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What The Bleep Do We Know

Merlin Orr

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That website gave me a good laugh. Some moderator should move this to the Humor forum, cause you picked the wrong category.

Hehe .. " two new scientists" .. Hehe .. I wonder if they where waiting for their mail order diplomas.

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The channeled spirit Ramtha is the most articulate spokesperson in this thing as far as saying something specifically non-specific goes.

Profundity is as profundity does.

I actually liked it in a certain way. It does a good job of pointing out the uncertainty of what we call real knowledge about time and space and how far down we really are on the learning curve. I like science in my approach but also feel it isn't exactly accurate in everything it has described to us, yet ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My wife and I saw this one.. It was... well, it just was. It gave some.. well, it gave something.. entertainment? A good way to spend time with my wife for a couple hours on a rainy evening pondering questions that we all have? Yeah, ok that's a good one. It was different than anything that is coming out of hollyweird these days.


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I believe the basic underlying theme (of positive self reinforcement) is absolutely true and this fact is universally recognized by most (happy & successful) people. It is also a tenet of a lot of the ("New Age Type") currently practiced religions. What I thought of the movie is that this might be the outline for yet another (harmless) cult type religion/organization...?

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Oh MAN!!!!!!

why does anyone have to dream up a different kind of movie? This is the biggest bunch of BS...Just another "you got to have a look at this" from the Hollyweird crowd...I am secure enough in my own personal beliefs that I don't need anyone from the Left Coast to ask me questions about How Far Down the Rabbit Hole I want to go....They have run out of sequels, prequels, remakes, and animation ideas, so here you have it...a load of crap that only the people who made it reallyknow what it is supposed to do...they think if they leave you wondering what you saw and heard, you will go back for more...

What they don't understand is that NORMAL people don't give a crap about going down some fictious rabbit hole to start with...

Just another example of those wackos trying to gin up some enthusiasm for the waining film industry, because there are no legitimate stars who can act any more and this is the only way they can think of to generate some interest...

I guess that Brad Pitt and his wife to be will try to stop world hunger by adopting a child from each continent, same with this stupid thing. You have got to like it, because you are not smart enough to voice your personal opinion and tell those idiots that you DON'T like it... Please tell me that the people on this forum aren't going to fall for this ....


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I am secure enough in my own personal beliefs that I don't need anyone from the Left Coast to ask me questions about How Far Down the Rabbit Hole I want to go....

Um, the director lives in Boulder, Colorado.. That's hardly the left coast. :lol:

In fact, he's NW of you Tightloop :)


Edited by sargenv
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Wow ! Tightloop don't blow a blood clot in your head dude, have a beer and deep breath.

Its a movie = Like or dislike its still a movie. If I said I liked the movie Passion Of The Christ. ? would you react as strong? When a Jew says a prayer is it any less a prayer ? than a Baptist prayer ?

The movie ,may?, represents a way of prayer? and seeing all created / living things as 'sacred'

I liked the movie it was entertaining and did not make me want to go out & buy new locks for my doors, like most movies do.

It didn't promote hate or hurt or anger. so it coudn't be that bad. Its not like the Cut-em-up-kill-em movies.

:wacko: Let us be wacko, if we want to :wacko::wacko:

just dont kill me Ok ;)

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Ok, Ok, it is just that the Hollyweird people keep trying to invent "new" things to keep getting us into the movie theaters and this is one of them...How about just putting out a movie with some good acting, less special effects, a good plot, good dialog, and let's see if people come to see it..ala, African Queen, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Maltese Falcon to name three Boogie movies that were pretty good in their time and any other time...

The current drop of directors can't direct their way out of a paper sack...and the actors, Like Russel Crowe, PLEASE!!!!!!!! That guy is a bum...and with a bad attitude to boot...I could go on and on...but I would rather read a good book than watch some weird avante gard movie like the one mentioned here...Literary license my butt, the directors just think the more weird the better...Bahhh Hummmm Bugggg!!!!!!! :angry:

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Oh MAN!!!!!!

They have run out of sequels, prequels, remakes, and animation ideas, so here you have it...

Sadly they haven't run out of remakes yet! :angry: I just saw the ads for the 'new' Pink Panther movie. Steve Martin and Kevin Klein.


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I just saw the ads for the 'new' Pink Panther movie. Steve Martin and Kevin Klein

Truly, that is the saddest thing I have seen recently. The PP movies were fluff in the first place, Peter did some great work in them, but he was the ticket, not the PP franchise itself.

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I hated the in-your-face, "this is the first time you've heard this" way it was filmed. I liked "the create your day/reality" message. From people I've talked to, I think that message struck a chord, possibly. Since our planet is dominated by excessively self-important, short sighted human beings, I also liked the "water is a living thing as is everything else" message. The "water message" reminded me of a favorite sentence by Shunru Suzuki (from Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, I think) that goes something like: "If you're banging the dishes around while you're washing them, it's because you don't know that water is a living thing."

But I'm not going to compare it to a Bogart movie.


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Um, the director lives in Boulder, Colorado.. That's hardly the left coast. :lol:

That statement, right there, tells me all I need to know about this movie. I live in Boulder, it is a nice place that seems to attract some really odd people. There are signs here that say 'Keep Boulder Weird'... I'm not joking either.

This place is 20 square miles surrounded by reality. :unsure:

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Um, the director lives in Boulder, Colorado.. That's hardly the left coast. :lol:

That statement, right there, tells me all I need to know about this movie. I live in Boulder, it is a nice place that seems to attract some really odd people. There are signs here that say 'Keep Boulder Weird'... I'm not joking either.

This place is 20 square miles surrounded by reality. :unsure:

Boulder - The land of 'Mork' ...That caracter fit in ...30years ago I think he is the Mayor now?

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