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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I was reading another thread where two people talk about who can shoot a tighter group. The first guy picks up a handgun & fires one shot and tells the other "beat that".

I recall someone telling me that TGO once fired a shot, reloaded and fired another shot incredibly fast. The trick was he never reloaded. He just grabbed a mag off the belt and let go of it near the gun.

Any other sucker bets at the range? I want to win some lunch money.

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If you've got a long Silhouette rifle range, the day before, go to the range and pick out some impossible target way downrange. Then take a sack of ammo and figure out what rock on the berm you need to aim to hit it.

Come back the next day and lay bets..

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I recall someone telling me that TGO once fired a shot, reloaded and fired another shot incredibly fast. The trick was he never reloaded. He just grabbed a mag off the belt and let go of it near the gun.

That would be the famous "Mike Voigt" reload :P

Works great for El Prez (when the RO isn't watching that close), from what I have heard.

Another great trick (from the Bill Jordan files) is to shoot a snake earlier that day. Then, while driving a carload of fiesty illegals in for procesing, stop a rediculously long way away from the (dead) snake and take a shot.

Then drive to (and stop by to check status) on said snake.

He reported that the illegals were very well behaved after that :D


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If you are shooting Open, black out the front of your c-more and take bets on shooting a stage. This only works if you are same hand - eye dominance though.

Ah No = it still works even if you are right handed left eye / cross dominate


I think a cold drink is the apropriate bet.

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This is good stuff. I'm a rangemaster at my agency (LEO). If it makes people feel better I just want to hustle my fellow LEO's!! (Well, maybe an unsuspecting USPSA shooter!!!)

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If your brother officers are not also IPSC shooters, just bet them that they can't hit an A zone at 10 yards from the holster in under 2 seconds and that you can. If they accidentally jerk one into the A zone, then just make it best 2 out of three ;-)

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I used to have a bunch of these when I "worked" in pool rooms.

"Doesn't that paint on that beam look like it's still sticky? I bet this cue would stick there and hang."

I also used to carry around a golf ball in my cue case for a favorite gaff.

5 rail kick in.

Shaft jumping a full ball an inch away.

Hell, spinning a cue ball in a glass ash tray.

There's a million of them.

What were we talking about, :mellow: oh yeah, shooting. :unsure: Nope never done that.

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DP~ My brother did similiar stuff. He was/is a pretty decent pool player, but by no means a shark. He spent hours and hours in the basement setting up ridiculous shots and shooting them over and over until he knew exactly how each one was done. He had maybe 10 or 12 crazy shots that he could make nearly every time, went to pool halls and would bet $5 a shot. On the rare occasion he lost, it didnt break his pocket.

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