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Have We Discussed I E 7 Yet...?

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At work we are experiencing a 2.3% failure rate using WSUS to push the IE7 updates (this is over a spread of 400+ desktop workstations). The most common problem is some missing .dlls for integration into MS Office 2k3 and incomplete installs.

Installing over the top of the IE7 Beta RC1 was also messy but easily recoverable.

All of these are easy to fix for the most part.

The worst one was caused by a user. She got tired of waiting for the IE7 install to complete so shut her workstation off and rebooted. Well, more accurately, tried to reboot. That one took a bit longer to fix.

I agree that the tabbed browsing in IE7 is way clunkier than Firefox. I do really like the tiled thumbnail gizmo though and hope that Firefox will come out with a plug-in to do the same thing soon.

I use both Firefox and IE equally. I have a vendor applications at work that refuse to even try to work with Firefox.

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I am having trouble getting used to the new IE 7, but was finally able to add the link to my Outlook Express mail which made it more comfortable.

Now Firefox changed to 2.0 and no longer has the link to mail that my old Firefox did. Darn it and I was just about to go completely to Firefox. Anyone know how to link the new FF to Outlook Express. I tried the "mail" add on but all it does is tell you if you have mail not how to get to it.

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Intuit, the owners of Quickbooks, has issued a batch which tries to prevent users of IE 7 from opening Quickbooks. They claim it is not compatible and are working on a .1 upgrade for QB so it is compatible. We have been using QB with IE7 for several weeks now and never had issues. We were able to get around their patch and continue using both of the products. Not sure what they feel the issue is ( since everything is working well), but wanted to let other QB users in case they decide to upgrade IE.

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One thing that is driving me nuts..

I liked to dock 'My Favorites' on the left, than I could drag/drop shortcuts from the address line...

1) I can't figure out how to dock it permanently

2) If I do drag/drop to the list, it deosn't carry over the page title any longer.

Anyone know how to change this behavior. And no; FF, Opera, etc. are not fixes :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not fishing in here... ;) But, for those experienced with both IE and Firefox, is there any reason not to use Firefox over IE? Feature and function-wise - not because of not wanting to switch browsers. (For those not wanting to switch from IE.)


At work we use a MS product called Live Meeting. It makes it so you can shre your desktop with someone else over the internet. Anyway, It will not run in Firefox. At all.

So I keep a copy of IE just for it. Otherwise, Firefox it is.

Now if I can just kick my Outlook addiction ;)

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