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Shooting Gallery


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Yep, there were a couple of Farnham students at today's match that had enjoyed the episode from last night.

A lot of people are talking about "Shooting Gallery" and "Cowboys". These shows are of excellent quality and are helping to promote our sports.

I remember when NASCAR was a lot less popular that it is today. Good TV coverage has helped it immensely. America needs more active shooters. A lot more. We won't always have a President and a Congress that respect our rights. Popularity is our survival.

Please, if you watch these shows and enjoy them, zip over the the Outdoor Channel web site and send an e-mail to Jake Hartman, the Producer. These shows can and will have a positive impact on the numbers of people who come to our matches. The message I get is: "it's exciting and you can play too." Tell your friends and neighbors.

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Jeez, thanks guys! When we went to flilm John, he asked me what he could say. I said, "Dude! Be yourself."

I just got back from GUNSITE where one of the things we did was the interview with El Jefe, Jeff Cooper, that I always wanted to see done. There are all these people in Gun World that we sort of know; as much as possible I want to give them a forum to reach the larger audience (22 1/2 minutes isn't exactly a major caliber soapbox!).

Watch for Jim Cirillo, Ken Hackathorn, Rob Haugh, Wayne Novak...kind of reads like Opinions-R-Us, don't it? And I am always open to suggestions.

BE, you wanna do a show with me?

COWBOYS has turned into a huge success. I think a couple of episodes are going to be put up for Emmys this year; last year, SHOOTING GALLERY made the finals for a Telly (essentially a cable Emmy), only the third Outdoor Channel show — and the only one in its first season — to get that far.

My production team is in the process of overhauling AMERICAN RIFLEMAN TV, and we have a major documentary on Second Amendment issues, media bias and the shooting sports in the scripting stage.

More television is better, which is why I never insist on exclusivity when we come out to film. It's also why none of my shows charge "expenses" or weird fees for us to come out...exposure shouldn't hinge on whether you can pony up the bucks.

I'm going to try and ramp up at least one other shooting show for 2006...am badly in need of a clone!

Again, thanks!


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More is better no doubt. Congrats on the award. Several of us around Central KY don't miss a single show thanks to the DVR.

In case this infromation matters to you for some reason, other shows I watch in addition to Shooting Gallery are:

American Rifleman, Guns & Ammo TV, Shooting USA & their Sighting in series, History of the Gun series, and Mail Call. Your show and Scouten's show are my favorites, G&A and American Rifleman to a lesser extent(these shows need some character enhancement, especially AR).

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man, I hope you can turn American Rifleman around. The two guys sitting at the table hosting it seems like nice fellows but they come across awful flat and dull. And the show seems to try and pack too many sections in and doesn't really do anything well. Thats one thing I liked about Shooting Gallery and all the other new shows, single topics. Take one thing and give it 22 1/2 minutes so you can do an okay job of it.

Any chance of seeing any of the shows extend to an hour format? 45 minutes of coverage, especially for the major events (Nationals, EOT, etc etc) would be even better than 22 1/2.


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I love Shooting Gallery. I really liked the Steel Challenge coverage, especially where TGO misses the 4th plate on 5 to Go about 4 times. I thought to myself, "Hell, I can do that!"

Ordered some Steel Challenge targets to start practicing for 2006. Great show.

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Keep on keepin' on, Mike! My buck fifty ala carte Outdoor Channel is doing it for me. I make the happy sound whenever the TiVo has a new Shooting Gallery in the list. :)

Twist BE's arm. Hard.

- Gabe

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<head up, arms up happy dance (the most maximum of the happy dances)> Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy

Do we all get to be on the show too? Here's an idea for a scene: Just a one-on-one interview for several minutes with you and the BE, then BE says something really pithy and you nod quietly as the camera pans around to the left and there are several hundred forum members kneeling on the ground kow-towing and chanting "we're not woooorthy, we're not woooorthy'. Then you pan back and continue the interview like nothing happened.

That would be sweet. :)


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