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What I wouldn't give for 28% humidity right now, I'm not sure. It's been raining here steadily for two weeks. I'm soaked to the skin. At 89 degrees F, it's nasty with the 100% humidity. Ugh!

If it's this bad, I should be in Louisiana shooting Area 4.


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thunder clouds rolling in right now...humidity will be 100 percent tomorrow :(

The good news is its texas and ppl are somewhat used to it...i feel for people in the northern stats who arent acclimated to the high temps and could suffer injury if they do not care for themselves..

On a brighter note, it wasnt too hot to shoot yesterday.. :)

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I was looking at the weather map in my local paper and the whole thing is shades or red & yellow. Seems ever place in the lower 48 that is > 10 miles from the ocean is 80+.

global warming? I don't know but warming for sure :(

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I don't know whats up with all the crying over the heat??? Its been 85 and up since February here in the Gunshine state. All we need now is a few hurricanes to make it feel like a normal summer!!!!!!!!! :D

Dude! Don't start that! Hurricanes are the last thing we need right now!!!! This year my homeowners insurance has gone from $2200 a year to $4200 a year.

Speakin of heat...I'm damn sure glad I switched from IDPA to USPSA/IPSC now I don't have to wear that stupid vest. :D

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Just returned from the UK last night, where they had just broken over 100 years of high temperature records. 98 deg. F, 80+% humidity, and NOTHING - but NOTHING - is air-conditioned (in point of fact, most buildings are designed to keep heat IN, given the typical English climate). Rumored to be ~108 deg. F in the Tube - mercifully, didn't have to experience this first hand...

The ale was even too warm for me to drink - and that's saying something :P

84 deg. F and humid at Vancouver BC International felt positively fall-like stepping off the plane...

Don't know WHAT people find attractive about summer...c'mon, Fall...soon!!!

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I thought Texas was the most wonderful place in the World to live? :P


despite the hellish heat, its still better than Floods, tornados hurricanes, snowstorms, earthquakes and tsunamis.

im not saying we dont get any of that, but we dont get that much of it.

still even in God's country, some days are best spent in the A/C with a cold one watching TV.


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Anytime I think it's hot outside I think back awhile. I stepped out of Kuwait international at about 2 am, it was 105 and 90% humidity. It was July after all. "Oh but the desert heat is a DRY heat." My ass it is, not when you live 75 feet from the GULF! Gulf coast Texans probably know what I'm talking about but Arizonans just don't get it. Sure the temps come down from 125 to 115 with a shore breeze, but it raises the humidity to 'F***ing SUCKS' real quick.

I've seen 165 degrees registered on the car mounted digital thermometer and 135 ambient air temps (unofficial). Officially you'll RARELY see temps 50 degrees Celsius or higher. People can stop working by order of the Ministry of Labor when the temps hit 50C.

I grew up in AZ and spent time in NC (humid) before I left and it was still uncomfortable for me. Then I think about those that have to wear body armor and hump machine guns around in that heat. Respect.

My arms room had A/C, for the guns of course.

Without a cooling system the pool water gets to over 85 degrees. This pool was kept at 65. Google Earth: 29 20' 22.97" N 48 05' 40.90" E

Edited by want2race
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