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Limited is The Most Broken Division

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Hey it's me again, with analytics. Some updates landed, one of them being Shooters Distribution Graph. Here's what it looks like using new Recommended Classification for Carry-Optics:




This is just to serve as an illustration what a good distribution looks like. CO itself is pretty OK calibrated, even with HQ algorithms and current HHFs. The distribution above uses recommended High Hit Factors and "Best 6 out of Last 10" algorithm (with only best duplicate counting, basically USPSA minus B/C flags, that are nothing but hero-or-zero protection anyway). The colors are Orange for D-class, Green-C, Blue-B, Purple-A, Brown-M, Black-GM. Yes, it's BJJ color scheme adapted for D/C ;)


Now, here's what Limited looks like, using HQ colors and HQ position:




"So it's not a smooth, what's a big deal?" you might ask.


Well, things change, if you keep HQ position (X = official classification and Y= percentile of shooter using that official classification), but use "what if all these people were classified against current High Hit Factors with original USPSA algorithm":




Yes, that orange means that there are a lot of C- and even B- and A-shooters who whould be classed as D-class!!! Green (would be C-class with curHHF) goes into Masters and Grandmasters!


See for yourself here:



Go to Classifications -> Distribution -> Limited and play with different Colors and Positions to see what the screenshots show.

Go to Shooters -> Limited and try sorting by CurHHF % and take a look at triple Class Tag next to shooter's name (Recommended, CurHHF, Official) to see the same thing in person by person basis. You can also hover your mouse over the graph and it will show a USPSA number and their classifications for each dot.



Oh yeah I also added inconsistencies tab in the Classifications. Allows you to hunt Paper-GMs and Sandbaggers. Only for Ltd and CO, need to choose Recommended HHF calibration for other divisions...



Edited by CutePibble
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Two things:


1.  You should put that hyperlink into your signature line-   every time you post it would be there for internet challenged guys (Like me)


2.  We know GM is 95% of the HHF.  BUT, what  % of active shooters are GMs? 

I guess the questions is : what percentage of current shooters are GM, (Paper, Never classed down despite age, performance decline, injury, etc. included)?   and a corollary, what would that look like with your modifications to the system?  


Your data insights are interesting!


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I wonder, do the number of guys who are classified in a division they don't really shoot screw with your numbers on how many should be classified where?


Looking at my numbers, I'm G in a couple divisions. But Production I'm 73% M. So the system is seeing me as way over classified based on the small sample of classifiers I've shot in that division. This is a really common thing to see. So it's not crazy to think a lot of those limited shooters that look over classified don't shoot limited a ton. Plus the fact that limited is basically dead, so there could be a lot of really old classifier data in there. If those people don't shoot anymore or switched to a different division they could be better now then there were then and it not be reflected. 


Really neat page to play with. 

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On 3/25/2024 at 9:52 AM, Racinready300ex said:

I wonder, do the number of guys who are classified in a division they don't really shoot screw with your numbers on how many should be classified where?


Same here, I'm something like a 50 % M in Revo because of one classifier match long ago.


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On 3/27/2024 at 4:52 PM, shred said:

50 % M in Revo because of one classifier match long ago.

On classifications stats page you just need to switch from By Class to By Percent to make yourself count as C class in Revo. 


CurHHF and RecHHF/Recommended are always reclassifications and by percent, so they will never even look at your official letter



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Posted (edited)
On 5/5/2024 at 10:11 PM, LuckyDucky said:

How are you deciding what the recommended HHF should be?



By looking at the distribution of scores and trying to find a best fitting percentile, based on one of the target ones:


Top 1% score == 95% classification GM
Top 5% score == 85% classification M
Top 15% score == 75% classification A


These are more or less "perfect" percentiles for GM/M/A in CO, which is most popular and calibrated division. Other brackets should be around 40th percentile for B, and 80th for C, but these aren't used for targeting.


Actual algorithm is:

1. Take all scores for division for classifier, ignore zeros

2. Sort, that gives you a place, divide by number of total non-zero scores - that gives you percentile

3. Default to 1th/95% targeting unless there's an override (without enough scores you might want to dip to 5th/85% to be closer to the graph, some classifiers aren't shot by good shooters at all)

4. Sort scores by being closest to target, e.g. 1th (0.97th is closer than 1.05th for example)

5. Extrapolate hit-factor to what it would've been if score is actually perfect target percentile 

6. Divide that hit-factor by target percent, so if our 0.97th was 7.03HF and extrapolated to 1.00th it became 7.01, we divide it by 0.95 and get 7.3789
7. That's your new HHF

With every score uploaded HHF can change, although for established classifiers (with more than 1k scores) it doesn't really change much.

All that is open source, you can see the actual logic here: https://github.com/CodeHowlerMonkey/hitfactor.info/blob/5d7ba87ba31986fea868d5465eede953f1a67a66/api/src/db/recHHF.js#L19-L36

Edited by CutePibble
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