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Ironman trooper division questions

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read the Trooper Div rules on the MGMironman website.

At the range, there will be a conex or building designated as the Trooper check point. Troopers start and end the day at the check point each day.

The ammo cache can is left at the Trooper check point. Your gear and guns (other then NFA) are stored at the trooper check point over night.

What you start the match with is all you have for the entire match. No last minute running back to your car for anything.

Trooper is a division for those who are self sufficient and not holding the match up because they forgot something in their car. If you didnt bring it, tuff, you don't get to have it.

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i have read the rules:

  • For the MGM Ironman match the shooter will have one ammo can in which they may store extra ammunition, spare parts, spare firearms, food, etc for re-supply during the match. Shooter will provide their own ammo can which will be a Tall .50 BMG can (7"x12"x9") or smaller (less than 756 cubic inches)
  • Troopers will participate in all physical challenges including but not limited to the zip-line and tower climb. Stage descriptions should denote optional actions for other classes that are required for trooper.
my question is when can we access the ammo can? i did not know where it was until the above post by nguy.... now i see it is at the conex box. so can we only access the ammo can in the AM or the PM or can we go back during the day (albeit carrying all of our gear)? this is where my confusion stemmed from.


Edited by eddiegunks
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You can access the ammo can at anytime. Per the rules you must carry all your gear when moving, except during the stage and to go to lunch if on the range. Last year I had to hump it back to the shack. Wont make that mistake again. For some reason I underestimated my 9mm needs that day.

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I would add: you can go back to the Trooper check point at anytime with all of your gear, just so long as you do not hold up your squad on a stage.

This is why I suggested having enough ammo in pack and mags to shoot 6 stages worth of ammo each day.

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perfect. now i get it. thanks

i am more and more excited to try this. sounds like a great time. lets hope my SG holds up for the match......i only have one! i will begin to practice the best mothod for carrying and work on jy physical fitness.

are chest rigs the way to go for mags etc?



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It's not that far at all. They used to have a stage up on the hill as you drove in that was a hike to get to. Now everything is pretty much on the main range. No more than 3-4 miles, but I'm bad at estimating distance.

Almost forgot. There was another reason I only used pistol instead of a PCC. If for some reason your gear breaks down and you have to come out of Trooper, like needing that replacement shotgun. If you've used a gun that isn't legal in Open (i.e. PCC) you're out of luck and are shooting for no score. Keep it all Open legal and you will just get bumped to Open. You lose some of the benefits of shooting in Trooper, like free reign to pretty much shoot whatever you want, but still have all the challenge of planning and packing the gear around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No matter how well you prepare your going to get there and think of something else or a better way. I have shot Ironman several times and last year was my 1st try at Trooper. I had a solid plan, carried 2 shottys, a pistol, a PCC, AR223, AR308, extra parts, ammo, have a great pack that I use year around for hunting/backpacking and learned a TON from watching the "experienced" troopers.

I didn't do all that great, landing somewhere in the middle of the pack and had more fun than 99% of the matches I have ever shot.

Just figure out what guns you want to shoot and go have fun. The best advice on here so far is to pack 2 shotguns.

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