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Ufc 61


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Good hell after watching at least an hour of repeated fluff crap we were treated to one good fight Edwards/Stevenson, a half snoozer Burkman/Neer, a shameful 15 minutes Mir/Christison, an early stoppage Tito/Frank and 5 rounds of trying not to lose by Sylvia.

Good hell I feel like writing Dana White and asking for a refund. :angry::angry::angry:

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I'm very excited about the announcement of Wanderlei coming to the UFC for a 3 fight deal though! First against Chuck, and I hope the other 2 will be Tito and Vitor. I think Wand is personally going to destroy the UFC :lol:

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Robbery at its worst.

I went to a friends house to watch the fight, and had to leave after the first hour to go to work. My friend calls me at work and tells me the final results. Somehow 5 crappy fights for $40 doesnt sound like a great deal.

Mir/Christianson was a joke, very sad to see Mir decline this far.

Edwards/Stevenson provided plenty of ammo to the people that claim MMA is human cockfighting. I understand that the position of the cut wasnt very dangerous, but that was far too much blood lost. They shoulda stopped it way sooner, end of story as far as I see it.

Tito/Shamrock~ does anyone else care anymore? i dont. Edwards bleeds to the point of shock and this one is stopped after 4 elbows? WTF!

I missed the rest, but it sounds like I didnt really "miss" much. I like the UFC far more than the other organizations, and I think this was a sad day in UFC history.

BTW, when are they gonna come out with a new UFC DVD, they are only about 6 events behind now. Also, why dont the DVD's show the undercard fights?

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This was definately one of the worst UFC PPVs in a while.

Stevenson/Edwards was easily the fight of the night. Yes it was bloody, but the cut was not in a dangerous place. You could tell Edwards was upset when they stopped the fight. He was ready to go.

Shamrock/Ortiz was a bad very call. The first elbow rocked Ken but he had moved his head out of the way and brought his hand back up before the fight was stopped. Unusuall cause Herb Dean is typically a good ref. My understanding is the the refs work for the Commission not for the UFC, so I don't know if Shamrock has any recourse. Maybe get the Commision to declare the fight a No Contest or a Draw and have a rematch.

I was hoping Arloski would beat Sylvia. Tim has gotten to be a lazy fighter. A number of his last fights have been just enough to not lose. The UFC has a serious lack of HW talent at the moment. Hopefully, Munson will make Tim work for his money.

I like Wanderlai saying he want to f*&k ....... fight Chuck. Hilarious what you can get away with when you are a bad bad boy who speaks broken english!

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I was and still am in shock they stopped the fight, I agree 100% shamrock was dazed from the first elbow, but he was starting to bring the hands up and move his head to cover when the ref stopped it. I just felt like someone ripped the 40.00 right outta my pocket. The worst thing about it, was my GF went home to visit her parents (5 hours away) and she paid for it too!!! So we wasted 80.00 to watch it be stopped. The fight with Mir, well, I'm not even wasting my time typing about it, horrendous... The heavyweight battle wasn't a battle at all, the guys BOTH had WAY too much respect for each other, knowing one false move and they were done, it was smart on their part, but very uneventful to watch...

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I like Wanderlai saying he want to f*&k ....... fight Chuck. Hilarious what you can get away with when you are a bad bad boy who speaks broken english!

:lol: that crackd me up. Staredown was awesome. I think Chuck will be annihilated though B)

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So, being a budding MMA fan I thought about going out to catch some of UFC 61, then my wife sees an ad and like complete suckers..........we pay for the thing.

ARGHGHG!!!! :angry:

Hell the fights I looked up on the undercard weren't even shown!!!! I would have liked to see that Munson fight. He's more interesting than Silvia. And why exactly would Arlovski stand and trade jabs for25 minutes with Silvia? Not even one shot attempt?

Mc-Whatever :rolleyes:

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Wow you guys echo my sentiments exactly. PRIDE ROCKS. "Heres a yellow card if you guys stall, less 10% of your purse. next time 50%, 3rd time your'e out". UFC needs to adopt someting similar so these run away stallers can get it on.

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I think Pride has a lot of problems of their own, but a schoolyard shoving match between 3rd graders woulda beat this sad display of MMA.

Edwards cut was in a "safe" location, but how much total blood did he lose? I'd bet over a pint minimum. With the adreneline keeping you ignorant and purging blood from your system, there comes a point when the blood loss is too great and you need to stop it, regardless of where the cut is. just my opinion.

I dont think Wanderlei is gonna be the end all, be all fighter in the UFC, but it would be fun to watch.

I still dont see how they can put a "must run in the space allotted" on a PPV event. I thought you were paying cuz it was a special thing, and for the chance to see it without other tv factors like commercials, time limits, and content limits.

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Edwards bleeds to the point of shock and this one is stopped after 4 elbows? WTF!

This about sums it up right here.

...and the closest thing to a knockout in the Sylvia/Arlovski was me trying not to fall asleep. zzzzzzzzzz.

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