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Superman Returns

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When I was a kid I started reading comic books as soon as I was old enough to read.

I liked them all but Superman was always my favorite.

Fast, strong and indestructable, he was the ultimate hero that every child wants to be.

My grandmother used to pin a red towel to the back of my shirt when I would go out to play.

I would jump from the highest perch I could find and pretend to fly.

Last night at the theater, Superman returned.

And for a joyful couple of hours, so did the kid with the red towel.


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Was too busy gaping at him throughout the movie to know what was going on. :wub: Gotta watch it again to find out what it's about... :D

Seriuosly, I liked it. It was good entertainment. I was expecting some deep "Batman-like" thought-provoking (or something close) stuff to happen but I got reminded that this was Superman. Once I got past that, I enjoyed the movie.

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How's the music? Is it the John Williams theme?

Fourth of July 1989, in a park in Boston (the name of the park escapes me now) I saw Williams in front of the Pops and they satrted the concert with the Superman medley. One of those memories that brings you goosebumps!

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The music is the same theme that you know from the Chris Reeve movies.

I saw it at the local Imax theater with some of the scenes in 3d.

The sound system was 12,000 watts and the musical score was fabulous.

It is an excellent film in every respect.

Movie making has come a long way since "Superman: The Movie" came out in the late 70's.

If you've seen the previews you know there is a scene where Superman is trying to save an airliner falling out of the sky.

It's giving him real trouble because the damaged plane is in a flat spin and breaking up as it falls.

When he tries to grab the aircraft, it just continues to come apart.

When you see the whole thing it will just blow you away. :o


Edited by tlshores
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AZ Shooter,

You are right, it is a lot the same, but, as I watched my 8 year old son see Superman for the first time, I saw that same excitement in his eyes that I had when I was a little boy with my dad seeing the man of steel for the first time. This movie wasn't for us, it was for a new generation of Superman fans, and I for one was very happy to see them get the same story/message. :) Now where's that red towel...

Edited by Barrettone
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I saw it yesterday and loved it.

Driving home, I put the windows down, turned the radio off and drove 110 mph all the way home. My truck has never before felt so fast, smooth or quiet.

I guess I wanted to fly... :)

It was a great feeling, I was passing the cars in what felt like slow motion...the truck was just floating along with me as an observer. I guess you could say I was in the zone. I felt invincible, and for those few moments I was.

I stopped at the store for a few things and even that felt surreal...It got me thinking that it would be great to preserve that feeling while shooting a match.


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It's definately a 'feel-good' movie... I felt good coming out of it... $7.50 well spent.

Kevin Spacey is great as Lex Luthor, some nice comic moments... usually from 'Kitty'.

I spotted Richard Branson, head of Virgin (including Virgin Galactic) as a co-pilot on the shuttle.... nice touch.

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Saw it yesterday. Predictable, yes. Exciting, oh yeah. Hope to see it on IMax next.

Kevin Spacey is awesome as Lex...as I knew he would be. One of our best actors going now and way under-rated and under-appreciated.

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