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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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GM, don't mention any new "noxious pests" you never know  who may be listening.

The same people planning to ban smoking in public places are currently aerial spraying of our cities to rid us of a moth and pouring 85% of the worlds 1080 poison on our pristine wilderness to sort out the deer and possums.

Can you imagine what they'd to if we had gophers, makes me shudder!


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The last time an Aussie was rooting around in my yard, oops best not go there the wife might read this.

Foot getting better, damn shame I had to work the last two days (retail gunstore) lots of standing and foot is swollen like a polititions ego. But drugs are working real good so I'm ready for the next days effort.

Best thing is the lady of the house should have the fence finished by Monday.

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Well, the worst gift I was ever given wasn't for Xmas, it was for my b-day (which is within a month of Xmas, so close enough)

My wife's step-mother got me a small ornate metal basket with painted moose on it filled with fake fruit. This is the kinda basket you might give to your elderly grandmother or aunt or something. When I opened it, I laughed.  My wife's step-brother apologized on behalf of the family.  I said "thank you, its going in my relaoding room".  And that sunuva be-atch is in my reloading room.

Now, here's the thing.  My step-in-law was the mother of two boys.  I'm a 6'6", 300 lb., smoking, beer drinking, cussing, non-smiling mass of a man.  She has known me since I was half as tall as I am now.  Her nephew was the best man in my wedding.  WTF!?!?!?  I should re-gift it to my father in-law, one of her male cheauvenist(sp?) brothers, or one of her sons.  But, no, that thing will sit right up next to my Dillon 650 and I will show it to her every damn time she comes to visit.

Best gift?  My first house (although the thing is trying to mortally wound me)

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Some time back I was approached by two men from my church who informed me "we're gonna put you in a hearse!" When they reached around behind there backs, I was considering a hasty retreat, when they both produced checkbooks! Well, I had discussed  a plan with the church leaders to use a Hearse in street ministry as a reminder of our mortality, (or immortality) but I guess I wasn't ready to be faced with mine! Now thats a gift I'll never forget! (whew) I wouldn't recomend trying this with your stepmom, Big Dave, but I may be able to get you one!  

I don't know why they call me Mad Mark.......

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I know people who've done that. Boy, does that tree look funky after about three months!...


I do. Know, that is.

PS--Book's in the mail first class post. Shouldn't take long. Happi Gnu Yeer!

(Edited by SiG Lady at 8:59 am on Jan. 6, 2003)

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