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Someone in our area is going to have to step up to the plate, or else, we're not going to have an Area 8. Needless to say, this would be completely unacceptable.

I'm surprised that Eagle's Nest hasn't thought about it. I remember the last Area 8 they hosted. It was GREAT! It's a bit far, but totally worth it.


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I doubt that Eagles Nest would want to do this. Whenever I was gauging interest in clubs doing the Western PA Sectional for next year, they were not interested. I was told that they do not have a local staff big enough to do a major match.


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You can import a staff to be RO's for the match itself. But it takes a home staff to do the leg work prepping for the match. For this years A8 we had about 10 people out a couple weeks before the match doing range clean-up and repairs. And 15 people out the weekend before setting up the stages roughly. We had 6-12 people on the range M-T-W fine tuning the stages, briefings and other shooter/RO traps. Read the article in the new Front Sight about the A8. This doesn't even take into account the pre-match work with picking the stages, getting them approved, sponsorships, match hotels, arranging RO staffs, gathering materials, etc.

Doing an Area Match right takes a lot of work. And not all clubs can do an Area match. The clubs that have done the A8 recently(Eagles NEst, Fredericksburg, Toptan and EH) have done an outstanding job and should be commended. Maybe all of the good Area 8 matches in recent memory makes it hard for the other clubs to live up to.

As far as I know, no area club has yet to step forward with interest in doing an Area Match in 2006.

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Doing an Area Match right takes a lot of work. And not all clubs can do an Area match. The clubs that have done the A8 recently(Eagles NEst, Fredericksburg, Toptan and EH) have done an outstanding job and should be commended. Maybe all of the good Area 8 matches in recent memory makes it hard for the other clubs to live up to.

As far as I know, no area club has yet to step forward with interest in doing an Area Match in 2006.

Topton is not physically capable of holding an Area 8 match at this time. We are currently in the process of improving our berms and backstops. Due to the construction, we do not have the available ranges, nor can we predict when the construction will be completed.

Larry Eckert

T.A.P.S. Assitant Match Director

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You can import a staff to be RO's for the match itself. But it takes a home staff to do the leg work prepping for the match. For this years A8 we had about 10 people out a couple weeks before the match doing range clean-up and repairs. And 15 people out the weekend before setting up the stages roughly. We had 6-12 people on the range M-T-W fine tuning the stages, briefings and other shooter/RO traps. Read the article in the new Front Sight about the A8. This doesn't even take into account the pre-match work with picking the stages, getting them approved, sponsorships, match hotels, arranging RO staffs, gathering materials, etc.

Doing an Area Match right takes a lot of work. And not all clubs can do an Area match. The clubs that have done the A8 recently(Eagles NEst, Fredericksburg, Toptan and EH) have done an outstanding job and should be commended. Maybe all of the good Area 8 matches in recent memory makes it hard for the other clubs to live up to.

As far as I know, no area club has yet to step forward with interest in doing an Area Match in 2006.

Ahhh, I see. It is putting the match on the ground that is the difficulty. :( I understand your points...an area match is a daunting task that requires a lot of hard work to pull off. Well, just a thought...and this harkens back a bit to how area matches were once done (as I've heard). What if it was a culmination of SEVERAL clubs? Maybe each club designs and builds one stage at a host site? Kinda spreads the work around a bit more so the burnout isn't there. It is a bit more logistically challenging to get 8-10 groups to work together, but that is more management than grunt work. If Area 8 could muster that level of participation from the clubs (a much easier sell IMHO), it might prove workable. Just trying to offer up some solutions...This is how a lot of sections do their state and/or sectional championships, and it seems to alleviate some of the work for the host club while still delivering a quality match. I think that sometimes Area matches can be a victim of their own success as one club tries to outdo another from year to year. Sooner or later, something has gotta give. Maybe getting back to our roots and pitching in as a section / area is the way to go rather than going it alone and trying to be the "hero" that came through in spades...it comes at a cost. Well, at any rate, I hope it all comes together this year for Area 8. They are a great bunch of guys that deserve an Area championship.


Edited by Barrettone
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What each club, section, area, and USPSA overall, needs is more members to contribute their time and energy. Remember, this is a VOLUNTEER sport! When well less than 10% of the membership produces 100% of the matches, there is a major problem. Each of us has the ability to eliminate this issue - volunteering. The "see you on the range" salutation applies to more than just shooting a match!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe the law is that you cannot travel with an ASSEMBLED magazine. So all the mags must be disassembled whenever you are in the state and not on the range.

Guys .. lets not speculate. We do not know yet that Old Bridge will be hosting the match, last I heard things where still being discussed. However if we do, we may end up with a "Factory Gun" match, basically Production, L10, Revolver and SS. Lets wait and see. There are some people working very hard to hammer out details.

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I am not a NJ lawyer, but I did find the following on the NRA site linked above:

"Any magazine with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds is prohibited, even if there is no semi-automatic firearm to accompany the magazine unless the person has a registered "assault firearm" and the magazine is used for DCM sanctioned shooting matches."

-granted, it pertains to a section dealing with "assault rifles". However, isn't USPSA affiliated with DCM? Thus, wouldn't a potential USPSA/DCM Area 8 in NJ allow: "the magazine is used for DCM sanctioned shooting matches." ??

Let's keep this thread going & hopefully we can find a way to make the Area 8 championship happen (hopefully for all divisions).

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On the legal side, anything over 15 rounds is not legal, unless blocked. It is not clear what blocked means. It can be argued that "temporary" blocks are fine, but some argue the opposite. Nobody wants to be the legal crash test dummy to figure it out. I think it is safe to assume that if the match is held in NJ it would be a factory gun match, for everyone's legal safety.

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Is there only 3 clubs capable of handling a match? Hard to believe someone has not stepped up to take the ball. :(

I am ok with shooting Open with 10 round mags. My Canadian friends have taught me how to do it. :D

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Unfortunetly the news is official...no Area 8 this year. Received an email from the Area director and it's posted on the Area 8 webpage.

I had talked with George Jones at great lengths about what is required and expected to host the Area match. Being a new club, I didn't feel we had the expertise or required resources this year to properly host the match. Everyone's expectations of the match are so high, thanks to the previous host clubs doing such a tremendous job. I can understand why they have decided to take a year off. Who knows what will happen in 2007.

Steve Davidson

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