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Looking For Entertaining Gun Flick


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I'm looking for a good gun flick. I don't want a comedy or a sci-fi. Would like some realistic gun handling in the move, blade work is always a bonus. It doesn't have to done in the last couple of years, I like some older movies. Love Paccino, Denero. The latest from Segal are just disappointing. Thanks for the pointers.


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Ok guys thanks for the ideas. I have seen Heat and loved it. Sorry about killing Deniro's name the first time around - spelling isn't my strong suit and neither are names.

So for the short list:

The Professional


Way of the gun

I'll try these - thanks


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Besides the ones already mention which I would also recommend, you may also want to watch "Boondock Saints". It is more on the entertainment side then the gun side though there are lots of guns and their use it realistic if not correct. Fun flick.

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"Collateral" with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. Cruise was trained by an SAS guy and shows a proper grip. He does some good reloads and does a defensive draw and shoot from concealed that shows how seriously he trains for a movie part. I personally don't care for his politics but he does well in this movie.

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