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New Tactical Journal


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I just received the new IDPA Tactical Journal. In it you will find additional commentary on the new rule book by Ken Hackathorn and a question and answer article by Massad Ayoob featuring Bill Wilson. Ken even has a new “put on your happy face” picture.



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Now we have Ken's "Don't let the door hit you" article to add to Bill's "Yea me!" letter from earlier.

Oh joy.

And what a hard-hitting, informative and eye-opening interview! I don't know about anybody else, but boy howdy I'll tell ya, all my concerns have been addressed.

- Gabe

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Now we have Ken's "Don't let the door hit you" article to add to Bill's "Yea me!" letter from earlier.

Oh joy.

And what a hard-hitting, informative and eye-opening interview! I don't know about anybody else, but boy howdy I'll tell ya, all my concerns have been addressed.

- Gabe

Seemed kinda' strange to me that Tactical Journal HIRED Ayoob to conduct the interview. Why couldn't Bill just say what was on his mind??

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Had to create an appearance of credibility by hiring someone to write the article.


They pay a writer, people bitch about that.

Yeah, that's the problem. They paid a writer. Way to cut to the heart of it there.

haven's seen the mag yet, so can't comment about the content though.

Seems to me like you just did...

- Gabe

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How about the article about 'USPSA Production: The Other IDPA' (maybe not exact quote) I don't know who these articles are written addressing because I feel like they would go over a lot of peoples heads, with all the abbreviationsa and shorthand in it, even though it was directed toward new shooters.

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Are these available online to all or are they a member only benefit of IDPA?

Members only, thank you.

The article provided a little more insight to Bill's thinking. He seems to really believe that the changes move the sport more towards the original goal of "defensive" shooting. He lays out reasoning about why they set the weight limit in SSP, why the chages in the revolver world, and why the holster rules change.

I agree with him. The only problem I have is that the holster thing has the potential to be a major FUBAR. This stuff about "No light in the belt tunnel", then "use some common sense" is going to be the source of some serious frustration. It seems like 2 rules; 3/4" max gun to side and hold the gun vertical should really cover all but the most oddly shaped people ( :blink: ).

There was tacit acknowledgement that he really screwed the pooch in the way they rolled the rules out. I think Bill got the point about not trying to slam stuff out to the membership. He said he talked with quite a few folks about the changes, and he probably did, then he decided to move. Typical behavior for a successful businessman!

There were also some swipes at us internet guys. I don't remember the exact quote, but it was clear he felt that the internet posters were a small, but vocal minority, and seemed to have power way out of proportion of their numbers. I would prefer to think that we are thought leaders and we set the tone for the thought processes that the other less post happy lurkers consider. B)

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Guess they can't win.

people bitch that there are no paid writers in the TJ.

They pay a writer, people bitch about that. :)

haven's seen the mag yet, so can't comment about the content though.

I have never bitched about not having paid writers.

I am suspicious when the first and only time they hire a writer is to address a subject as controversial as the new rules and the same people (person) paying that writer is the same person trying to win everyone over to his point of view. That pretty much meets the definition of propaganda.

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Insiders are insiders and outsiders are outsiders. Insiders are businessmen, they are not your friend. Their goal is not to build something so you can enjoy yourself. Their goal is build something that they benifit from. There is nothing wrong with that, it is human nature.

The first problem stems from one or both sides forgetting that is the case.

The second problem is denying that is the case.



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The article was well written. He should have hired a professional to rewrite the rule book. Maybe there would have been less problems.

When an olive branch is offered, don't hit them with it ;)

USPSA will have a lot more revolver shooters this year. I know I will be shooting more IPSC clubs than IDPA clubs.

Thanks to IDPA for waking me up.


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I have never bitched about not having paid writers.


I was trying to make a joke, (hence the smiley face) but I guess it didn't go over well. In another thread people were bitching about the meager content of the TJ ( which is true enough) and the means to correct it, which was to pay professional writers to submit articles. I thought that thread and this one together was funny, guess I was the only one.

Swing and a miss......

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I was trying to make a joke, (hence the smiley face) but I guess it didn't go over well. In another thread people were bitching about the meager content of the TJ ( which is true enough) and the means to correct it, which was to pay professional writers to submit articles. I thought that thread and this one together was funny, guess I was the only one.

Swing and a miss......

Sorry I misunderstood.

I've spent way more keyboard time than I have trigger time since this rule book issue came up. I guess I need to go back to the trigger time and get a life..... B)

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I was trying to make a joke, (hence the smiley face) but I guess it didn't go over well.---Ted Murphy

Unfortunately, your joke sounded like many of your recent posts. So, I didn't see the humor in it either.



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USPSA will have a lot more revolver shooters this year. I know I will be shooting more IPSC clubs than IDPA clubs.

Thanks to IDPA for waking me up.


If it's all about the game for you you may in fact be happier in uspsa. My guess is the principles of IDPA didn't mean much to you in the first place.

Good luck!

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