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Area 6 3 Gun Match

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i would like to thank every one for coming to the match. i'm glad to see that every one had a good time. the work we put into the match was well worth the effort to hear you say that you would come an shoot with us again. i would like to congratulate all the winners. [ hopalong i promise i will never call another hit on a noshoot target again ] well maybe until the next match anyway.

ps----cy maybe we can get some shotgun practice in without anybody knowing about it.


thank's again everyone

r cash

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Thier is one more thing I forgot to say about the match that I think is very important. This was a 3 GUN MATCH and not multi gun :D . I am starting to hear more and more shooters say they dont like multi gun either. I would like to see them post something about it. Maybe I just have not read the right postings on other threads, but I haven't seen any talking about it. OK I'll get off of my soap box for now and say, this was another reason why this was a great match.


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(sigh.... Insert oar, commence stirring...)

Really! I thought the clammour was for the exact opposite: Multi-gun matches, which is why USPSA is playing around with the San Angelo stuff and ran the Nationals this year that way.

I'll say this (and I know NO ONE cares about how many gyrations stats has to endure to score a match): its a damn sight easier to score a 3-gun tournament than it is to score a san angelo multigun match.

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Now Ronnie..... would all those shooters be from your area? Now DON'T get me wrong, tournaments are just fine , but I would skip 12 of them to play 1 good multi-gun. The stages are just so much more busy, and the attention to detail is much greater. Mix Pistol and Shotgun and you have different loading and trigger pull and stratagey ALL GOOD!! Just my feelings, but I'm not alone, I hear a thundering heard behind me :D KURTM

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Here we go again, I'm stuck out on a limb by my self. This is what I mean, where are the shooters I've been talking to.


Some of us do care about stat crews, set up crews and RO's. If you remember correctly I'm the one that E-Mailed you about this and one of the things I was concerned about was Stat crew burn out or running them off.


I feel almost the same way. I would pass up a Multi Gun for a 3 Gun in a heart beat. I haven't passed up one for the other yet. Because I just love to shoot, but if it comes down to a Multi Gun or 3 Gun, 3 Gun will win. Even if the Multi Gun has a better prize table and pay back. Thunder behind you? :blink: They have medicine for that ;) .


Mooo????????? I didn't think you were that big a feller :huh: .


If your gun makes that kind of noise you need to have it fixed. :blink:

This is good. I like to see both sides of the coin, but unfortunately I haven't seen anyone post anything about this, but me. Although I have heard a lot of shooters saying the same thing I am. Yes in my area. I haven't been in other areas to hear what they are saying there.

Heres a few things I don't like about Multi Gun.

It takes longer to load and make ready. Holding up the match, which makes for a longer day and fewer stages.

Longer to show clear and make safe. Same reason.

Longer and more trouble to change your gear from pistol & rifle to pistol & shotgun then back again. Same.

Having to find enough room for all of the gear, safely, at the same time. I've seen great shooters drawing their pistol with dowel rods sticking up all around the grip :blink: . This didn't look to safe to me. There's no telling how many other places where we could run into safety problems that we haven't seen yet and or more rules to keep up with because of this.

Having all of this extra gear on you and changing over all the time, almost seems like work not fun. You know 100 degrees or 30 degrees and more clothes on.

I hear talk about classifying long guns/multi guns. If you classify with say 10 rounds rifle and 10 pistol, you would have one classification. Then shoot a stage with 8 pistol and 20 rifle, it wouldn't be right. You have different levels of skill with different firearms. No consistency in classification. You would have consistency in 3 Gun.

Just to make this shorter I'll say one more thing, although I have more.

We have enough trouble getting RO's and shooters to make sure the score sheet is correct now. How do you think it's going to work out with minor & major on the same stage?

I would like to add that I started this thread and don't mind the drift. I think I started it anyway:blink: . So if BE don't mind, it's ok with me. Or if he wants to move it and start a new thread with it thats ok too.


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