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Hi Everyone,

I am interested in purchasing some Zero Bullets to use in my 9mm major open pistol. When I visit sites such as www.ghostholster.com and www.shootersconnection.com, I notice they have different sections and pricing for 9mm bullets and 38 super bullets.

Is there a difference between the two bullets and are they both interchangeable (i.e., can I use 9mm bullets in a 38 super gun and vice versa)? I though they are the same like the way you can use 38 special bullets to create .357 magnum loads. Thanks in advance.

Posted (edited)

9mm is .355

38super is .356

If your gun is 9mm, use the 9mm bullets. After many tens of thousands of rounds and your barrel is getting worn out, you could switch to .356 bullets. :)

Edited by Matt Cheely

When I bought my first CZ from Angus Hobdell (Ghostholster.com) he actually recommended that I use the 38 super out of my 9mm for a more accurate load. I haven't seen any issue and that is all I load with now is the 125gr JHP in the 38 super.

Posted (edited)
When I bought my first CZ from Angus Hobdell (Ghostholster.com) he actually recommended that I use the 38 super out of my 9mm for a more accurate load. I haven't seen any issue and that is all I load with now is the 125gr JHP in the 38 super.

Wil Schuemann also recommends shooting .356 or .357 bullets from his .355 barrels. His contention is that gasses blowing around the side of the bullet do far more damage than the jacket friction could ever do.


Edited by L9X25

Heck, 10 degrees of temperature rise will take a .3555 bullet to .3556 diameter

100 degrees C moves .355 lead to .356. I bet they get that hot going down the barrel.


my schuemann barrel has a .359 bore!

thats why there is a new barrel in the box waiting on me to pick out a comp for it...

with 35-50 thousand pounds per square inch behind thes bullets, i dont think anything is going to notice 1 thousanth of an inch....unless your shooting a .17 caliber gun.

.355 or .356, they all work OK.


I agree with the agreers, I don't see any difference in velocity aor accuracy when I use the .355 or .356.

I jsut prefer the 38 super I like the look on peopels faces when I tell them.

Always starts a conversation, normally I just use what I ahve most of on the floor.

i am using the 121 .356 right now.

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