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Weak handed shooting?


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also, many people tilt the gun sideways kinda like that ghetto gangster thing but a much better technique is to rotate your left elbow CCW so that your wrist, forearm, elbow & bicep are now all in line with the gun. You will find it much easier to keep shots from going high right since now the gun will tend to recoil straight back as opposed to up and to the right ....

Edited by Nimitz
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Personally I have always shot with both eyes open, eyes find a natural point of focus and I can see the front site. My dad and I used to challenge each other at the range shooting weak handed... Found that I was considerably better with both eyes open than trying to pick one or the other.

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Right hand shooter, right eye dominant here.

When I shoot WHO, I tilt the gun inwards by 45 degrees. This 1) gets the sights in front of my dominant eye, and 2) keeps my wrist neutral and the gun parallel with my forearm, which helps a lot with recoil.

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I cant the gun just a bit as well. I've also fairly recently subscribed to the "off foot back" technique. I've read several places that it helps control recoil and I've confirmed that for me it's true.

Not saying it's for everyone, but I believe it has helped me so I do it now. Try it both ways and decide for yourself.

The only thing that's absolutely crucial is that you don't add time in doing so. The step back MUST be coincidental (in time) with the draw or other movement needed to get you shooting. Otherwise it can only be categorized as auxiliary movement... no good.

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Last Thursday we had a stage that was 6 shots freestyle, reload, 6 shots strong hand, reload, 6 shots weak hand. I had time to rehearse this in my mind before it was my turn and the stage went well for me.

On the one-handed strings, I remembered to tuck my non-shooting hand the way I had practiced, but I kept my stance wide and did not shift my feet.

My reloads were some of my better ones and I hit only A's. I did not try to go fast but focused on crisp execution. This put me 30th out of 71 shooters (all divisions and classes) for that stage.

Two months ago I would not have performed anywhere near that well on a stage like this. The time I've put into weak-handed dry fire has certainly helped.

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the same one you use for all other pistol shooting ...

Unless you're ambidextrous and can use either eye.....

I'm a natural lefty, who shoots righty.....

I naturally prefer to use the right eye, but can shift to the left -- discovered it during a match with a weird position, where shooting righty with right eye lined up I couldn't hit a partially hidden popper. Unable to move farther left, I shifted the gun and eye, and then it was easy....

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Right-handed, left-eye dominant. My right eye is better acuity, though. I shoot right-handed, right-eyed, with my left eye closed.

For WHO, I'm also tilting inboard 30+ degrees. It just seems to line everything up better. I THINK I learned the technique from Rob Leatham's Shooter Ready video when I was a teenager.

I shoot the Weaver Stance, so my feet are the same, mostly, for WHO, as they are for two-handed shooting. It's my SHO that has me shifting my feet when able.

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  • 1 month later...

I keep the same aiming eye for strong/weak hand shooting, but I'm wondering if any of you guys change your foot placement when you go to support-hand-only shooting?

Yes, I turn my feet to at least 45* angle. For me, I feel more stable in that I can lean into a position like I do when shooting with both hands on the gun. Your results may be different.

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I keep the same aiming eye for strong/weak hand shooting, but I'm wondering if any of you guys change your foot placement when you go to support-hand-only shooting?

Yes, I turn my feet to at least 45* angle. For me, I feel more stable in that I can lean into a position like I do when shooting with both hands on the gun. Your results may be different.

I know someone who is going to be pretty damn good SH only soon.

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I have also been struggling with this and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. At 25 yds.WHO my shots will consistently shoot way right. I am right handed. Once I move in to 18yds they will all be A's and close C's. Am I applying too much finger? Will dry fire help?

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I keep the same aiming eye for strong/weak hand shooting, but I'm wondering if any of you guys change your foot placement when you go to support-hand-only shooting?

I do. Right hand shooting, right foot forward, left hand in a fist on my chest. Don't remember who taught that but for sure it was someone better than me......at the time. Left hand.. left foot forward.etc

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also, many people tilt the gun sideways kinda like that ghetto gangster thing but a much better technique is to rotate your left elbow CCW so that your wrist, forearm, elbow & bicep are now all in line with the gun. You will find it much easier to keep shots from going high right since now the gun will tend to recoil straight back as opposed to up and to the right ....

I tried this yesterday and it does work. Gun recoils straight back and slightly up. I was able to keep 3 out of 4 shots in the A zone at 25yds. Thanks Nimitz.

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