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CM 99-44


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We shot this thing last weekend. Start kneeling (both knees on the 4x4 platform, back to targets, hands on head), turn, draw, shoot 3 targets, reload, shoot targets again.

None of us shot it very well. Looks like the HHF in open is around 9.5, and even the GM's didn't break 8.

Now the question-- is it better to get up and then shoot, or shoot the whole thing kneeling? Is there some trick to it?

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I have no idea.  I absolutely tanked this one and I stood up, but that was not the only problem.  3 mikes were the problem.  Shot it in 8.48 which wasn't fast enough anyway.  

The best run at our club was a Master who sprang up off the board like he was spring loaded.  He shot 53 points in 8.04 seconds but I think that only went in as 71% nationally...   This must just be a tough one.

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I stayed kneeling and shot it in about 7.5 sec.  I had a ~1.90 first shot and a ~2.50 reload, which was awkward.   I only saw one guy jump up and his first shot was way over 2.

If I'm right that the HHF is around 9.5, that's clean in around 6.3 sec.  Assuming I worked on my crunched-up reload to get closer to 1.5, I'd be close.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Your back must start square with the targets, but there is no requirement for knee position.  Find a position that allows you to shoot/reload well, then twist around to put your back to the targets.  I can't imagine trying to stand up.

We kind of shot this one Sat.  Decided its purpose is to test your threshold of pain.

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  • 1 month later...

Got up. 7.26  57pts. 7.85HF Don't know the precentage.

Trick is too lean on left knee to whip out the right knee and turn.  Two steps tops.  I got bad knees and still did this well.  Don't know what first shot time was but if I had any sping I'm sure I could have shot in the low sixes.

(Edited by John Thompson at 5:58 pm on July 26, 2002)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Are the scores people have posted here so far for Open or Limited?  I shot it today (Limited) and got 55 points, 8.48 seconds.  Turned on one knee and stood and shot.  After the match, I shot it Limited 10 (for classification purposes) and got 56 points in 8.50 seconds (standing again).  I probably could have gotten on target faster staying on my knees but I wonder what my reloads would have been like?  Are people really breaking 6 seconds with a Limited Gun on this stage?  Thanks, Jack

(Edited by Jack Suber at 7:32 pm on Jan. 4, 2003)

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  • 1 month later...

I was checking this classifier out today and was thinking about how to do it right. (y'know...game it)  There were a couple of questions that I was thinking about.

1.  Why do they call it a platform instead of a box?  What's the difference from their description of the platform and a 4 by 4 box?

2.  I can twist my upper torso 90 degrees so that my lower body is pointing left and my "back is to the targets"  Is this an acceptable start position? Because if it is - my gun has already cleared the 180 since it is naturally tilted left.

BTW - High Hit Factor for limited for this is 9.250 (which is a round number which means that they guestimated it and is not based on the top scores.)

Two years ago I shot it in 10.00 seconds(I stood up) with 52 points for a 5.2 Hit Factor which is a 56.216 classifier.

I'm sooooo much better now and really want to attack it.

I'll email Amidon and ask him.  He's always been real good in emailing me back promptly.

(Edited by Dowter at 10:46 pm on Feb. 21, 2003)

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Wow, John Amidon was really fast this time.

Here is the email that he sent me.


Good day Mr. Tuite,

1.  Why do they call it a platform instead of a box?  What's the difference from the description of the platform and a 4 by 4 box?

Mainly because it really is a platform, it is made of 2X4's with a top, this is so that the competitor is kneeling of the surface of the platform and not the ground, giving the same condition for all.

2.  I can twist my upper torso 90 degrees so that my lower body is pointing

left and my "back is to the targets" Is this an acceptable start position? Because if it is - my gun has already cleared the 180 since it is naturally tilted left.

That is up to the RO, back to the targets to me, is the back is square to the targets, now if you can contortionize your body to have this effect,

then I see no problem with what you describe.

This brings up the question of what the "back" is.  (Sorry, don't mean to pull a Clinton on you).  Is the "back" just the back of the upper torso or must the butt and heals be facing in the same direction.  I've seen lots of interesting contorted ballet like moves to start a stage when in the stage description the word "back" is used.

Well, Webster's describes it as the rear or dorsal part of the human body, or the part opposite the front, which would mean that the whole back portion of the body is considered the back, which would not allow what you described above, however, the stage procedure does not get that specific in the starting position.

Does this make it a bad classifier?  Maybe, but I have seen may different

ways that this has been shot, and none seem to provide an advantage

over another.

Hope this helps.


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  • 3 months later...

To stand or not to stand?

I did it dry fire in 5 sec going to standing (my normal dry elprez is 3.8-4.0) and I'm usually a second slower in live fire...

Has anyone burned it down kneeling or standing?

I can't figure out how to turn on my knees.

Got til Sunday... :)


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I was reading in THE BOOK today...

BE talked about how he and TGO tried different ways to shoot stages with funky start positions.

The conclusion seemed to be to stand up and shoot from your normal shooting stance (for consistency).

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  • 4 months later...

Shot this one today, started facing right and then twisted so my back was towards the target. In this position you can get some weight off your left knee. At the start, began twisting left while standing up.

7.80 sec, 0 points down, hf 7.692, Open

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Also shot this today...just about the WORST classifier I could shoot in my present condition.

Got up...eventually...then because I felt I had wasted too much time getting up, went a bit too fast and threw one into the hardcover. Don't remember the time but it wasn't good.

GRW shot this incredibly smooth...looked effortless.

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  • 2 months later...

Had to shoot this one again at the Utah section champs in September --- damn tough on a sluggardly 53 year old! Shot Open, stood up, 4.78 --- Oops, damn, gave the no-shoot on the middle target two perfect "eyes"! Hmmmmmm....looks like two misses on the middle target also --- oh well, it sure was fast!!!

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I shot this at the last York, PA match in OPEN Division. It looks like I'll get a chance to shoot it in Production in a couple weeks (Shooters Paradise classifier match on 1/21/04!). I spun on my right knee and planted my left foot, shooting it on 1 knee. It made for a quicker 1st shot than standing, I think, and it was a stable platform as well. It didn't go that great, but I'm not an 'open' shooter though. If I remember correctly, I couldn't find the dot after the reload. :huh:

55 points in 6.38 seconds, came out to an 81.xx%. Can't wait to shoot it with the Glock.

Best regards

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