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The Pope And The Dark Side


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Here is an interesting quote from the doomsayers and prophetics

"The prophecy -- widely dismissed by scholars as a hoax -- is attributed to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop recognized by members of the Church for his ability to read the future.

Benedict, believers say, fits the description of the second-to-last pope listed under the prophecy before the Last Judgement, when the bible says God separates the wicked from the righteous at the end of time.

"The Old Testament states: 'believe his prophets and you will prosper' -- so believe it. We are close to the return of the Judge of the nations. Christ is coming," wrote one Internet post by the Rev. Pat Reynolds.

"Thank God for the witness of St. Malachy."

St. Malachy was said to have had a vision during a trip to Rome around 1139 of the remaining 112 Popes. The new pope would be number 111 on that list, and is described in a text attributed to St. Malachy as the "Glory of the Olive."

To connect Benedict, a pale, bookish German, to anything olive takes some imagination. But Malachy-watchers point to the choice of the name Benedict -- an allusion to the Order of Saint Benedict, a branch of which is known as the Olivetans.

"When (he) chose the name Benedict XVI, this was seen as fulfilling the prophecy for this pope," wrote one entry on www.wikipedia.org.

Benedict said that he chose the name partly in honor of Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), calling him a "courageous prophet of peace." On Wednesday, Benedict dedicated his papacy to "the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples."

"Perhaps Benedict XVI will be a peacemaker in the Church or in the world, and thus carry the olive branch," speculated www.catholic-pages.com.

Another site, www.bibleprobe.com, went even further, showing a picture of Benedict holding olive branches in March during Palm Sunday celebrations.

"Is this the Pope of Peace (olive)?" it asked in the caption.

Critics widely dismiss the Malachy prophecy as a forgery and possible propaganda meant to influence a 16th century conclave. Doses of skepticism even appear on the most energetic Malachy web pages.

But believers point out similarities between the prophecy's descriptions and past pontificates. Pope John Paul II, number 110, was described in the prophecy as "de labore solis" -- or "of the labor of the sun."

He was born on May 18, 1920, the same day as a solar eclipse. The pontiff was buried on April 8, 2005 -- the same day as a partial eclipse, visible in the Americas.

More pressing for doomsayers are the prophecy's references to the last Pope on the list, Peter the Roman, who will lead the Church before "the formidable judge will judge his people."

Since Benedict is already 78 years old, they say Peter the Roman must be coming soon, and with him, the end of the world.

"His reign will only last a few years at most. This signals that we are living in what may be the end of days as we know it," said one Web Site entry by someone calling himself SmartBob.""

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I am also familiar with St Malachy and his predictions.

Regarding the "olive connection", I have read some believe the "olive" generally symbolizes Israel or Jews. The new pope has a number of connections to the Jews: He was in the Hitler youth and served in the German Army during the years of the Holocaust, and now is extending some forms of reconciliation toward the Jews.

I did just about fall off my chair when I heard he had taken the name "Benedict"... exactly as malachy had predicted. If this pope is that one, the next pope will be the final one who will be in place during the Tribulation, which are the seven years of horrific suffering the earth will endure before Christ returns to end the Earth Age.

God only knows (literally) how many years we have until then.

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If this pope is that one, the next pope will be the final one who will be in place during the Tribulation, which are the seven years of horrific suffering the earth will endure before Christ returns to end the Earth Age.
So I've got how long to get to GM????

Well, I figure the "seven years of horrific suffering" don't necessarily mean we have to quit shooting.

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If this pope is that one, the next pope will be the final one who will be in place during the Tribulation, which are the seven years of horrific suffering the earth will endure before Christ returns to end the Earth Age.
So I've got how long to get to GM????

Well, I figure the "seven years of horrific suffering" don't necessarily mean we have to quit shooting.

I was thinking I need to be a much better shooter by then.... :D

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I'd comment but I'm not quite riding that one way elevator to hell yet... :P

Although someone keeps trying to invite me!

My mother always told me, Heaven don't want you and Hell is scared you'll take over. <_<

:D The limo driver piled the last of the Pope's luggage into the trunk, yet the Pope still stood on the curb, not moving. "We really should be going, Your Holiness," said the driver.

"Every day I get driven around; I never get to drive myself, would you be so kind as to let me drive today?" queried the Pope.

The driver, thinking he can lose his job. declines, but after persistent requests from the Pope he finally agrees.

The Pope accelerates out the gates toward the expressway, the driver immediately regretting the decision to hand over the keys. Motoring down the expressway at 105 mph, flashing lights appear in the rearview mirror. The officer on the scene requests the driver’s license, but seeing who it is retreats to his car to request instructions from his chief.

"Chief, I have pulled over a limo doing 105."

"So book them, write the ticket," replies the Chief.

"But I think it's someone important."

"Who, the Mayor?"

"No, higher."

"The Governor?"

"No, higher."

"Well, who is it? Not the President?"

"No, I think it’s God. He has the Pope as a chauffeur." :D

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