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Thomas Moore "if Possible"

Thomas Moore

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Why loose weight?

Look at one of the better shooters from the 90s.....Chuck Bradley.

Chuck is akin to an Abrams tank with a .40 caliber gun.

He is about the most stable shooting platform I have ever seen!

If you're making the M card now you could likely get the GM card too.

Take care of the shooting and get that GM card...

Edited by Mick
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Why loose weight?

Simple. Increase the power to weight ratio ;)

Chuck Bradley.


He is about the most stable shooting platform I have ever seen!

One can be quite stable without having to gain Chuck's physique, though ;) All other things being equal, across a large field course, the fitter man will win. That doesn't mean fitness is the only answer, but ignoring it as a piece of the puzzle involved in winning matches is a mistake, IMO... ;)

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Why loose weight?

Simple. Increase the power to weight ratio ;)

Chuck Bradley.


He is about the most stable shooting platform I have ever seen!

One can be quite stable without having to gain Chuck's physique, though ;) All other things being equal, across a large field course, the fitter man will win. That doesn't mean fitness is the only answer, but ignoring it as a piece of the puzzle involved in winning matches is a mistake, IMO... ;)

Dave, Back in the day I weighed in at about 300lbs. Because you are big does not mean you cant be fit or fast. Now given all things equal, including the same shooter, the more fit body will be faster. There is a balance thats the optimum , too light or trim and you loose muscle mass and stability.

I agree it has to be in the equation depending on priority's and commitment. Back in 2000 Todd Jarret told me I needed to loose weight, get in shape and practice. I had spent the previous 5 years on shooting and building Shooters Connection. I missed allot of my kids lives during that time. I made a decision to make my kids my priority and backed off the shooting. Now we all do it for fun. The kicker is that the weight and fitness is also part of that priority as well. Dont know what else to say about that, there are things all of us know we need to do but never do. Maybe one day.

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Dave, Back in the day I weighed in at about 300lbs. Because you are big does not mean you cant be fit or fast. Now given all things equal, including the same shooter, the more fit body will be faster. There is a balance thats the optimum , too light or trim and you loose muscle mass and stability.

In part, it depends upon what your definition of "fit" is ;) But... you're not the only "big guy" I've seen that moves well, either. And that's why I said that fitness is a part of the equation, but certainly not all of it. For most people, though, when they say "lose weight", they're really implying achieving a better fitness level (which usually involves a loss of fat mass along the way - which may or may not be replaced by muscle mass). So, Mick asked "Why lose weight?", and to me, the answer is quite simple.... ;)

Basically, it boils down to this. If you want to win, take every single advantage that you can get your hands on - if you can gain an advantage by being more fit than the next guy, do it. That alone won't put you at the top of the standings, so work on every other advantage, and turn every weakness into a strength.

Of course - I just read back through the thread, and this actually turns out to be a drift - TMIP didn't start talking about losing weight, so... :D Sorry, dude...

For TMIP, check into Saul Kirsch's Thinking Practical Shooting - he relates a method for determining the skills that need the most work in your game. I've been using that for the past year and a half, and it seems to help make the decisions about where to focus a little bit easier ;)

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To be the best shooter you are capable of being you need to be in top shape spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Yes, Robbie is not in the best of shape but continues to win consistently so it is obviously not the most important thing.

As of yet we haven't seen a shooter (including grauffel) in top shape in those three areas and who has the work ethic and financial ability to make shooting a full time thing. Once that shooter (whoever it may be) comes, it's going to make for a hell of a dynasty.

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It's sad to say... but since shooting sports are a financially a "minor" endevor compared to all professional team sports and many individual sports (like golf and tennis)... it may be an unrealistic expectation to have a champion who is 100% in all components of the sport.

If we had shooters covered from head to toe with sponsership patches (like a NASCAR driver) maybe the resources would be at their disposal to - - - aproach "perfect"... but it's not likely to happen until some one figures out how to make "our" sport a cash cow. Much like racket ball and some other individual sports... shooting is made up of 99% part time participants and it is very poorly funded.... because it is a "personal" sport not a crowd pleaser.

The 500th best golfer in the U. S. A. probably makes more money than the top end shooters in the world.

Sad... but true.

(sorry for the drift Tom...It just hit a sore spot with me.)

Edited by MichiganShootist
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40 minutes on the treadmill.

30-40 minutes on an upper body weight routine.

I'll continue this Monday-Wednesday-Friday with dri fire on Tuesday-Thursday.

Way to go man. I have been slacking lately myself. You have inspired me to do better.


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40 minutes on the treadmill.

30-40 minutes on an upper body weight routine.

I'll continue this Monday-Wednesday-Friday with dri fire on Tuesday-Thursday.

This is starting to look like my range diary!

Thomas, you have the drive to make it happen! Working out will not only globally benefit your overall health, but with, without a doubt, shave tenths off of your times. Not only will you be able to stay sharp after a long day of shooting, but you will be able to move faster and breath easier after a sprint to your next shooting position. I remember a stage at this year's SC Sectional that had a 20 yard dash to shoot a Texas Star through a port...having the ability to get there fast and not breath heavily was a strong plus.

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I can tell you the benefits of losing weight...I dropped 80 pds last year.

While I would not recommend doing it the way I did, the benefits are clear.

Primary benefit is less fatigue.

2nd benefit is better sprinting.

3rd benefit is chicks dig me. :)

Seriously, I remember my first match at 165 lbs...I ran though a fault line because my brakes couldn't slow my new engine. :)

Conclusion? Losing weight will help, but it won't revolutionize your shooting.

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Not only will you be able to stay sharp after a long day of shooting,

This is exactly what happened to me at Ohio. I tanked my 7th and 8th stage because I was fatigued. That was my longest day of shooting all year.

Losing weight will help, but it won't revolutionize your shooting.

I believe my shooting is there, got a nice complement from Brad Balsley himself. However, I'm running out of steam at the end. My stage times are there with the top masters and some GM's (not super GM's). My points are suffering from fatigue, the gun doesn't feel solid in my hands so I tend to shake the dot.

I'm hoping the cardio will let me last longer in a match. The weight training will allow me to control the dot shake much better.

Each and everyone of you on this forum is encouragement to get out there and do my best.

Micah, sorry if I ripped you off but you're one of the biggest reasons for doing what I'm doing. Just think of it as flattery.

See you on the range.

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Micah, sorry if I ripped you off but you're one of the biggest reasons for doing what I'm doing. Just think of it as flattery.

That thought never crossed my mind Thomas. I am ecstatic that you have found renewal in your game, and know that you will achieve the new goals that you have put forth.

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Tonight I ran a 5K, I haven't done this since high school. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when i was finished.

30 minutes on upper body weights as well.

I'm really watching the food intake too.

Now all I have to do is get down stairs and do some dry firing.

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Another 3 miles (5K) on the treadmill tonight but two minutes faster than Wednesday. Also 30 minutes on the weights for the lower body.

I've been drinking 1/2oz of water for every pound I currently weigh and I have to tell you drinking 110oz of water daily started out to be rough but by the end of the week it wasn't too bad. I've also noticed little changes in my body since I've been consuming H2O. I'm able to breath deeper, my back pain has also subsided a little. I'm not tired during the day either.

I know I haven't posted anything on dry firing yet, I'm still trying to get my basement in order so I can do some movement. I've also been reading Lanny's book "With Winning in Mind" which I find fascinating and encouraging.

I have a local match this Sunday and my focus will be on letting my subconscious take over the stage program.

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Sorry I don't have any videos, I'll work on that.

I set a goal and accomplished that goal at one of our local matches on Sunday. I let my subconscious mind take over 5 of the 6 stages and won them, however, my conscience mind took over on a plate rack and I came in second. I was able to take 94% of the match points with two of the last three stages shooting clean all alphas.

Tonight it's back on the treadmill for another 5K and some upper body weights.

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Two days in a row at the gym was rough. Since we missed Monday we made ourselves workout yesterday and then we were back at it today. I didn't think I could finish the three miles but all I kept thinking about was Lanny Basham's book. If a negative thought came in to my mind like "I can't finish" I would block it out and think positive thoughts like "YOU ARE GOING TO FINISH". Before I knew I was at my goal of three miles.

We also did 30 minutes on lower body weights.

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Finished Lanny Basham's book "With Winning in Mind", I will definitely read this book more than once. I'm starting Saul's book "Thinking Practical Shooting".

Can't wait to see Jane's winter Do Jo, I'm sure it will inspire me and a few others on this forum to clean out their basements and get to work for the next season of shooting.

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