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Giving up FAT and Spices


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Well my doc was pumping me full of Nexium for a year thinking I had ulcers but had a HIDA isotope scan with CCK injection for gall bladder function. Seems that pain that doubles me over and sends me to the emergency clinic is my gall bladders inability or rather ability to retain bile once its called upon. I still pass the bile, but in crunch time (high fats, oils, spices) there is a higher degree of constriction function. Control is to essentially adopt a diet that tastes like dirt.....Gonna miss sausage, salsa on eggs, ice cream, pesto, corn dogs, double grande breve mochas........did I say sausage??

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Just get the bastard removed. :D Here's a pic of mine being taken out: http://users.adelphia.net/~leslieclutterha...ecystectomy.jpg

Is that a laproscopy? 3-4 little incisions? I dunno, if it gets to where the quality of life is miserable consistently I will have it done.

Yessir. One cut—the biggest—at the bottom of my belly button, one about an inch below my sternum (ended up looking like I got shot, so there's a cool factor there), and two ittle-bittle ones on my right side. I had a gargantuan gallstone and my liver enzyme levels were all over the place, which is what prompted the surgery. I had my first attack and went to the doctor. Got bloodwork done and they called me back REAL quick-like to set up the surgery.

Uber-greasy foods go through me like shit through a goose, but I ain't doubled over in pain.

Got to the hospital at 6a and left at 5:45p. I had issues afterwards, but none were complications due to the surgery (muscle spasms in the muscles between ribs affected my ability to breath... trip to the ER ensued... probably resulted from the way I was holding my body to keep the cut muscles from moving too much).

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My wife and father-in-law both had their gall bladders removed due to stones. Same symptoms and same triggers. Once they had them out, no more pain. Wife has nearly indetectable scars from the small incisions that were neccesary for surgery. She was up and about a few days after the surgery.


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I had to go on a diet like that for acid reflux. You know its bad when you ride by a nice field of grass and you get jealous because the cows are eating better than you do. On the other hand, if you go hungry long enough, water and one of those granola bricks taste pretty good. :D

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Have you had an ultrasound done to see if you've got a gallstone(s)? If fat's getting to you that quickly, that's the next step. Also, have a blood test done to see what your liver enzymes are at. Finally, if your current doc won't do it, find a new doc ASAP.

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Have you had an ultrasound done to see if you've got a gallstone(s)? If fat's getting to you that quickly, that's the next step. Also, have a blood test done to see what your liver enzymes are at. Finally, if your current doc won't do it, find a new doc ASAP.

Done it all. Enymes for pancreas, liver etc all normal. Ultrasound reveals no thickening of the gall bladder. I ended up sending the HIDA scan to my Dad and his group (radiologists) and they diagnosed it pretty quickly.....acalculus coliocyscopathy, which is just a way of saying I dont eliminate all the bile (retention). HIDA scans if not done right (administer the cck enzyme too fast) will result in pain and nausea for anyone regardless of a problem. It would be good if it was the sphincter of odi in the common bile duct, spasming, as a sphincterotomy would fix it right up.

I am a firm believer in organs staying put, at least until its life threatening. Current anecdotal medical thought is to yank everything, but my Dad feels that for long term intestinal health its better to leave it in. Hes the same guy that fought surgeons taking out spleens and appendix'. Hes been in the biz for 40 years plus and feels that with spiraling costs of mal-insurance, alot of doctors are quick to recommend organ removal, as thats where the money is.

I can live without the crap in my diet. When it gets to the point that my quality of life really sux with pain, regardless of diet, then I will have a laproscopy. I know pain as I have had 2 kidney surgeries and about 100+ kidney stones. That gall pain is right up there... :o

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On the bright side: After not eating spices for a while, your taste receptors will recalibrate and you'll be able to enjoy all the subtle flavors that most people don't know exist B)


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