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New Book


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The new book is going slowly, the site is taking quite a bit of time. I am sticking with, the site is giving me some ideas for topics that I hadn't planned on covering.

Also, I'm still considering the idea I posted on the old forum of posting new material on the site for download, maybe if you like it you could donate me a couple bucks through my online store...


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I am eagerly awaiting your new book Brian.

I have read your 1st book many times and each time I read through it I learn something new...

Maybe you could publish a book on the basics only

for us newbie shooters.

Most of the content in your 1st book is so advanced that it will take most shooters years just to realize what you are talking about, let alone incorporate it.

That is if they put away their "ego" long enough to truly understand it!!!

The better I become at shooting, its because I am getting better at doing the "basics".

Does this make sense???

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I am learning a lot from your book. As a shooter who is crossing over from another discipline, I can easily relate to the mental aspects of the game that you discuss. But I am struggling with abandoning old habits.

How about a chapter for us old PPC shooters like "An SVI Ain't Your Mamma's Wheelgun". Or maybe a chapter for Bullseye shooters like, "Stop Trying to Burn a Hole in the Front Sight With Your Eyes", or maybe, "Stop Thinking Trigger, Trigger, Trigger...".

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I was fortunate that when I started shooting IPSC a friend loaned me Brian's book. It changed  how I looked at shooting and learning in general. Understanding the first chapter will help both of you, Ron and Bird. It's about paying attention to what you do as you do it. This is the basics. Their really isn't a trick to shooting well. Once you understand 'Why' certain stances, grips, etc work, or at least help, all you need to do is go out and see what is happening and learn from it. Use them to point you in the right direction and then go beyond them.

Read 'Awareness and Focus' again but apply it to something else you learned or are learning to do, like driving or riding a bike. Look at the learning processes used, quite often they're treated different but really they're the same. You can't ask 'How do you pedal a bike?' or 'How hard do you brake coming into a corner?' You just do it a few times, and seemingly with no thoughts involved at all you can just do it on demand, without thinking about it. It just happens that way.

I dare you to try and drive to work tomorrow putting as much thought into it as you do shooting (wait a minute,  I take that back, I don't want to get sued when you drive off the highway)



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I'm for the installment plan too, Brian. Then you could have the added benefit of us wonders ;-) giving you feedback as your book is put together. Might even slow it down so that Ancient Publishing could earn its name...

No, seriously, a beginner's series (but really in depth) video tape would also be a wonderful tool, with maybe a section or two about how to convert from other disciplines where mostly shooting beginners come from (BE,PPC,etc), and an overview of the kinds of sports that are now available, and the Divisions, and what's the difference.

I guess the most important thing as far as myself as a beginner would be what bad habits to look out for and avoid picking up.

Also a routine of how train and practice, to work myself up to a dependable, decent stage where further instruction from a person such as yourself wouldn't involve un-learning bad habits. I think it would also make things less tedious for the instructor if the basics were done better from the beginning.

As you know, Brian, I'm in the biz so I could help you make a tape up, no problem. I don't think that students such as myself would be too worried about super duper video quality, so a mini-DV or similar quality camera would be just fine for production purposes, just like an informal video notebook of thoughts.

Save you all that writing... (lol) And it would get us beginners the tool we really need - something to stop us from picking up the bad habits we'd otherwise have to correct if we came to you at a later stage.



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Thanks for the offer and the encouragement Chris. I've often thought that I could put down some good stuff on a video. I said somewhere else on this forum - sometimes a video is worth a milliion words. If someone really pushed me, I might consider doing it.

I'm a total "ad-liber" though. I could probably come up with an outline, only to make sure I didn't leave anything out. And realistically, it would probably take two or three videos to cover even the basics...


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