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CM 99-20


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  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Shot this yesterday & it kicked my butt royally. Both my hamstrings and my left "glutteous" are cramped & sore as hell.

6 points down in 13.71 - horrible score. My Limited percentage won't budge cuz this one won't count - too low. At least now my % is up from 73 and I "deserve" to be in A class Ltd. Too bad my 95 drops off in 2 more matches.

A good score seemed to be 3-4 points down in 10seconds flat. One guy did it kneeling in all three positions in 9seconds flat - and 2 Mikes. SmittyFL did it all crouching but not his best classifier, either.

I've gotten really really good at shooting the Glock with straight arms, and my hips behind every shot. This classifier takes both of those things away, and taught me that I've gotten worse at some things, through neglect.

If I was gonna do this again, I'd shoot SHO around the right side, weak hand up on the bar to support myself leaning out away from my feet. Center crouching. Left side WHO, mirror image of the right side. There's only 4 shots from each.

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I'm not sure how to go about this one. All I know is the way I shot it felt like ass. I'm amazed at the number of classifers I haven't shot being in this game for as long as I have. I always enjoy shooting new ones, but I hope I don't see this one again for a while.

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Wow...am I right in thinking that you two shoot the same match?

Was the classifier properly setup? Ports and bar in the right places and height?

I missed this one at a local match, but everybody that shoot it ended up above class. This classifer was still setup when I went for a practice session a few days after the match. I double checked it to see that is was properly setup. I was sorry I missed it in the match. :huh:

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Same match. Far as I know the set-up was good, nothing was moved. I didn't see the tape measure & all.

The stage design is very "tactical" for what that's worth. Means only a portion of your upper body is behind the gun. Muscle tension all the way. I suck at that.

I shoot the dot-gun with bent arms & do okay with it from the "weird" stances. Maybe I'd do it better in Open. Or not.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

How about some "How'ld you do that?" on this one. Right handed shooter. I'm not sure about caspian28r's one handed thing.

I was thinking: Spin left. Shoot right side first. Middle second. And finish on the left. I would normally spin right, but I'm thinking I'ld rather finish in the awkward left side position.

What do you'll suggest?

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Shot this yesterday & it kicked my butt royally. Both my hamstrings and my left "glutteous" are cramped & sore as hell.

A good score seemed to be 3-4 points down in 10seconds flat. One guy did it kneeling in all three positions in 9seconds flat - and 2 Mikes. SmittyFL did it all crouching but not his best classifier, either.

If I was gonna do this again, I'd shoot SHO around the right side, weak hand up on the bar to support myself leaning out away from my feet. Center crouching. Left side WHO, mirror image of the right side. There's only 4 shots from each.

Wondering the best way to shoot this. We're shooting it in MS this weekend and I've never seen it set up before. I'm much more comfortable shooting on 1 or 2 knees than I am crouching or squatting with a limited gun. Any suggestions?

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With the outside ports at four feet and the targets way out to the side, I'd look at doing it out, out & port. From the picture, it doesn't appear to me that you would need to go all the way to the front of the box to get the outside papers.

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I shot this one on Saturday at the MS classic, and did really well (according to the match results).

58 points in 12.18 sec, Limited, C class. That placed 5th overall among the limited shooters at the match.

Of course it was pouring rain, and the starting box was more like a starting pool...I guess that probably slowed most shooters down. I saw a lot of mistakes on my squad, too, like starting on the far right of the box, then moving all the way to the left to start shooting. There was also a 10-year-old shooter who didn't have to bend to shoot under the sticks. :D

I allowed comfort to win out and started in the far right side of the box, because there was a little high spot there, and I didn't have to have both feet submerged (normally, I would start shooting on the left).

I spun left and drew, taking the right side targets from outside in, then left to right (poppers first) through the port, and then outside in from under the left side.

I squat and do this kind of crab-walking thing to move from port to port.


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  • 6 months later...

Shot this one on Sunday, 58 pts in 10.3 with a Limited gun. 5.6311 HF, If the ohio site is accurate then its a 93% :blink: which is my highest one to date.

I shot the left side first, squated for the center then took a step with my left foot as I planted my right knee to shoot the right side.

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Shot this one on Sunday, 58 pts in 10.3 with a Limited gun. 5.6311 HF, If the ohio site is accurate then its a 93% :blink:  which is my highest one to date.

I shot the left side first, squated for the center then took a step with my left foot as I planted my right knee to shoot the right side.

I made a few adjustments to my script, I have you at 84.6912%

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