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Using a red dot optic

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When you are using a red dot, are you looking through the optic glass or picking it up with your eye and letting it float? I have a vortex venom and it seems the second method works for me best. Just curious what the seasoned shooters are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use peripheral vision to track the front sight on the draw like a "regular" gun, but i focus on the target, prep the trigger, the dot *appears* , and I shoot.

I typically death grip the pistol so the dot comes back fast and to the same spot as it can be tricky to track through the glass under recoil (slide mounted)

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Finding that dot to start with, is key. Practice which works fastest and best for you. You start to get muscle memory involved and getting the dot on target comes easier. I'm using a FF3 and it still takes time, even after 1200 rounds.

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Thank the Almighty for micro red dots. Just sayin' ! I always dropped points in the past for shooting no shoots. I haven't hit a no shoot in many comp's. It makes a huge(!) difference. Thanks to the BOD for CO division too! Thanks ! It's appreciated, don't think it isn't!

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Practice your presentation enough that the dot is in the window, then target focus for shooting. Except for very tight targets.

It's what I have done too. Presentation. For close shots, (3' - 6') I have practiced by just aiming the gun and not searching for the dot.

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Yup, at 3-6' sights aren't even required. Actually it's not difficult to extend that range even more and keep all shots in the A zone.

We had a stage this past weekend, a triangle with drums. Starting in the apex of the shooting box, 2 targets in front at point blank range 3 (! not 2) shots in every target. Back up and 4 more targets are presented, back up a bit more and another 4. The farthest shot was possibly 6'. Just look over the gun and point it for all A zone hits just as fast as one could run the trigger. The hard part? 3 shots per instead of 2. I don't remember how many times I had to go back to a previously shot target to add another bullet to it.

A fun stage, a great way to warm the gun up in a very short time.

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Yup, at 3-6' sights aren't even required. Actually it's not difficult to extend that range even more and keep all shots in the A zone.

We had a stage this past weekend, a triangle with drums. Starting in the apex of the shooting box, 2 targets in front at point blank range 3 (! not 2) shots in every target. Back up and 4 more targets are presented, back up a bit more and another 4. The farthest shot was possibly 6'. Just look over the gun and point it for all A zone hits just as fast as one could run the trigger. The hard part? 3 shots per instead of 2. I don't remember how many times I had to go back to a previously shot target to add another bullet to it.

A fun stage, a great way to warm the gun up in a very short time.

That would be a fun stage. I remember shooting Carry Optics Div and only my 1st match. The Metric was 3' away and I missed Alphas, totally :surprise: . I think I was just aiming best I could and not using the dot at all. But the gun was new to me, as was the FF3. Had to come home and practice those close shots. Was surprised how low I was actually shooting, the first time I tried.

Lately I have been more in the A zone at close up shots, but took some practice. I wonder what would happen if the FF3 went out at a match? Maybe I could wing it and just aim and shoot :devil: .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, that stage was huge fun! I'd like to shoot it again. In fact, I asked if I could shoot it again just for kicks. :-) I didn't expect to hear a "Go ahead.", so I wasn't disappointed when I just got a smile back in answer. I think most shooters enjoyed that stage. In fact that entire match was just superb.

I think you'd be surprised at what you could do without sights. Many years ago (early '80s) I actually practiced that with a 1911. Not even looking over the gun. Just bringing the gun up to the hip and pointing it as in very close in shooting with the gun being in a protected hip position. It didn't take very long before I could hit the can every time at close range. So I just had to begin lengthening the distance. If it had been a metric I would have had most of my bullets in the A zone at 15 yards. Since it's not intended for that distance I stopped, but I just had to see what I could do with it... just because.

Folks were talking that day and one mentioned that there is a M or GM who shoots w/o sights on his gun at all.

In the military, during 'nam, they taught us "Quick kill". Because in the jungle it was basically whoever got off the first good shots won. QK involved a BB gun and no sights. The non shooter would throw a target into the air, and the shooter would just use instinct to hit it. At first the targets were fairly large, and as we got good they became dime size. It was all learned in a few hours- no more than that. That learned skill was put to good use when I came home and did bird shooting. The biggest problem was in shooting too fast and not having any bird left to collect. If I didn't throttle it back there would just be a bunch of feathers floating out of the air. :-)

Anyway, it can be done. I'd like to remove the sights from a handgun one day and try it.

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  • 2 months later...

This is the proper method. You should basically look straight through the sight with both eyes open and focus on the target, superimposing the dot onto the target.

Focus on the target with both eyes.

Bring the dot to the target.

Press the trigger, smile, repeat :)

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