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Friday Flame War


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I hate that people die every day and no one cares, but when it's a person that people have heard of, it's a big deal.

Guess what, dummies. You're all going to die, too... and you won't be on the news when it happens.

As much as it pains me to admit it, Heidegger is right... inauthentic bastards.

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On the office theme, I hate the weenies that want to whine and b***h about everything that goes on, and are always pointing out that everything's being done wrong..... but they never offer solutions, never recognize what's going right, and never admit that progress is made. They're also usually the ones you can't trust either with customers, or with upper management - or both.

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I hate that this is the lamest friday flame war I have ever read. What the H3LL are all those smiley faces doing in a flame war thread? Where are you people, off dry firing? Watching BSG? I would have thought by Saturday AM there would be good stuff to read....but there's NOTHING - even from the gunwriters - and they flame about everything 'cause they get paid to have opinions.....If I'd have known it would be this LAME, I would have saved my dentist post for Friday....SHEEEESH

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I couldn't post this until this morning.

I *************HATE************* hospitals, ERs, and reasons for having to be there. I also hate haughty ER reception workers. I hate that I was there last night, and I hate that I was there a month ago.

My wife's parents and grand parents came in to visit us last night for a one night stay over on their way out to Midland. At dinner, her grandmother fainted, and we had trouble reviving her. 911 was called, and she was taken to the ER. They kept her overnight, and will be keeping her until tomorrow morning. Luckily, it appears that everything is ok, and that she was just over tired and under fed (hadn't eaten since noon, and it was 9:30 - and her bed time is usually 8pm....)

A month ago, my wife (who's 34) went there thinking she was having a heart attack - they did all the same stuff to her that they did to her grandmother last night, except it took them 8 hours to get my wife through. Turns out to have been esophigitis or acid reflux or something like that.

<shiver> Hospitals just creep me out.....

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... but... but... I have nothing to bitch about!

My eBay items are selling.

My health has been unusually good.

I took first place in B-Class league last week.

My Sheriff's Newsletter (quarterly) went to press right on time, for once. :rolleyes:

I just celebrated 12 yrs' residency at my complex and the mg'ment gave me flowers.

All my guns are functioning flawlessly.

My computer is also functioning like a champ.

I manage to have a constant trickle of ad design clients (gun stuff).

Battlestar Galactica, I found, WILL be continued in July. :wub:

I have nearly 5,000 posts. (is that really worth celebrating...?) <_<

Now the bad news:

Petrol has gone up to $2.50 per gallon...!!! :angry:

My arthritis is still here. <_<

We're in the middle of a drought here and the local water supply is in danger. :ph34r:

We only have 29% of average snow-pack in the Cascades. :o

Local lakes look like muddy puddles--already. :blink:

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