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Stuart, I didnt write anything down, sorry I was cashed! I know Dave Sevigny was 1st Master, Scott Warren 1st A Tony Hawkins was also up there with a gun won, Phil Strader only dropped 4points on the standards! Good job Phil!

I shot on Saturday, and had much better weather than Friday!

It was a helluva match, run smoothly and professionally. We were done from prizes and getting fed at the banquet by 630pm. Well done match, nothing else to be said. A big thank you to Springfield Armory for the sponsorship of the match. They have raised the bar.

Doug Carden

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Dave Sevigney 93%

Ted Puente 88%

Me 86%

Dave is first master but he used a Caspian pistol so he only got a GI 1911 as a prize. He also won GM/M class in the SA-XD side match and picked up a XD pistol.

Ted used a Kimber so he was out of the running for a custom SA pistol.

I was the first shooter after TGO to use a SA pistol (borrowed from the wife mind you). So I got second pick of the custom pistols. I pick up the Jim Garthwaite 1911. I think maybe Deb is going to want the JG pistol as rent payment for using her SA 45 at the SSC.

Anyway the result should be up as soon as Bill can get home and get them on the web page.

Congratulations to the winners. This was the best SSC I have shot and I have shot all but the first one.

Thye XD side match was a blast (literally). Hose City baby.

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It was a great match, and very vell run. We finished the entire match by 1:30pm. I definitely plan on going back next year...with a Springfield! Congrats to Rob on a great match.


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Damn. One more mike or blown reload and I woulda had a gun.

Fun match, my first time but won't be the last.

Nice to see a major player in the gun industry supporting a game. I don't know how many guns they gave away, but it was a bunch.

Next time I'll try to do a little worse......but just a little. :-)

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How were the gun winners determined?



I answered that question by looking at the Springfield web site. Now let me rephrase my question: How were class winners determined? Was it like closest to, but not exceeding 60% won C?



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Chuck I believe they look at the closets percentage for a given class without going over is the way they determained class winners. I looked at the results sheet and thats how I see they determained class winners.

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Yeah, I gotta reiterate, prizes by class determined later by % finish, and the god awful LEwis system are THE WORST ways to award prizes, everyone is frustrated or embarrassed, even if they win.

The ONLY fair ways to award prizes are by random drawing or raw order of finish.

OK; enough soap box, how were the stages?

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You're welcome and thank you.


I don't like the prize distribution either. Yes I won a custom gun twice. But I only won the gun this year because the other 2 ahead of me didn't shoot a Springfield Armory gun.

I hate random drawing for prizes. A performance based prize table is the only way to go.

The stages were some of the best we have had at the SSC. The standards was pretty tough and one stage needed changed (IMO). They were straight forward and any class shooter had a chance to do well. You need to remember that many stages had you shooting 8 rds. from here and there. So if you took a extra shot you were loading from slide lock. I fired one extra shot for the entire match and it put me at slide lock. Never missed a piece of steel though.

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It seems they get a lot of shooters from other sports and/or shooters that don't shoot IPSC. So there really isn't a way to class shooters. I think the system is OK. It's pretty much a random draw.

It was my first SSC, so I don't have anything to compare the stages to. But I thought it was a little on the easy side. I don't think there was anything outside 20 yds. Some of the guys I talked to said it wasn't as challenging as years past.

I'm not saying the stages were bad by any means. I thought they were good, fun stages. They had a lot more banks of 8 shots than I expected. I figured there would more banks of 6 or 7. So Tony is right, you didn't have hardly any shots to give up.

I had a few extra shots, but no extra reloads. They had one stage with 16 steel from one spot through two ports w/ no-shoots. I missed the very first F'in shot, talk about throwin' the brakes on after that. I wonder if it would have been better to shoot my normal pace and just plan on an extra reload.

All in all, I enjoyed it. Definitely plan on going back.

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I shot it in 2001, and there were a couple of really neat stages, noteably the bar tender one and the doorway with the RC cars moving targets.

There were a LOT of stand here shoot 8 run there shoot 8. I think we shot 17 stages in one day, but a lot of them were really easy, variations or pieces of El Prez. Two stages were like 6 round demi-prez stand and shoots. One was from 5-7y going right the other 5-7y going left. Yeah!!! <_<

I shot the Alabama version, the "Heritage" SSC, and while I had a blast, they were REAL guilty of the 8 shot syndrome. There were several 24 round courses with three 8 round positions.

I was also the lucky recipient of 1st Silver in their Lewis draw, I got a "trophy" and two trips to the prize table......for shooting a terrible malfunction filled match with a borrowed gun. :wacko:

I have to admit, I was a big fan of the 30 round hose fests, but I am learning to really like the little 15 round "drag race" courses I see at these international matches.

Once I get stateside again, I'll definately shoot the SSC again, and I have just the Springfield to do it with. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The shoothouse was cool! (I had never shot one before...)

Pitch black inside. Start outside, tactical light in weak hand, gun loaded and holstered, hand on doorknob. On buzzer, open door and enter, engage T1-3 in living room (complete with couch and TV), move through, shoot T4 in the hallway, engage T5-6 in the middle room, then back to the bedroom where T7 is standing on the bed wearing "body armor" (only head shot scores).

We got a walk-through beforehand. The biggest problem many people had was doing that one reload with the flashlight in the weak hand. Listening as shooters went through, there were plenty of loooooong pauses while that reload was being juggled in.

The other stages are not posted, to my knowledge, although maybe somebody with the match book and a scanner can put them up for you to see.


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