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Dallas, TX. B class Limited and Open Shooter - although I've recently been called a "sandbagger" by my Area Director. (hey guys, I've been practicing! What can I say - the classifiers take FOREVER to get processed!)

Been shooting USPSA /  IPSC since about 94. Shooting competively since '83 (shotgun, collegiate, Bullseye, etc.).

An ncreased "work ethic" and Brian's book (great read!) are hopefully about to propel me to the next level - my mental game is 100% stronger now. And it helps finally having a gun that runs!


Shaun Finney

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Hey Al,

Yeah, we'll have to hook up - do you shoot other matches besides Tyler? Waco maybe? I also do steel matches the Dallas Pistol Club 3rd or 4th Sundays.

Unfortunately I'll be in Detroit the first Sunday of June, so won't make Tyler... but I'll be going to Area 4.

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Southeast Michigan.  Started shooting IPSC in 1978 (or was it '77?) and won my first match.  Been active ever since.  Elected Club President in '82, Elected President for Life in '88 (I'm still waiting for the Mercedes and Swiss bank account).

Open A, Limited M, Second Chance Triple Master Blaster (Handgun, Long gun, Trivia)

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I'm in Amsterdam, capitol of The Netherlands, Europe. I've been shooting since '98/'99 and have been into the dynamical shooting since 2000. I have received my IPSC license in february this year. I currently shoot revolver division and it's FUN.  

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Live in southern Maryland, not for much longer I hope.  Started shooting IDPA about 1.5 years ago, IPSC almost 1 year ago.  IDPA: CDP Master, IPSC: Lim-10 C, although I think I should be A (I know, I know, I'm a sandbagger, right?).  Shot Highpower Rifle for 10 years, and pretty much gave it up to shoot IPSC and IDPA (I prefer shooting IPSC over IDPA).  Recently shot the Single Stack Classic and am hooked, it was an excellently set up match.


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I'm sort of a newbie at the competition thing.

I'm in Portland OR, which is a really good place for shooting. Last year I joined the Tri-County Gun Club (aka Sherwood range) and it's fabulous.

I keep kicking myself for not taking advantage of all the different types of shooting (action, bullseye, highpower, shotgun, etc.).

It has a pretty active (at least by my standards) shooting community.



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Your host started shooting pistols in '74 in OH. Turned 18, moved out of my parents house and into an abandoned milk house on the farm I worked on. Started buying and shooting pistols immediately. Moved to AZ in the summer of '78 (118 degrees) and wondered why/how the hell people live here. (Now I love it.) Move driven by several factors, one of which it was virtually impossible to shoot "quickly" or do any arial shooting in OH. (I was heavily into E M's Fast and Fancy Shooting.) Started competing soon after, PPC, did well and was hooked. Began IPSC style shooting a couple years later when the back-stabbing losers I worked for scheduled me so I couldn't shoot the PPC matches. More info on the Bio page...


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I in East Texas, south of Tyler. I've been shooting IPSC since mid-'80's. Shooting a single stack .45 90% of that time, not for any particular reason other than thats what I can afford, and it works. I've never shot any other competitions besides IPSC. After this, everything else would be a let down,right?

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Southern (Ontario) California via Florida Utah and Canada, I've been playing this ipsc game for about two years. I started shooting three and a half maybe four years ago.  The first competitive shooting I did was in Florida shooting bowling pins off tables.  Which is fun, and if any one knows of a place to do some pin shooting in southern California let me know.  

Oh I have my b card in L10.

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I live in Tacoma, Washington and love it.

Make my living as a writer, primarily for gun magazines, and firearms instructor. Started shooting IDPA by attending the first (or was it second?) IDPA match ever held in Washington state. Really got into it and did okay. Got my SSP Expert rating at the first match I ever shot.

Got into IPSC in '98 because of a conversation with an old girlfriend who was a serious shooter. She called me a 'great shooter' and I said, 'No way. Compared to a serious IPSC shooter and the things they can do I'm barely competent." And she said, "Oh come on, Duane, you can't compare yourself to THOSE guys. Do you have any idea how much they shoot?" And I said to myself, "If IPSC shooters are such GODS....I wanna be one of these guys." Fired a few matches in '98 and then, for one reason or another, didn't pick it up again until October of 2000. I had a dream of coming into Lim-10 in B class that was scotched when a club, which shall remain nameless, didn't turn in my classifiers. I WAS ROBBED!! Got my B a few months later, got my A about a month ago. Don't plan on being an A class shooter very long. Just recently got SERIOUSLY into dry firing (like, two or three hours at a time, four or five times a week for the last five months) and am now going to the range for a couple of hours....well, just about every day.

I shoot IPSC at the Renton Fish & Game Club, Shelton Rifle & Revolver Club, and occasionally at Kitsap (too much sand for me normally though they ARE having a classifier match this Saturday- those of us in hot pursuit of our M will be there - we have no choice).

Shoot IDPA at Renton Fish & Game Club.

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