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The Guardian

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So after much anticipation, especially after recently having joined the aviation healthcare community, I finally got to see The Guardian tonight.

Going into it, there was a normal fear that it was going to be a Hollywooded up spin on what the Coast Guard actually does and how things are actually done aboard aviation medical/rescue aircraft.

Well, about a 30 minute preview session (including a couple of the movie previews twice), the annoying lady AND her husband that wondered why there 3-4 year old daughter was cranky (we saw the 10pm showing...my guess is that she was tired and I'm not a parent) and my buddy Mr. 13F1P (Airborne Artillery Forward Observer) giving me crap over being a flight medic and probably masturbating during the entire movie, can honestly say that it was $8, very well spent.

Was it the best movie ever? Far from. But it beats other military diddies like Firebirds hands down. Costner was good, Kucher (spelling?) was surprisingly convincable and overall the picture/story was believable. While the dialogue was not so good, there was a story and it flowed pretty well. The ending was a bit cheesy, but it could have been much worse.

So, if you're debating on seeing this or waiting for video, I'd say it's worth it. If nothing else, catch it during a matinee.


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  • 5 months later...

Finally got around to watching this the other day.

Best movie line I've heard in years barre none!!!

Ben Randall: When the heck did we get old?

Maggie McGlone: Hell, I've always been old Ben. Ya' know what though, I don't mind. I mean if my muscles ache, it's because I've used 'em. It's hard for me to walk up them steps now, its 'cuz I walked up 'em every night to lay next to a man who loved me. I got a few wrinkles here and there, but I've layed under thousands of skies with sunny days. I look and feel this way, well cuz I drank and I smoked. I lived and I loved, danced, sang, sweat and screwed my way thorough a pretty damn good life if you ask me. Getting old ain't bad Ben. Getting old, that's earned.

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Won't win an Oscar but not a bad movie. The Coasties are long overdue for their movie being made.

The extras on the DVD were gems. The interview with the swimmer who did her first lift during Katrina brought tears to our eyes. Around here, anyone in a Coast Guard uniform doesn't have to worry about their bar tab.

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Same movie format we've seen a hundred times before, Old Salty vs Young Buck, you know how it's going to end. This time it was just the Coast Guard. I wish Hollywood would quite re-writing the same scripts over and over.

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I rented it a couple weeks ago. It was a pretty good movie. I watched the extras. Several of the cast members were actual Coasties. If the extras were to be believed, Ashton actually trained up so he could pass the PJ PT standards. If that's the truth, I'll give him credit for that. i can't normally stand him, but he was good in this movie.

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