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I have a new STI Edge. It came with it's own "recoil system" If I don't have that little plastic thingee to lock it in place I can't take the gun down. I'm looking at a cominolli tungsten guide rod for a replacement. Should I keep the system I have or replace it with the guide rod? Is it nessasary for the extra weight up front since I already have the long dust cover? What would you do?

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Ray, try a regular guide rod and see how the gun feels. We older fellas probably won't notice the difference. I find the full length dust cover all the weight needed out front. Just my .02.

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OOPS!!! Who said " Look first and ask questions later"? I just did a search on the recoilmaster. Seems that my question has been asked since 2003. Only thing I see is that there is no definate answer. Some people like the recoilmaster. Some like a steel one piece rod. Others the tungsten one piece. But nobody is saying anything about the cominolli rod. I kinda like the built in shock buffs. What do you think?

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I have a friend that just loves his sv set up with a recoil master. I've shot it

and do not like the feel, but I only shot a few rounds through it. I shoot a full

dust cover with a tungsten guide rod, but I like a heavy gun.

If you could borrow a tungsten and a steel guide rod from fellow shooters and

try them in your pistol that would be the only way your going to know for sure. B)


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Hey Ray-

I've been shooting a SV with a full lenth dustcover and a full profile slide. I wanted it to be heavy so I put in in a Cominolli when I got it 2 years ago. I like the idea of the shock buffs on either side of the guide rod head. I have gotten sick and tired of replacing the one on the end. It's a huge pain in the ass. It has to be stretched over the end of the guide rod head and pushed into place with a screwdriver. The end one also doesn't last as long as the regular one. It usually doesn't last 2k rounds. I'm tired of chaning it.

I researched what to buy next and everyone swears by the EGW tungsten guide rod. That's what I'm getting next.

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That's the guide rod our host used with the SV Limited. BE might have used a different brand buff on the end.

Read thread here

There's some great stuff on there too about Brian's sights and what minimizes muzzle-flip. Before all 6000 of us piled on, BE used to have time to lay out many great answers online. You might try searching a topic with the Member-Name Filter of "Benos."

Edited by eric nielsen
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the only one who can answer which is best for u is u...try using the other G-rods, i.e., tungsten, steel, springco etc. i'll be trying the sprinco first and if i don't like the feel probably i'll try the tungsten if i still don't like it i'll go for steel. i do like the built in buffs of the cominolli. try borrowing some guide rods from friends or fellow shooters who shoot a long dust gun with different g-rods. trust me i've asked that question so many times in several other forums not to mention, here, and the most common reply i get is..."it's personal preference"

some say that tungsten would make ur gun dip since it's nose heavy, but some say it all depends on how u mix up the recoil spring weight. some say since it's a long dust ur ok with Steel rods. and some say sprinco is better since it's already a recoil master with mercury filling..which i will try in the next few weeks... :)

bottomline, try what ever u can try. Good Luck!!! that's the most fun part of this sport...experimentation!!!



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Gizmos = bad, ditch that RM.


The end one also doesn't last as long as the regular one. It usually doesn't last 2k rounds. I'm tired of chaning it.

I've never changed mine in 7000+ rounds.

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