me on stage 1 3 extra shots on steel making me do an extra reload..bad!!!!!

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match today...

danced on the edge today..tried pushing on all the stages..found they don't give you a rail on one of them..pushed myself into two misses. It felt rushed a bit clumsy..so it does not surprise me the stage was a crash.

the classifier I needed a second shot on steel..so time was off on that stage.

the other stages went pretty well.. felt aggressive but not out of control. times were competitive and points were OK..not stellar..but OK.

next week..more work on points.

results just came out...was able to pull off a win on a short speed shoot against all the other divisions...alway happy when I can accomplish that..

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Match yesterday..

did really feel prepared so the results were mixed.

the production pool is getting deep..and everyone else is getting good.

was able to pull a win on one stage. that felt pretty good too being 10 pieces of steel on it.

shot two misses off paper..and had a misstep on a steel plate which cost a couple of seconds.

overall I see places for a work in my game..but feel on the right track.

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wow..what a crazy week.

getting busy around the office..but only because there is so few left..always wondering who's next...

.. :wacko:

be good to hit the range tomorrow..going to try single stack this match..

been a long time since I actually shot a single stack other than just goofing at the range..kind of like the old days when we shot heads up against everyone..no divisions..

well..see how I do...

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pulled out the 1911 and shot yesterday's match..

had a few fumbles..but a lot of fun.

amazing the difference in major scoring vs the minor scoring of production.

even with a few more reloads on the individual stages..I faired slightly better in the combined results.

finishing 2nd, 3rd, and couple of 4th place finishes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Its December...

don't really have the fire to compete..but sure do want to shoot.

have an SP01 in .40 to play with..so thinking I'll do a quick venture into L10.

tonight won't have too much difficulty..so really going to work on some basic skills again.

should be fun..looking forward to the distraction.

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Last time I shot was a week ago..

went reasonably well..had some problems getting used to decocker gun..kept riding my thumb up and depressing the lever. THAT'S BAD :D

so home I went and got out the dremel and solved that problem. gun felt reasonably good, with some work..I might actually change my mind about .40SW

dug up a magwell and some basepads...so I may actually play L10 for a few matches..

missed out on matches this weekend..but hung around and played with the little ones..played a couple of hours of PS2 with the boy killing CIS droids. He's good :bow:

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  • 4 weeks later...


New Year...New Goals...

couple of matches coming this week.

Dryfire drills have been the norm through the holidays..

Been working on target transitions..and working to see the sight faster.

Some reload drills too. have had some sessions where I'm just banging the sides of the magwell and missing big time..but getting consistent again.

what will be interesting is some pain in my left hand thumb and some tingling in my right...Doc says early arthritis in the left..and possibly carpal in my right. been doing some wrist exercises and backing off time on the computer.

Looking forward to getting back on the range this year..

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Match on Sunday was cancelled due to weather..but got to shoot the indoor match last night..

overall..it was nothing beautiful..but it was nice to get back to some basics..

first stage was a pretty straightforward, shoot what you see, left to right, box to box stage..time was solid, called shoots well, made up D with and A, gun ran great. Shot production, so needed to do reloads going into each box.

second stage was a classifier, bad grip and bad shot calling left me with 2 Deltas, so wasn't stellar.

third stage called for 3 upper A/B shots at about 10 yards .. called those shots perfectly..but didn't call another shot and hit a noshoot/mike.

good practice..lighting the fire.. :D

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Hey Ron..

you know..I can only take myself seriously for a few weeks at a time..I actually am not on the range doing livefire all that much anymore..most of my time is dryfire and that I do mostly out of habit and trying to find a quiet place in the house :roflol:

I think my most frustrating thing right now is the pain in my knee and in my hands..the exercises the doc gave me are helping a little, but it does get annoying.

I really do look forward to match days..getting the time out and I do enjoy the friends and the competition.

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