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Traveling w/o kids


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Everything is so much simpler when you fly solo! I forgot that flying could actually be enjoyable when you aren't flying with additional baggage. I almost feel unprepared after the demand of a wife and 2 toddlers requires.

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It is a lot of work and I definitely don't shoot as well as i might have but I bring the whole family with me every time I travel to shoot. We always drive as flying is way too crazy (and expensive) like you said.

They are growing up so fast, I want to be sure we have memories traveling together.

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I used to fly a lot for work. During the pre-flight instructions from a flight attendant, when she reached the part of the speech about traveling with small children, she said: "For those of you traveling with small children, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!". When the laughter died down, she got back into her routine.

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