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The El Prez Contingency


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Since the Sub-3 El Prez has certain people really excited, let's put some money on the deal and give the workers a little reward at the end of the tunnel. I think it would be fun if we could put together a kitty on par with the STI contingency.

I'll start by throwing $20 in the hat for the guy that does it first. Who else is in? Don't ask me how we'll keep track of all the money. Maybe I can start a pay pal account with all the donations going to the contingency. Ideas?


Anyway, here's the deal. Winner takes the pot who:

- Shoots a sub 3 El Prez, as it is defined

- Does it on camera

- There can be no cuts or interruptions of footage between beep, showing the timer, and doing a close up on the targets to show hits.

I'm not too keen on any 4 hits on paper. How about no more than 6 points down? That's half Charlies.

Whaddaya think? The El Prez contest will certainly make 2005 interesting. And I'm almost postive that I will be giving away my money this year. I can feel it. :)

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For now, everyone is on their honor to cough up when the rent comes due:

Moi: $50 cash + $50 in grip tape.

Dale: $50

Dr. Kevin Jones: $50

Bill Seevers: $2K :lol:


Grand Total: Not much yet :lol:

Dig deep people. Jake's gonna need a new holster after he melts his old one.

Edit: OK I'll make it seem like $100. I'll pony up $50 plus two packs of grip tape to the winner.

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For now, everyone is on their honor to cough up when the rent comes due:

Moi: $50 cash + $50 in grip tape.

Dale: ??


Grand Total: Not much yet :lol:

Dig deep people. Jake's gonna need a new holster after he melts his old one.

Edit: OK I'll make it seem like $100. I'll pony up $50 plus two packs of grip tape to the winner.

Okay, you raised me from $20 to $50. I might have to try this circus trick just to get my money back. If you want to set up the PayPal account I'll send the money up front. Otherwise you'll just have to trust my Kentucky Colonel Samurai word on it. :D

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Not to throw a wet blanket over this idea, but I can imagine all kinds of bad things coming out of this ....maybe I am a pessimist, but I think the possible downsides outweigh the upsides..

How about no cash prize, but a pistol of their choice within the monetary range of the donations...people do stupid things for money....and a little less stupid for prizes...

Just a thought... ;)

How are you going to verify the deed when someone claims the prize...

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I can imagine all kinds of bad things coming out of this ....maybe I am a pessimist, but I think the possible downsides outweigh the upsides..

Such as? What am I missing? How can it be "worse" than STI offering a cash prize for winning Nats?

The "verification" is listed above:

- Does it on (video) camera

- There can be no cuts or interruptions of footage between beep, showing the timer, and doing a close up on the targets to show hits.

If there's some gigantic liability issue I'm missing, I may make some revisions. But I just feel like there needs to be a carrot out there and I'm willing to pony up a small amount of cash to see that happen. It's a goal I am either years away from or will probably never hit, and I would LOVE to see someone do it. :)

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I've done a little thinking, thanks to Tightloop's prompting. It does seem to make the project a little mercenary. So, how about we donate the "contingency" whatever that dollar figure may be, to the USPSA Junior program in the name of the winner?

I think there's a fear of a bunch of blind squirrels out there hosing away in front of a video camera for hours on end in search of the nut. We'll just remove the incentive in lieu of bragging rights and maybe send a Junior to Camp Shootout.

How 'bout them apples?

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Also, most of the players are close the the Ohio area, and we are running the El Prez in the Ohio match (June 17-19). So, we might be able to use the match as a venue in some capacity? I know that Jake, Steve and Matt T. will be there.

I don't know if we can run it as a side match, as I might already have us locked in for mono-y-mono steel shoot-offs.

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I agree. Very good point. (Thank god people are looking out for me on this)

Random timer beeps it is. :)


Jake made a very good point, that the winner should be able to donate the money to whomever they choose. I can see it, since it *is* the shooters sweat equity here, but all of the donors to the contingency will need to agree to this, so I'll let them post if this option is kosher with them. I will let Jake announce his choice in his own time. For the other contenders, I would still suggest the USPSA Juniors program as the recipient of choice.

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