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I know that I said that I would move forward since the rules are now finalized. I said that it is time to focus on shooting and not the politics. Then I received this in my email today and I signed it as signature number 6 of the petition. Whether changes get made or not it is still important to register my oppinion on the subject. I think that there are many here that feel the same way. This was the enclosed email:

"FYI Rick

Greeting Pistoleros!

As many of you know IDPA HQ has released the Final revision of the 2005 rulebook.

While the new rule book has provided much needed clarification for many of the rules, there has been great debate over some of the new rule change wording.

HQ has responded by making revisions and corrections and has now claimed the rules Final. Wisconsin IDPA feels there are still some minor wording changes required to clarify the rules and ensure the consistency of rules enforcement. The major concern has to do with Equipment rules. The current wording is too subjective. It now possible for you to participate in one match and be considered Legal, and yet go to another match with the same equipment and be DQ’ed. HQ has proposed that rather than clarifying the wording, we use common sense in enforcing the rules. Unfortunately every club is likely to have a slightly different view on the “Spirit of the Game” when it comes to rule enforcement. What we are asking for are a couple of minor wording changes that would clarify the equipment rules and ensure more consistency nation wide.

To view our proposals go to http://www.PetitionOnline.com/WISIDPA/petition.html and read our petition to Bill Wilson. If you agree please sign the Petition.

To Comment on the petition or propose any other rules wording concerns visit the Wisconsin IDPA forms and post your ideas at www.wisconsinidpa.com.

Mark Miller

Ripon IDPA"

I know that it says Wisconsin guys, but we are all in this together.

Rick Ingle

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it might be too little too late, but they should know that it still doesn't set well with many of us. 


Exactly. It IS too little too late. HQ hasn't listened to their membership from day one, so why should they start now? Fact of the matter is that IDPA is Bills little baby he can do with it what he sees fit, even if he doesn't receive a dime from it. Had he and his blue-ribbon panel REALLY asked for the input from the membership, Do you think the rulebook would be such the joke it is now? :P

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Rufus, if for no other reason than I wrote 3 letters to HQ while they were taking feedback. I still feel like I did then. It's America and I can and will express my views. Mark Miller started the petition, I just absolutely agree with it. That is why I signed it. You very well may be right but just rolling over and pretending that they didn't step on many of us shooters would be worse. The thing that also gets to me is that the goal of the sport was to shoot what you really carry. Many who carry with a particular holster now can't use it to compete.

I could go on and on about this issue and I have. I just won't waste everyone's time this evening with the arguements. The point is if you believe in the petition sign it. If you don't - it's American, no one is going to make you. The choice is yours. If you are one of the people that felt like HQ was ignoring your voice this is another way to be heard. Now, who is going to stand up with me and others and speak the truth?

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